TF2 thread

Spy is my least played class with a total of 10 hours and I picked expert spy contract. What was I thinking?

I dont know either user, sounds like a real dumb decision

The alternative was expert medic which relies heavily on your pub teammates and expert sniper, the class that makes me feel like fun-hating scum .

It'll build character

>friend wants me to help him with his 2fort contract
>doing an engineer contract so what the hell
>finish my contract early into the match because retards scouts
>team has a bunch of furfags on it
>Tlyer the fox, Trixie the fox, that sort of shit
>Hes afk in spawn
>put of a vote kick because hey, hes been idle for 5 minutes
>shouts over the mic "Do you fucking mind? IM TRADING"
>why aren't you in a trade server if you're trading then?
>Hes our medic and we have a bunch of people coming across the bridge
>Dude can you please hurry up or like stop the trade for a second and help us defend?
>Im out in the courtyard whacking my sentry like it insulted my mother as a heavy and medic walk in
>get on the mic
>"Someone help me defend i cant hold them off much longer!"
>heavy gets ubered
>Sentry goes down and i get mowed down because random crits
>The death camera shows all the furfags in spawn dancing
>"Can you guys go defend please?"
>Votekick against me pops up
>my friend sticks up for me
>I get kicked
>He gets kicked

i love tf2

Yeah I guess you wanted to go with something that relied on your skill alone(thats not sniper). Oh well, good luck user!

Furfags are not human

What is it about TF2 that draws so many furfags and legitimate autists in? I still remember the video of the one dude who was literally bawling because a girl didn't want to add him as a friend. Some like ChoZo are at least funny but they're more of an exception.

>votekicking on CTF
You had it coming.

Somehow I managed to be MVP before I even managed to dominate someone. But man, am I bad at spy. Those 5 kills in one life I can only get thanks to other people's stupidity.

It's the only current fps that lets you dick around without consequence. That being said, they need to stick to their own servers instead of shitting up pubs

The options for self expression, especially name/desc tags and the decal cosmetics/objector, appeal to these people that nobody actually wants to listen to as an avenue for forcing their expression onto others.
t. projecting autist

>be mvp has spy
could you get to that stage and then switch class at the end of the round and still get that? i fucking hate playing spy because theres pyros fucking everywhere now

I suspect you could, it only checks at the end of the round.


I somehow managed to complete my Expert Medic contract over a single game of Dustbowl because I ended up on a non-retard team, but have yet to do any bonus objectives in my regular contract just because the requisites are so fucking grindy.
I swear the difficulty curve on these contracts is so fucked sometimes.

>so I told BLU heavy to lie on the floor
>he actually did it

>Backburner + Thermal Thruster
>Nothing personal, kid
I hope he had pepper to go with his salt

Quick Sup Forums, name my Degreaser

Amputator contract is just sadistic.

"The useless piece of shit nerfed into oblivion"

>on Brazil yesterday
>decide to play heavy just to chill out, there's a strange sort of zen appeal to mowing down hundreds of people as they all run to their death
>apparently a bunch of other people had the same idea and we have 7 fucking heavies on our team
>we all just roll out in unison and gangfuck the enemy team as somebody micspams the USSR anthem the entire game
>everybody shouting shit like "WE CLAIM THIS POINT FOR THE MOTHERLAND"
>crushed the enemy team
Only thing that would have made it better would be if we were on RED.

I picked the Amputator contract thinking I could farm it easily on Degroot Keep. How wrong I was.


Anne Frank's Dank Spank

Greasy Joe's Reverse Vacuum

Only attack when an enemy is distracted. If there's noise, see if you can decloak close to the enemy, they might not hear it. When you get a kill and a chain stab doesn't seem possible in the slightest in any scenario, just immediately back off and cloak. If you try to attack a base, get the entrance first, see if the engie comes back to spawn as you head back to their base, and then sap it all since there's usually no one else to defend any of it.

Rarely you might find a round where no one bothers to look back or spy check. That is the moment you take spy and fucking obliterate the scoreboard and your contract.

That's all the tip I can give you. Good luck user.

Ponkie Pan's Shitty Reference
Puff the Magic Dragon

>we all just role out in unison and gangfuck the enemy team as someone micspams the ussr anthem the entire game
Good to see you enjoyed.

