This is the audience for modern AAA lootboxes trash

this is the audience for modern AAA lootboxes trash
these people actually exist

If you have a fucking family, then maybe you should keep the vidya to a goddamn minimum and not care about having a disadvantage in a game. If you want to be an adult loner like me, then you have the fucking time to grind out anything in any game.

>add bad, un-artistic features to my game (i.e. slow unlock system)
>charge money to remove it
>redditor calls it a godsend

I guess there is money in bad game design after all.

>Normies are dumbfucks
And water is wet, this surprises no one.
This is why AnCaps are correct, the average person is a dumbfuck sheep and should be exploited to the fullest extent.

If you're an adult unemployed leech you mean. If you have a job you don't have enough time to grind, easy as that.

I love how for him the solution for grinding is money not just stop playing shit with grind

God no, keep the normalfucks contained to their loot skinnerboxes and away from actual games.


Good, this'll only affect AAA shit and the faggots that still play it.

A job is only 40h a week. That still allows for hardcore playing.

weekday: 8h work, 1h commute, 8h sleep, 1h food ~ 6h playtime *5
weekend: 8h sleep, 1h food ~ 15h playtime *2

~ 60h playtime available per week while having a full-time job, minus a few hours for random tasks/chores

i dont understand why would anyone try to play videogames if they dont have time for them

People buy Sup Forums passes.

Think about that for a moment.

Please spend 900 USD on gacha games on a single day and feel satisfied with their purchase. Think about that for a moment.

An adult wouldn't play shitty games that require grinding. Man children are not adults.

If you don't have time for videogames why the fuck would you play an mmo? Aren't those the greatest time sinks? Is he this retarded because he's a redditfag or because he's a normalfag?


You have to grind to play battlefield and cod? Come on, it's a fps...i can't believe they forced a level system in a thing like that

Why wouldn't you just skip grind games whether you have time or not? Nobody has ever appreciated the grind in a game, it's mental-illness based game design. It's based on distraction rather than excitement.
Paying the developer to peel back an awful feature of the game and then praising them for it is tantamount to shoving their dick in your mouth. "It's fun," he gurgled between the loads.

He looks like some one that is really having fun with the grind by skipping it at all

This is the casual gamer, the majority demographic that publishers aim for. They have killed gaming and have no real interest to invest into the culture that is gaming culture. Take slutty cosplayers, they are damn sexy and slutty but they have no connection to the industry because they don't give a fuck, its a fad to them. Remember all those cunts calling you 'nerds' they are the target demographic now, remember the thirsty girls/women, they are the target audience now. Modern gaming is DEAD. Its just one shit show to another of cunts trying to sell you shit in the shit you just purchased and normies lap that shit up because its a fad to them.

lol, I barely play the cancer but yeah. Just about every FPS has a leveling system where you need to keep playing matches to unlock better guns and shit or you can just buy lootcrates


Thank god that doesn't happen in PLAYERUNKNOWN'S™ BATTLEGROUNDS™.™

>Play KF2
>[Insert chinese symbols] Joins game
>Level 25 Commando
>Tries play like a Zerk
>Constantly jumping infront of players shooting
>Precious Weapon Skins
>Precious Cosmetics
>10 hours gameplay

He just hasnt got the time to grind clearly. It's not that he's a useless superficial knob ruining other players efforts. KF2 doesnt even alter gameplay with microtransactions so god forbid how it'll be for games like EAs BF2.

>Grinding universally considered a bad feature, even in Leddit
>But it's okay to spend even more money to skip the bad feature

You can only see this mindset on reddit


What can you even buy with all these cards? I feel like am way out of the loop on this shit.

What about if you want to do literally anything else with some of your free time

I'm a sucker for Star Wars and will be buying about 200 dollars in StarBux but this is ridiculous

Elderfag here, what am i looking at user? Are these all paid for vouchers for ingame purchases??

A "godsend" would be a game without the grind in the first place. You have to be a genuine double-retard to think like this redditor.

Good remembers a f2p korean fps I played in 2008, even at the time I used to laugh of how desperate it was

Cretins like this don't know what they're asking for. There are two reasons why pay to win isn't a thing:

a) there's always a guy with a bigger wallet than you
b) it promotes bad incentives for publishers (looking at you GTA Online)

you manage time
you know how to manage money and time right?

Go do it?
Are you fucking stupid?
It's free time, you can do whatever the fuck you want with it.

Or maybe play a game that isn't so grind intensive that buying shit is seriously considered.

Or maybe don't be a lazy fucking normalfag that finds no fun in actually playing the game.

