Only 31 more hours until the exhibition matches from the tekken invitational stream. Think that it will feature the new build with tien, yamcha, nappa and ginyu? Will there be an announcement? Will sonicfox send perfect legend to the grave with another 10-0 but this time in dragonball?
Dragon Ball Fighterz
as long as not super characters
what's the link to the stream?
>tfw there's better Nappa/Ginyu gameplay than Tien/Yamcha
They really shouldn't have revealed Tien/Yamcha as soon as they did. All this time and we barely have proper footage of them, meanwhile Nappa and Ginyu were kicked ass on both of their fights.
Kid Buu when?
On the 17th when v-jump leaks
>muh puppypack
What are you guys playing to practice?
i swear if we dont get raditz
>Think that it will feature the new build with tien, yamcha, nappa and ginyu?
Most likely.
>Will there be an announcement?
I hope they do what they did at EVO, a Dragon Ball Fighterz trailer and a Tekken trailer (+ Geese's release date)
>Will sonicfox send perfect legend to the grave with another 10-0 but this time in dragonball?
Seeing how good Fox is in Blazblue, Under Night, Marvel and Skullgirls, I think it'll be a blowup, yeah.
>This coming Friday
Looking forward to it
PerfectLegend has a chance. He played the beta and I’m pretty sure SonicFox didn’t so Fox has less practice with the game.
Nappa needs his partner right?
really want this guy in, if only because he's pretty unique/crazy looking as far as Dragon Ball characters go. Glorious hair , it would look awesome in an ArcSys game. He also has potential in that he's a dirty fighter in a series full of pretty basic laser blasts.
Give Fox two days with the game and he will be ready to go. And I'm assuming they let everyone in the exhibition train with the last build.
Why are we so excited for this game? Aren't most DBZ games bad?
made by arcsys, they make good fgs
and this one's good
that's why we're excited
it's an arcsys game
and I like traditional fighters
Disregard this shit. I just looked it up and it's not one of those old, shitty 3D ones. It's an actual fighting game.
Alright now even I'm excited
Will it have that insane execution requirement that other arcsys games have? I liked BB a lot but Jesus was it tough
No Kale, no buy
no, it's made to be casual friendly
only has 236/214/22 motions and single button projectiles
Probably not, likely some characters will end up harder than others. I doubt anything will be harder to pull off than stuff in MvC3
Isn't this a big departure for them?
Another FG I had no interest in. Not sure if that means tough or not
I heard people compared it to Persona 4 Arena execution wise
does someone have the pic of Mr. Satan and Buu playing vidya?
>Another FG I had no interest in
You probably won't like this then, it is very similar
persona 4 was similar in that regard
and they're also making cross tag battle
so kinda, but they know casuals will try this game too since it's dragon ball
>Try to play some XV2 earlier
>Matches are literally 'Who has more stamina and can mash buttons faster?'
>One of the most important moves is mapped to an insanely common input that will fuck you up if you mistime it
God it'll be nice to have a DB games with good fightan again.
I'd try it. I spent most of my time on SF games and BB. Feel like I missed out on MvC, especially since I heard it was lower execution (fuck 1f links) and more about mindgames and shit
this game is not as bullshit as other marvel style games
assists have cooldowns, there's no incoming on dead character and oki/resets aren't very good
so it's not nearly as one sided once someone gets a hit
I want them to make babies. Super ripped screaming babies.
That's one thing that turned me off. I realize it's high level play and all but I'd literally hear commentators say "whoever hits first as Wolverine will take this round!" Seemed dumb
why do people like broly??? he is literally motivated by crying goku i'd even say fucking kale is a better written character than this autismo
NO QUESTION it will definitely have the new build lads
MvCI, and trying to figure out Blazblue (since that should hopefully get me ready for BBTag too)
Super Saiyan Hulk
>As a kid wanted a db videogame to haue as good graphics as the cartoon
>As an "adult" you'd like the new cartoon to have even half as good graphics as the game
Broly has shitty motivation, but everything else about him is really fucking cool.
>the BRUTAL way he fights
>his cool energy effects
>great visual design
If teriyaki didn't make Kale to be a literal canon version of Broly, he'd be extremely unique in his fighting qualities.
Rev2 to get a feel for anime
Kale is like "aaaaaaaaaaa..."
Broly is like "HRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA---!!!"
>the BRUTAL way he fights
Not disputing this but most movie villains fight in a pretty brutal way to be honest. Probably more because they had a bigger actual budget to do stuff animation-wise, perhaps.
I'd love to see family photo of Kale, Broly and like 3 mini versions of them all screaming and doing that pose simultaneously.
is there a list of all the competitors?
what's the format?
hakai yourself
Replace Bulma with Hit.
I am an expert
U. Gohan
Kid Buu
Bardock are all for sure in. The last character is a bit of a wild card, likely 21.
>Piccolo wearing a trenchcoat
Waste of a slot
For what fucking purpose at least launchfags can point to elphelt, other than that looks good fuck gohanfags
Tree of Might & Wrath of the Dragon are the best DB movies.
The literal crybaby with the shittiest backstory in DB history is somehow a better character than Kale.
If we can have a half-dozen gold-haired monkey men we can have two tall bald aliens, user.