Trapmaster 1993

I really wish Valve would implement a newer tutorial that eveyone with less than a 100 hours has to do. This game has so much crazy shit in it without there being much of a guide

>reloading pistol as disguised spy reloads the disguised weapon as well

>pressing disguise button while disguised and changing weapons will change the weapon of your disguise

Little shit like this. I don't even play Spy but it shouldn't have taken me a couple thousand hours to notice ;~;

Someone start up the partyvan. Its time to rock.

CTF is widely considered the fuck around DM mode. Thats still pretty gay but I can't say you didn't have it coming.

>tfw rocket jump macro bound to mouse 3

Who else /casual gaming lifestyle/ here?

It leans more on the fact that 2Fort is a terrible map.


heads up to casualfags, tf2 servers are fucked atm so you'll be placed in tons of half full pubs.

>launch tf2
>It doesnt launch
>Steam says app is running

That's a good thing 24 man is shit.

6s is too small, but pubs should be capped at 18

>Just got my first ever Unusual yesterday after playing for like 7 years

It’s a taunt but I’ll fucking take it.

>highlander pubs
I never knew I wanted this, but...

>valve guy music starts playing
>task manager shows no hl2.exe running

what do i do with all these warpaints?

sell them?

they're only £0.30 each

Recommend me some good demo hats

Is it worth buying the mercenary pass if I dont care about war paints? Do you get anything else from them besides just that?

keyless cases :)

The strange one in the screenshot is 3 burger bucks on the market, there are only two listed though

Yeti costume for the heavy, a shitty baseball cap, and saxton hale's hat.

Yeti outfit, a cool PDA that upgrades as you progress, Saxton's hat


Hallmark, Fro, Reggaelator, Scotch Bonnet are all nice

Demo is a theme class. You can't just mash shit together and expect it to work.


>stat clock
>attached to three little thinks of paint

>apply paint
>paint goes on the gun as well as the statclock

>sticking a clock on a fish allows you to track how many people you kill

So should I sell all my steam cards for refined? Is there anything better to do with them? I don't want to sell them for cash just because I don't want to deal with having to fill out the tax forms or whatever it is you have to do if you sell over a certain amount.

I'm pretty sure the tax forms are just if you're selling very expensive stuff like CSGO skins.

that's if you sell 200 in a year, and it resets at new year's day
if you want tf2 items, though, then yeah trade em

Buff it


Just merge it with gunboats

It's a lot easier if you do it with a friend, I got the MVP bonus done because my friend was MVP, even though the bonus clearly says be MVP as medic.

>making gunboats even more of a must pick item

Hey Sup Forums

Post Demomen.

It's shit like this that makes me glad I gave up on this game

>has to do
fuck that I quit games that force me to do shit tons of tutorials, it shouldn't matter in tf2 since new players on play casual matches

make it eliminate self-falldamage.

>that bottle
cringey desu

>those names

Same thing happened to my friend

>tfw finally got a new rank on my vaccinator

Yo, I fucking loved the Vacc. It was so fun to use and I would always dominate pubs with it. Especially when they made it so you go the same speed as Scouts with all Mediguns

I played tf2 before I was a furfag. but is probably right on this one. i've seen so many spergy ones, but I also met a few who were alright

It's my favorite medigun, I've been using it full time since it came out in 2012, only occasionally switching to kritz on defense. It's amazing because it fits me and my friend's playstyle perfectly.

pls join server


What's the go to pyro weapons nowadays? I want to get those contracts done and haven't played since degreaser/axe was the way to play.

>takes forever to find a server
>when i do it barely has any players in it
>on a saturday

Is TF2 finally dead?


Matchmaking is fucked.
Since this doesn't affect the hat economy don't expect a fix before tuesday.

Jetpack + backburner for those delicious salty tears

ebic :-DDDDd

What's a good community server


bind "kp_ins" "destroy 2 0; build 2 0; +attack; wait 50; -attack; lastinv"
minisentry script with no alias for anyone as autistic as me


I go to Xenogamers for surfing, Jump Academy to practice, Balloon Race for fun, and Furry Pound for stock maps. Not affiliated with that lifestyle tho, just nice to play with people who know what they're doing in the game

I'm so glad i left this game when it went F2P. So many garbage people.


is the partyvan server based in EU or US?

based uglehposter

soviet occupied chinese territories famalam

stock+stock+powerjack is the meta right now

or scorch shot



Who else is /gold/ in here?