Scam Shitizen

*inhales audibly*

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When are they going to reveal it was all just a prank, bro?

>you are poor

im so sorry user

Star Citizen truly is the most confusing social experiment.

When will it come out?


its probably a good subject for some psychology analysis / work really.

This is the new video game business model

It's more profitable to develop the game than actually release it

You'll start seeing crowd funded games that never release and stay in develop for nearly a decade before having mediocre releases

Only a matter of time before EA, Capcom, Activision, and Microsoft get on this train

bitter and jealous post

This is about $86 per person, but everyone knows it's more like $20 bux for 80% while the rest of the "player" base is throwing $40,000 at digital ships they can't even pilot.

the movie Titanic cost $200 million to make, it was one of the highest movie budgets of all time but also one of the most successful.

Star Citizen has raised over $160 million and what have they got to show for it? Absolutely jack fucking shit

fuck you I'm breathing manually now.

$164,257,385 if you don't count the funds they put toward their espresso maker

mandaloregaming redpilled me on this

>13k for a coffee machine

no way this is real

Sorry, $13,200

It makes me feel good to know that 13k of the money these cucks donated towards the game went to a coffee machine

i hate liars

How much of that has been refunded?

To be fair, caffeine is an important part of the development process.

>*inhales audibly*
Are you a smoker or super fat?

but there is no process

anti star citizen shills remind me a lot of the anti trump shills. they grasp for straws or outright lie because they're so assblasted at being constantly proven wrong. also their only popular supporter is fucking derek smart, joke of the industry.

I don't believe the game is vaporware, but the signs are all there that this game is not going to be good

>b-but its a scam
you seem upset

>being jealous of people who spent $5000 for a virtual spaceship

They also spent a bunch on a working sliding door that looks like something out of a spaceship but I'm not sure the exact number is known because it was custom-made.

What could one POSSIBLY be upset about? I didn't waste my money? I didn't get a retarded virtual spaceship? Except oh wait you still haven't either so I guess that one doesn't count.

There's literally not a single imaginable aspect someone who has bought into this is better off than one who hasn't.

they make a video every three months

what's confusing about a scam, user?

While true that doesn't make the espresso machine evil. Espresso machines are inherently good.

Didnt spend any money on this, but if I did I'd be pretty fuckin' upset.

They should have made another freelancer instead.

>They should have made another freelancer instead.

I'm happy with what they're doing now, honestly.

>funds being diverted to coffee makers and home improvement rather than the game
>not a scam

With how much this is costing it might've been more feasible to just build an actual space ship.

>you'll never be part of a company that releases bullshots and trailers every month while all the workers just masturbate themselves and make the working area more comfy while they do nothing all day

Considering the crap those companies put out you could almost make a case for them already copying the strategy

It works more like a cult/sept than a scam.

A fucking F22 is 800 millions alone user.


It cost $70 million to ride a russian space ship. Probably $100 for accommodations. Still below star citizen money.

>people who funded Star Citizen are also the people who funded No Mans Sky


How does a "game development studio" not even have a game to show after 6 years and $160 million? That's gotta be some kinda record.

cognitive dissonance is a hell of a drug, user. star shitizen, amway, and scientology are running the same scam.

The craziest part is since the game is completely crowd funded CIG will reap 100% of the profits, the CoD dev's only get ad 15% of the profits of their games.

The amount of money they will haul in is going to be insane.