>enemies have fathers, mothers, uncles, aunts, cousins, nephews, nieces, grandparents, in-laws
Enemies have fathers, mothers, uncles, aunts, cousins, nephews, nieces, grandparents, in-laws
Other urls found in this thread:
>enemies can drink water
>enemies pay taxes
Name ONE game that does this
At the end of red dead redemption, you have to talk to the police-man's wife and brother to find him. How many of you cool guys are like me and brutally murdered both of them?
Enemies can be edited to not be enemies or simply evicted at will
Yes? And?
Fuckboys shouldn't have tried to kill me and destroy everything I love. If their families have a problem with that, they should have raised their kid right.
Holy shit someone help me
I literally can't do anything but jerk off whenever I start this game up. It's physically impossible
>wants to play the sims 3
>cannot play without kinky mod
You are not alone, user.
>enemies can be trapped in your basement until they die
It's not even the kinky mods. I play a girl, spend a while in dress-up, then have her be a massive slut until I nut. Then I lose any interest in playing the rest of this quasi-socialist utopia game.
>just made a household of a MOMMY and a slut sister
I'm sorry, penis.
Don't make me reinstall it.
Every time i first play Sims I will spend the initial hour cucking the neighborhood.
what is "the kinky mod?" i used to use the game just to make characters to jerk off to, i didnt actually play
last time i played i jacked off to fucking my in-game girlfriend, then i tried to fuck her mother but it didnt work out so i uninstalled
>you can have max romance with enemies while keeping max enmity
>results in the most explosive sex
>enjoy all of The Sims games
>find out there's porn mods
>install them to check it out
>Sims become nothing more then a fap session
Sometimes I hate the choices I make.
Is Sims 2 with all the expansions still the best?
>tfw cucking this guy while he burns in flames trying to make a grilled cheese
Install WickedWhims.
>want to play the Sims but always end up making a regular guy who only works and focus on getting promotions without enjoying the features in the EPs
Why i am so fucking boring?
>...Mom? What are you...
Have fun m8.
is the fuckmod even worth the effort or are the animations just as i imagine them?
Havent played in a decade. Can you not fuck your spouse/gf's parents?
I held no animosity toward them. I only wanted the fucker who orchestrated it all.
the only effort involved in installing is drag and drop into the mods folder. You can download more positions if you want.
The animations themselves are very fluid and not janky at all. Also allows for different animations based on what's selected (toilet, bed, counter, etc.)
>always make self-insert NEET sim in tiniest cheapest house possible and never interact with other sims and never go outside
>get bored and stop playing after a couple hours
does this include rape or do I actually have to socialize with female sims to make it consensual?
Pretty sure there are rape mod somewhere. Just got to dig a little deeper.
are there loli rape mods? if so IM DOWNLOADING RIGHT NOW