Remember that game you played as a child and how fun it was

>Remember that game you played as a child and how fun it was
>Play it again years later as an adult and it's terrible

What's her name Sup Forums

The original Legend of Zelda and Pokemon

kingdom hearts 2.......
the story is still good
but the combat is shit though the inclusion of a simple dodge mechanic could have fixed it.

All of them

super star wars the empire strikes back

every nintendo game

Ocarina of Time

World of Warcraft

>game you really like comes into the spotlight again as a "this retro game is SHIT" shtick
;_; Beavis and Butthead is not shit!



pokemon games, I just can't make myself play after beating the first gym, feels insanely boring

Sonic Adventure 2.

Sonic 06
Was actually the first sonic game I played when I was like 8. Thought it was great.

Legend of Haven call of the king, that or Sonic Heroes.
>but the combat is shit though the inclusion of a simple dodge mechanic could have fixed it.
>can jump, dodge roll, aerial dodge, glide, block and fucking dash due to drive forms and feels better to control
>story for KH 2 is good when it helps bring the shitty complex crap
Reverse order man.

if you think games get worse with age you are a certified numale

learn how to read

You might be retarded

The original .hack. It filled me with such feelings of wonder, I wish they would remake it and add some polish to the actual gameplay.

Pokemon Blue

futurama for the OG xbox, serious sam, SM64, ocarina of time, oldschool runescape

Wow way to go certified nu-male

Most of the shit just seemed better than it actually was because our brains were underdeveloped and there was nothing better at the time. I'll never understand Nostalgiafags.

That game you liked

I'm trying to play this, it's just not a very good game.

Mortal Kombat

Etrian Odessey is very overrated.

>pirate and boot up old ps2 game
>terrible english voice acting
God I love this

I tried to go back and replay Megaman Legends and fuck me the controls are just so awful, the worst part is that I bet the gameplay holds up fine

N64 Rare. Jet Force Gemini, Donkey Kong 64, Conker's Bad Fur Day, Goldeneye 64.

Banjo, Perfect Dark and Diddy Kong Racing aged well

FIFA 99.
Sorry, Bergkamp.

Sonic Heroes and Shadow the hedgehog

>first two levels were snow and ice levels
Some how i beat the game as a kid.

Jazz jack rabbit and I remember playing it thinking was better than sonic and Mario. WTF happen old me?

company of heroes 1


Jesus replaying the game on the ps4 is so bad. Literally every 60 feet is a door and a loading screen for the next section. Its tiring asf.

This game is basically unplayable without an emulator. I don't know how kid me could stand it.

yoda stories

Played Dead Rising on my big brother's xbox when I was 7 and had a blast slicing and dicing zombies. Tried it again earlier this year on Steam and was bored out of my mind.

>Remember that game you played as a child and how fun it was
>Play it again years later as an adult and it's even better than what you remember
What's her name Sup Forums

dumbest comment in the thread


Simpson's Hit & Run.
Weirdly enough Road Rage is still amazing though.

DMC4's flaws were still flaws when it released, it was a clearly unfinished game. This is why I want DMC5 so badly, it just needs to be DMC4 but an actual full game.

vanilla wow

Castlevania Circle of the Moon

Metroid Prime

>enjoy playing hide and seek
>don't enjoy it as an adult
same things applies to vidya

Metroid Fusion

>can't play 30 minutes without a retarded navigation room
>game is linear as fuck regardless, exacerbating the handholding even more

>he doesn't play competitive hide and seek

baka desu senpai

You'd still enjoy playing hide and seek if you weren't a tryhard "big boy"

Fuck, that game fucking sucks

hide and seek is still fun faggot

Call of Duty 2

Are you retarded

this is why you're still a virgin

i used to love SA2 and not think much of SA but as i got older i ended up liking SA way more

None. I had great taste in games as a child and that hasn't changed.

>Remember that game you didn't even play but just watched your rich neighbor play over his shoulder
>Can't remember the games name and still have a weird insatiable thirst to actually play it instead of just watching
It was a top down shooter, same kind of perspective as Binding Of Isaac and at the end you fight some big floating head I think
If you're out there and know the name of the game please

>Calling the KH2 story good and the gameplay bad

Are you from the bizarro world?


nigga don't remind me
>play hide and seek with my friends
>go to a good place
>not even 5 minutes they are playing another round
>they forgot about me
being the third wheel is never fun

Games definitely can get worse with age since new advancements can make shit done back then look awful

But more importantly, as a kid it's way easier to forgive or simply not notice a game's faults while it's a lot easier as an adult.


I don't think this has ever happened to me.
Even as a kid I knew some of the games I enjoyed were kinda shitty, so it didn't suprise me when I confirmed that later on

I think its still fun and I get fucked whenever I like

>he says while shitting his pants in his mommy's basement
If anything women will think you're a chad for playing hide and seek instead of video games

It doesn't matter if certain designs and mechanics improve over time, that doesn't retroactively make the old games worse. And honestly, there haven't been too many significant leaps in technology over the years when it comes to games. it's all still the same formula of shit for each genre, only with a new gimmick thrown in here and there. unless you're just a grafix fag in which case who gives a fuck

World of Warcraft

SHOGO Mobile Armor Division. Really aged like milk.

Literally every game.

Twinsens Odyssey, I guess I just found that beating up my pregnant gf was fun, it's not that fun today

Mario Party in general.


Hmmmmm, I'd say Smash TV.
I also remember Robotron 64 had a big face on the menu.

MGS 1, it was too difficult for me as a kid. Same thing with quite a few other games from that period but I'm guessing its because I have google and youtube walkthroughs now.

>remember that funny youtube series I used to watch when I was younger
>look it up again
>realize it fucking sucks

Dead Rising is a classic shut the fuck up

It was for PC

I too pretend all of my dead online games are actually still active.

which was it for you?

The Stupid Mario Bros by Rich Alvarez

Tried showing it to a friend and it just wasn't the same

>Mario 2
>Ocarina of Time
>Super Metroid
>Mario Kart 64
>Metroid Prime
>Mario Sunshine
have i become an adult and grown out of literal child garbage?


I haven't watched those guys in almost a decade. Part of me wants to revist but I have a gut feeling I'll cringe at the dated humor. I'm amazed they're still making them to this day.

I'm drunk and you hurt my feelings :(

what do you play now

Pretty much all 5th gen games are shit to me for some reason. Not sure why.


Same. I was a bit let down to find out they were remastering GU instead. I figure this needs it more.

Simpsons Skateboarding

I actually haven't played it again since I was a kid but I found out when i was older that the game got poor reviews even though I kinda liked it.

Golden axe 3
I loved played as blue tiger in childhood but played it a while ago, it was really clunky and controls sucked.
but on the contrary bare knuckle was as good as I remembered

What version of the game are you playing? I dunno if either one is much better than the other but the controllers for the two systems are very different.

Not exactly a child but when brutal legend first came out I absolutely adored it.
Then I got it on PC recently to play again and... it was just pretty fucking shit.
Music is still great though and the characters are fun, but that gameplay was awful.

Pic related

Kingdom Hearts

Do you mean vanilla in particular? The game is very different from how it used to be if we're counting the expansions.

not the point of the post dumb faggot

all those are still awesome.

Literally stellar though. Haven't seen that game in forever, im surprised you were able to play it on that XBOXHUEG controller.

>Go back to play Croc 1
>The music is perfect
>The graphics are still nice and quirky