Pyra is NOT for sex

Pyra is NOT for sex

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Then what is she for?

mating press

She looks like the cum n' dump kinda gal

I wanna pirate that sword.

Why nintendo fans have to make a new thread every time they want to make a post in already existing one?


I wanna ride that blade.

evolution disagrees

If you knock her up what would the children look like? Can she get pregnant at all?

why the fuck did they change the names? I was confused for a second when I watched that jap trailer with subtitles

Cutting shit, she is literally a sword.

Like swords, and they will take a shape of your penis.

censor that right now

Definitely looks like a breeding machine to me, OP

thanks for posting this it's really important to know what few literally who say on the internet

How do I wield her?

>Who the fuck are they trying to appeal with this?


is she the most fertile looking vidya character in recent memory? everything about her makes you want to impregnate her

with your penis

Pyra is for providing COUNTERWEIGHTS for INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT because she's fucking FAT.

>mfw i preorder this game solely because of the two recent characters
>i've never played the other two games

Elysium from Soul Calibur 5.

Mating press

fucking alien

All the games have beautiful environments and amazing ost. You should try them out

Mating press

She is for impregnating.

I really hope that Xenoblade 2 is a great game that forces normal people to play it just to feel like they belong to the "gamer community" and so they'll be forced to watch all the delicious fanservice and whine about it.

How are we doing in terms of pixiv lewd ratio? Is there any hope for an influx next comiket? Will the Xeno series return to being the h goldmine it was in its hayday?

that scene, is she just a generic moe slut?


pixiv is dead m8, everyone transfered to twitter

gggggggghh I lige big tiddues

>these people actually exist

True, she is for love making.

>the shanty town of reddit

nice gif user

You sure told 'em, son.

>Mfw I did the same thing

Spending almost $400 for a Switch and a game. This is the power of moe.

If we're being honest, she's for titillation. I WILL masturbate to her, that's what she was made for. Did she make me want to buy the game? No, I was doing to anyway.


thats a big sword...

She's man made. A machine or something I assume

What game is being discussed in pic related

joke's on you faggot l like her thighs and hips

>who the fuck are they trying to appeal to with this

I actually wish her knockers were smaller. They look dumb. It's all about that skindentation. Mmph

>Short hair
She caters to almost all my tastes

What did he mean by this?

Popi awakening scene without commentary

Let me guess. People actually think the Diver boy is a pure soul that wouldn’t go all out on pyra like its Watashi Ga Toriko Ni Natte Yaru

Who? Red? Not sure I haven't seen much of her character. No idea if she's human like or a robot or what. If you mean the little girl, she's a generic Moe robo girl made by the furry dude for lewd

I don’t think it knows what it’s saying anyway.

Where are my british voice actors?

Well yeah, she's for Rex.

Christ, the straps are digging into her skin with the 3d model too. Unf.

You can’t make this shit up.

Xenoblade Chronicles 2.

I really like her hips

They're saying Pyra looks like a child? First sorceress, now this.... Are we just desensitized?

They're just prude.

I need to breed her so bad.

they're talking about one of the rare blades
pic related

Tales in space.

Americans teenagers look like they're 30, so Americans think every character that doesn't look over 30 is a child.

get in the line

Why are these worthless weebfag threads allowed?

Nobody actually cares about the game

Is not in the space.

Nothing lewd about her.

Yet you're here posting about it, fuck off and die dickeater

Why are you neofags allowed on here?

Nobody's played it, fool

American women age poorly.

is she had a nice big girlcock she'd be perfect

>why isnt this reddit

Oh ok this makes much not sense. I mean, it is a bum window on a preteen looking character

Makes more sense* dammit

idk user i think the assless part of her suit is pretty sexual, even if it isnt meant to be it sticks out
not that im complaining

Someone post more pictures of Pyra, please

It's still a game character and people complaining about it need to be wiped from the face of the earth.

Only if you call her Homura.

what a shitty outfit

Someone post more pictures of HOMURA, please

I want to make Pyra pregnant

2B didn't have all this bullshit, did she?

that is actually a good question.

>Misread it as DogFuckerGeneral at first

>was an android so who cares
>actually had a fashionable design which is pleasing even to women

Oh no the horror!

That pic is about an actual loli, not Pyra. And 2b has a better design than Pyra anyway. And a much nicer ass my God

first reason is moot, they're both nonhuman
>ass appeals more to women than titties
Ah I see

Well, yea. You have to understand not everyone's gonna be okay with a fairly young looking character having an outfit that shows off their ass, tits whatever the fuck. Whether it's Vidya or anime people are gonna complain

A little piece of me dies inside, when people don't appreciate the craft of lollies don't know what they're talking about.

>Whether it's Vidya or anime american liberal people are gonna complain

Can you perverts stop talking about my wife's body?

thankfully non-retarded redditfags are shitting on that guy

>all this talk about how you'd fuck and dump her as if you wouldn't be eternally thankful she even held your hand

>everything without breasts is a loli suck it normies :DDDD
thats just a midget not a loli
>designed by the new is artist

I'd marry and impregnate her!

These people should not be playing games around anime culture in that case especially this one that rely on otakus bucks. No better than typical SJW wanting stuff removed.

You have to understand that this is how Japan roll.