Or maybe don't be a fucking fad-following, socializing retard that traps himself in the cycle of buying/playing more shit than you want to because of peer-pressure/to keep up to date with your shitty "friends".

If you offer customers a way to pay to skip gameplay and content, isn't that the same as admitting the content and gameplay isn't worth paying for? Sort of like buying a cinema ticket with an optional additional payment to skip the second act.

If you don't have a family you have time. Sleep is eight hours, work is eight to ten. If you played 2 hours even every two days it would be more than enough.

>we need to be able to buy in-game stuff to compensate for the long grind we don't have time/want to do
Such an inane fucking argument. The grind is long BECAUSE people are willing to drop money to get unlocks earlier. It's an evil circle and they're perpetuating it to the majority's detriment.

>playing a game to actually play the game


Are these the people they are talking about making the "skip this boss battle" buttons for?

The best loot box system is in Halo 5. The more I think about loot boxes the more I come to the conclusion It doesn't affect me. I actually enjoy grinding and not having any expectations for what's in the box. I simply tell myself "I win every time" and that the more I play a better player I'll become.

This is why gamers are a godsend for these corporations. They are absolutely stupid and will eat any piece of shit they are served.



Well only stupid people call themselves gamers so yeah.

>pay for game
>instead of taking your time and enjoying it you pay for skipping all these steps
Yeah, if you have wife and kids better yet fuck you video games are not for you then

Nah, you literally don't see this shit in any other entertainment industry.
Gamers are exceptionally stupid.

OP's image actually made good points.

Remember that players who pay to skip "grinding" are not getting the actual practice others get and will lag in skill.

Besides, it's their money. If you wish to play for free, then play the damn game for your game currency and shut the fuck up.

DLC was a mistake

>If you wish to play for free
No one plays for free you fucktard they all drop $40-60 on the game.

More like skip the shitty parts between boss

That makes it even worse because the company can't have people complaining that they still suck after buying their gear so now the gear has to good enough to carry the buyer.

>willingly sucking corporate dick
oh i am laffin
i can't even remember the last time I bought, or played, a AAA game

This guy gets it. You either play to have fun or you struggle to win for your fragile ego. Games are for PLAYING. If you're getting butthurt over ANYTHING in a video game you are a child.

>Lots of money

Look at this dungus. Take your meds you taint scab.

What if you have time and money?


Kill yourself you subhuman NPC.

>pay to play the game
>pay again to not play the game

Didn't BF2142 and before not have any grind and everyone had the same weapons? It's a case of devs implementing something unneeded then getting praise for introducing something to skip that thing that didn't need to be implemented in the first place.

No, BF2 had noticeable grind to unlock weapons for classes.

These dumbasses never simply ask why publishers seem to set extraordinary amounts of time to just grind, not really playing the game, just grinding out stats then set up "convenient" shortcuts that always cost money then push it even further away with lootboxes from you.

I still get mad when journalists call gamer entitled when they are ready to be fucked in the ass and enjoy it over what ever money making scheme a publisher throws out.

I feel like the core of the problem is the stupid 'tied to your level' bullshit that CoD started putting into console shooters. It's an FPS, not an MMO, and that's the biggest reason why I never touched cod multiplayer but still play halo multiplayer. Why the fuck do you have to grind to unlock good guns in an FPS? Why the fuck is the solution to 'nobody has time to grind' to just sell the upgrades? This is awful. Everything is awful.

not everyone has the time to grind shitpost all day my man
need that sweet Sup Forums exp quickly

If you want to bypass a grind to get at the better parts of a game, fine. Bending over and taking it up the ass after paying full price plus season pass is one thing, but don't be a colossal faggot and call that corporate cock a godsend.

>wanting to pay to not play the game
Us gamers, right? XD

>Having trouble trying to post with the pros? Get the Sup Forums mega pass™ comes with a 20 pack reaction image folder, 4 copypastas, a short meme index, a "how to shitpost and get away with it" guide and a free dank booster pack so you can have your shot at a rare PEPE meme for only 14.99!

play mobile games then retard
>in battlefield or CoD
what the fuck am I reading

Imagine if you could pay to not watch a movie after you just paid to watch it.

I work full time during the week along with having to do after hours and weekend work all the damn time. I'm still able to grind out any game I want because I don't have a wife or kids to tend to.

>we want to PAY to skip the boring parts
Why not just get rid of the boring parts of the game altogether?

