Fuck one

Fuck one
Marry one
Friend one

Marry Friend Fuck from left to right

2B who is the only one with a half-decent ass

Friend Kat, **** 2B, Marry Berubetto.

Fuck Velvet
Marry 2B
Friend Kat

I would fuck 2B and marry Velvet, but I'm pretty sure 2B doesn't have genitals

Marry 2B the supreme waifu
Then friend gravity and have fun
Lastly F tales for a great night



Marry Velvet
Fuck 2B
Friend Kat



Fuck friend marry


i want to make quarter-daemon babies with velvet

Toobs is for ****ing.

>fuck Kat
>marry Kat
>impregnate Kat
>friend 2B

kill all 3.

Fuck the Tales bitch

Marry 2B

Friend Kat

This is the only true answer

Friend 2B because she'a a robot and doesn't have a vagina.
Fuck Kat
Marry Velvet and live on the edge

Marry Velvet
Impregnate Velvet
Kill myself because I'll never get to do the first too

Why are you marring 2B if you know she doesn't have genitals then?
Do you not want to have sex with your wife?

which ever one is the least shilled on this board. the other ones can just be put in a blender.


>What is Thigh Sex?

Fuck 2B
Marry Velvet
Friend Kat

Marry Velvet

Fuck 2B

Friendzone Tales cunt

Marry Kat

>Friend 2B because she'a a robot and doesn't have a vagina
They do though? Nier Androids can choose to have a penis or vagina and even simulate pregnancy.

The only right choicr.

I want Velvet to make me a Kitsch

Kill Kat, Fuck 2B

Marry Velvet, seriously wife material before Artorius murdered her little brother

She's still wife material agter that, see the illusion part. All she needs is to find her peace again and she's back tolovely Velvet.

Kill Velvet
Fuck 2B
Marry Kat

I know I'm the most patrician poster here, no need to remind me.

Berseria for all 3.

I'm You've got god tier tastes m8

Reminder 2B is a 300 pound android with artifical skin and probably no private parts. Even if she had private parts the pounding would probably destroy your pelvis.

Worth it

Marry Velvet, I'm pretty sure she's canonically supposed to be a good wife and my fetish is loving and caring for scantily-clad tsunderes.
Friend 2B, I think she could genuinely be an interesting person to talk to.
Fuck Kat. Delicious pettanko.

>needs a apron to keep her rags from getting dirty.

Marry Velvet.

The rest is inconsequential.

marry best waifu Kat, fuck the toobie booty, kill the literally who


God, these nu-Talesfags are among the most disgusting group in Sup Forums.

Kill Velvet
Fuck Kat while floating
Marry 2B

Fuck Kat, gravity sex sounds fun and hot.
Marry Velvet, she's canonically great wife material.
Friend 2B, she'd be fun to have some nice chats with.

Marry 2B
Fuck 9S
Friend A2

>you will never meet a girl as perfect as Velvet


In that order. Only retards get married in 2017.

Velvet is a fucking whore

But she never has sex in the span of her entire life


She looks like a whore and her justification for always looking like a whore is very weak.

Thus, she is a fucking whore.

ewww smelly

>being such a loser IRL you have to fantasize about fucking video game characters


Given the choice I'd rather fuck video game/anime characters than real women, and that makes sense. Not sure what your aim is.

this board is about Sup Forumsideo games, not Sup Forumsirgin wish fulfillment

This seems roughly familiar

I miss the besiege threads

Fuck Velvet
Marry Toobie
Kill that trash gravity girl

Marry Velvet because canon wife material.
Fuck 2B because thick robo-ass.
Friend Kat because she seems friendliest of the three.

Marry 2B, fuck Kat, kill the anime bitch.

how do you know this? I am genuinely curious

Fuck and marry velvet

Because I played the game. You very clearly have not.

wear 2b's outfit

reminder velvet is literally the most edgy female protagonist in video game



>gay version
>middle one is literally a girl

She's the best wannabe edgy female protag at least, she really has to push herself to keep it up sometimes. Velvet is still the lonely teenage villager deep down and would make a great wife if she could let go of the revenge thing.

Phi is a man

Fuck Velvet
Kill the other 2.

I'll friend Kat, fuck Velvet and marry 2B

>Fuck 2B
>Marry Velvet
>Kill Kat
I never played Gravity Rush.


>anything but a Prime Alpha Male
You done fucked up.

>marry Velvet
>lovingly dress her for whatever climate she is in
>she feels no heat or cold
>can't even taste the tendies i try to feed her through the screen
>why even live

Why marry Velvet when you can marry Magilou?

>go into Berseria expecting Edgelord Prime
>instead, get the absolute perfect girl
Marry Velvet. I don't care about the other two.

Did you cry?

No. But i did tear up a little during the earthpulse reveal

Is Velvet confirmed for the most absolute perfect wife?
When you consider Eleanor, how could one game have so many high tiered wives at once? Fucking Namco, how do they do it?

>that entire part of the game
It was legit hard to watch.

>kill the anime bitch
All three of them?

Friend, Marry, Fug - Left to Right

my nigga

Yea, pretty hard cringe, considering how heavily it goes against the established character, daemon lore and her role in the story.

I have to marry velvet, and would probably not fuck a shitskin, so

Marry Kat. Friend Velvet. I don't fuck 2B as she belongs with 9S

fuck kat, marry velvet, friend 2b

Marry Velvet

Fuck Cat

Friend 2B

Marry Kat
Fug Toobie
Friend the Tales gril

If i were her I would've decked the fucker for saying that.

sup Tyrone

Fuck the brown bitch, Marry the eyepatch bitch and be friends with the bitch with the shit clothes, she seems cool.

Fuck Velvet
Marry Kat
Kill toobie

Glad you understand user, everyone being disloyal to Kat and fucking one of the others needs to get out

Fuck Velvet
Marry 2B
Friend Kat


Marry 2B. The others can go on their merry way

One day.

Marry Velvet
Fuck 2B
Kill Kat

Women cannot be edgy