Why he kept the bandana if the point was to disguise himself?

Why he kept the bandana if the point was to disguise himself?

Infinite Ammo, duh.

who's that?

doctors can wear bandanas, what's the problem?

Real scientists wear bandanaa to keep the sweat out of their eyes when they're mixing beakers with brightly colored liquids and collecting lightning for their Frankenstein monsters.

It’s a zany Japanese game and should not be take seriously

He wears a bandana in his ID Picture

dr snake lol

real science guys wear tight bandannas to keep their brains from swelling

So what if Snake keeps his Hidden Leaf headband on while in disguise?? He uses chakra to hide it and it's only visible to the player anyway.

I don't know why you'd post an image of just some regular doctor. You might as well have used an image of a plain brick wall at this point.

fuck is up with that floating doctor coat

>ID clearly shows bandana in the employee photo


What bandana? All I see is a normal scientist.

Because Snake is autistic user

This shit pissed me off. The first thing I noticed was the bandana so I figured that the disguise wasn't complete. I put on the Raikov mask and figured that it was good enough. Go figure that putting on the mask is basically a dead giveaway the second you enter the building and I could not figure out what the hell I was doing wrong for the longest time.

What if Snake summoned his sutando?

>That bandana on the ID

A scientist.

>Putting on the mask is why I was getting caught all the time
Explains why I ended up getting the alligator rank.....

That is exactly the same thing that happened to me. I didn't even notice the ID photo until I actually took a close look at it in the Survival Viewer. I felt like kind of a idiot.

What kind of shitty science factory wouldn't let their workers wear bandanas?

haha lol

I thought it was a mechanic similar to hitman so I was trying to stay away from the other scientists

At least we didn't pull a DSP and bring an AK to the wrong tanker room

to match his picture of course

because it is a CLOWN series for incel faggots who never heard of the Illuminati before they based their life around playing this SHIT

Tell me why do you wear the bandana

you sound like a faggot good job

Why would a doctor need a disguise?

Post the video


Why was the bandana in MGS V so shitty?
It looked like plastic.

kojimas a hack

It's the 60s mann

....everything ok ?

>he doesnt wear a bandana at work
Lmaoing at your life


is this what i think it is?


What are you talking about? That is just a doctor. Sage for non-vydia.


>I put on the Raikov mask and figured that it was good enough. Go figure that putting on the mask is basically a dead giveaway the second you enter the building
it is? I never had problems with it. I still do it

the little things make everything better

The ID card has the bandana so it's fine. It would be more suspicious otherwise.

Ayo nigga da luminatty be keepin da black man down yo

More importantly, how did Eva already have an ID for you?

The thing he killed looks a bit Starship Trooper-ish

It's one of the starship troopers CGI movies. I'm pretty sure that's meant to be Rico with the eye patch

Huh, for some reason I was kinda reminded of the Resident Evil CGI movies. Is this one worth watching?

>how did Eva already have an ID for you
Really, user? She's Tatiana, of course she'll manage to find an ID.

>tfw geniuenly didn't realised who Tatiana is at first
I'm just as autistic as Snake

Because 3 is the worst of the Solid games.

more like the FIRST

I was spoiled on that twist, but I'm not sure if I would have realized it myself, honestly.