>this is the audience for modern AAA lootboxes trash
>these people actually exist
Fucking young ass stupid dumb asses. That "audience" has always been here. Why the fuck do yall think that shit like game genie and action replay type shit were actually a decently profitable 3rd part cheat device industry?
There has always been a certain sect of the vidya audience who have always supported that type of dumb ass shit.
People willing to spend extra cash to make shit a tad more easier for them is, has, and always be a fucking thing. Nothing has changed other than they have made it much more easier for that demographic to give devs money directly instead of going out and using 3rd party shit to get whatever advantages they want.
Fucking hell cheat engine on pc is a thing that i bet alot of you faggots use for whatever reasons that may be.
So people who dont want to deal with certain shit in vidya will always find a way to get around it. So shit is nothing new really and yall dumb ass faggots are really just a bunch of shallow ass whiny hysterical girly man babies who cant even get the origin of it all and blame/dislike the right fucking thing.

if you need lootboxes/microtransactions to finish/play a game, is fucking time to find a new hobby. even if you work full time, that's 40 hours per week.if you don't have kids,why you cry you don't have time to play? when i was working 8 hours/day, i still play 3-4 hours/day. of course you don't have time to shitposting on reddit/Sup Forums and play games in same time when you have 8 hours shift.

Alternatively, stop making video games with mandatory grind to coerce people into buying shitty gambling boxes.

these """"people"""" are mentally deficient

I mean, I have a work and 10 kids and loans to pay. I don't have time to sit around for few hours to watch a movie. Can I get loot boxes that randomly skip the movie forward by some minutes? I'd buy 100!

>There was a time
>XBox 360 was my first console

>only 40 hours to unlock Vader/Luke
I can do that in two days, its not that bad. Looks like NEETs win yet again

Nothing, it's literally just virtue signalling and attention whoring that normies love doing.

I got inside you.

>Pay off loans
>Pay off rent
>Pay electric bills
>Pay gas bills
>Pay internet bills
>Pay water bills
>Pay auto loans
>Pay insurance bills
>Pay credit card bills
>Pay gf bills
>Spend money going to sporting events and bars
>Spend money in general on food and shit happens circumstances
Yup, sure sounds like you have a lot of money there pal.

What I don't understand is how we got this much subhuman cucks sucking corporate cock and fighting for corporate interests.

It's in the interest of the company to charge you $5 per login and $1 every time you attack use a skill. It's in the interest of the player to spend as little money as possible.

When will they understand that they need to fight for their own interests and make the company shell out as much content as possible for the least amount of money?

They are ruining the gaming industry for all the sane players.

>how am i going to get anywhere in the game without pay2win!
>just do it
>but i would rather do other things instead!

then do other things?
wanting to pay money to not play a game is fucking moronic, dont you think?

>>Pay auto loans
Nobody actually takes a loan for a fucking car, right?

Corporations have successfully convinced them that everything they do is in their best interests via lucrative short term solutions. Majority of these mentally deficient cucks lack long term thinking of any kind and do not consider lasting implications of anything.

This expands way beyond video games.

Because people are fucking morons.
There's a reason why Snake Oil is an old timey meme and why PT Barnum was able to become super fucking rich.

Of course.

If you guys weren’t mad enough

people take loans for cars all the time. thats actually one of the more sane types of loans people take.

>loan to pay for a holiday
>loan to bail someone out of jail
>loan to "invest" (read: gamble) on the stock market

I realize they're trying to be sarcastic but they aren't wrong. Late 90s/early 2000s had a lot of fun and unique games and modern AAAs are almost universally shit.

Stop triggering me

Who hands out these loans? Don't they realise they're never getting that money back in many cases? What's to stop some random government funded neet to take out a loan to upgrade his rig and then never pay it back?

>The sanest option
Protip: If you can't afford to buy something, or it requires some vague sense of debt defined by hand rubbing banksters, then you shouldn't be buying it. And to add to that, if you can't pay something in cash then don't even think about buying whatever it is.

Second guy is probably being sarcastic but the first one is serious. Op was a guy talking about og battlefront 2 having server browsing capabilities on ateam or something and how you should play hat instead. Downvoted to hell. RIP vidya

Sup Forums pass is more a donation to support the site than it is anyone actually thinking it is worth 20$ a year to dodge capcha. Completely different concept than buying a game and then buying microtransactions for that game.

People are stupid.
This is the ultimate anythingpill, the average person is a fucking moron who's only fit to dig ditches.

hes not forcing you to play.

>What's to stop some random government funded neet to take out a loan to upgrade his rig and then never pay it back?
The government coming and taking their shit?