Sounds about right. I think Raditz might be in there though, maybe instead of Bardock to keep the heroes/villains balanced and for easy DLC money for later.
shit i would love launch more than bulma i just think bulma might have a better chance at being real
This guy gets it
that's the wrong picture, my fellow Cellfriend
>there are people who actually think a new character is gonna be announced
bulma would literally be the best choice but you know the little fartbabies would complain she stole a slot from goku #5000
at least she's in the story mode...
they might not announce a new character but we are certainly getting top tier gameplay on the new build, possibly some new info in general, and i wouldnt be surprised if android 21 was shown playable or something like that instead of a technically new character, since they teased her final form in the french trailer
>new build
>fighting style is based on animation budget
Wrath of the Dragon is garbage.
Gameplay is the only thing you'll get yes, particulary curious to whatever bullshit Sonic will undoubtebly find in this
>since they teased her final form in the french trailer
which was obviously an error due to miscommunication
they aren't gonna show any new char gameplay outside of v-jump
>which was obviously an error due to miscommunication
im not sure its possible to make an error by adding extra footage to a video that no other identical trailer had, but who knows. i think it was an intentional "error."
No, I'm just saying that they could probably do wackier shit in the movies.
I never actually watched any of the movies but in Super Butouden 2 there were some aliens who went to Earth after the Cell arc. One of them was a big green guy and his lackey was a cute purple girl with orange hair.
Think theyll be in?
Is it actually worth it to play on a stick? I can play on a pad just fine but my thumb hurts a lot after half an hour. I have been trying to play on a stick for months now and I can't even seem to do supers effectively. Should I just endure the pain on pad or continue trying to learn stick?
They're movie chars, Bojack and his henchman Zangya
Chances are really low, best bet is DLC and that's pushing it
You get used to pad after a while, you just have to work through the pain. That used to happen to me when I picked up P4A years ago and then it didn't. Like everyone says it's 99% preference.
Im fighting to be android 21's toilet seat
Why wouldnt they be in? Just not popular? Just because theyre from movies?
It's not really that they aren't really popular and more that slots are awfully limited and there's a fuckload of other characters in line, we still have a few characters from the main series to be included, some of the heavy hitters popularity wise like Broly, there's Super stuff, potentially GT stuff, and others movie villains / characters
Zangya is also a henchman so while Bojack still has some chance her being in is a lot harder to expect
too bad they're already in the game
>No Ultimate CHADhan
Super Buu/Arale/Beerus announcement when?
They don't have much going for them moveset-wise honestly. Turles, Lord Slug, Cooler, Broly, Meta-Cooler, and Janemba all have varying levels of more going on for them for what it's worth.
Not sure if Bojack is even that popular either but I can't say this with much certainty admittedly.
replace Bulma with Ultimate Gohan and that's what going to happen
>Base Goku, Vegeta, Bardock, Broly and Black are dlc
>guys says he leaked TMNT and Enchantress in Injustice
>Switch port is on the way
>guys says he leaked TMNT and Enchantress in Injustice
Pretty sure no one leaked Ninja Turtles. Ed Boon was even saying on twitter yesterday that he was surprised that it didn’t get leaked.
>5 gokus
>3 of the DLC characters I've heard of include Broly, Regular Goku (it was noted to me that he does use the Spriit Bomb), and Regular Vegeta. This is something I know is going to be highly controversial and I will get into why further down. Three more characters that I know about but not their status of launch or DLC are Bardock (whom I originally heard would be DLC, but that was only from one source that I have never heard back from), Raditz (I was told that he'd be DLC by only one source in particular), and Goku Black (in his Rose form)
>I was told that Goku Black was even finished 3 months ago, and that Broly, Regular Goku, and Regular Vegeta were finished during the game's main development with Goku Black. I think people should make some noise if those 3 (or 4 if Goku Black is withheld) were made alongside the launch game, but are going to be held back as DLC like I've been told.
>With the controversy out of the way, there is a Switch port in the works. Unreal Engine 4's UE4.15 is Switch-friendly, so that may explain why the Switch port is coming later. I do not know what Unreal Engine 4 version it uses for the others. The much demanded Nintendo Switch version will likely come out next year in the autumn or winter.
yeah fuck off
>Goku Vanilla
>Goku Black
>Vegeta Black
dlc, nice they putting the garbage there along
super characters
This guy apparently knows everything for every game
calling bullshit
SSB Goku/SSB Vegeta/Ultimate Gohan
Majin Buu/Kid Buu/???
Android 21/Beerus/???
>bass goku
Majin Buu/Kid Buu/Dabura
Android 21/Beerus/Hit
Base Vegeta is the real piece of shit. Base Goku has Genki Dama and Kaioken install, Base Vegeta has??
hope this is real just to confirm that I don't need any of the DLC characters
>base Goku instead of kid Goku
>Goku Black doesn't have Zamasu as support
Galick Gun
Galick Gun and Great Ape
Can't wait for Super characters to get announced and seeing all the Zfag meltdowns.
Bojack seems like he's middle of the road when it comes to the popular movie villains, probably on the same level as 13. Below the big names like Cooler and Broly but above the likes of Wheelo and Hirudegarn.
>implying Kid Goku isn't base now
Vegeta Blue already has it