Make RTS great again - GDI not even once - edition

You know what to do, post games, call people fags, discuss the RTS genre.

I haven't made a thread in a few days sine I'm busy getting gud in Supcom. I have to say that its a great game and everyone should try playing it on FAF if you're hungry for some good RTS action.

On another front I have Men of War 2 in my backlog for a long time but I don't think I'm gonna get around to it soon since Supcom.

What have you been playing user?

Other urls found in this thread: url

There have been some Iron Harvest news. Seems the infantry will have three stances. But it seems the devs didn't decide if they will be automatic like in CoH or manual like in, lets say, Blitzkrieg. I'm kinda undecided, I liked the auto system of CoH but being able to manually do it is sweet as well. I wonder if both options can be implemented and you could toggle it in options or something.

Obligatory War Wind bump.

Supcom reminds me of pic related in a lot of things, although I miss building my own units and digging tunnels.

>It is imperative that you keep the thread alive, user.


Why were the Scrin the best worst faction in C&C?


Posting truth

Bumping with black leader of the Black hand


Post the RTS you played like a retard as a child since you didn't understand the game but still loved every second of it. Pic related and War Wind.

>EDniggers get out.


What game?

Steel Division: Normandy 44

Sadly, the player count is pretty low nowadays and the game is primarily MP.

Is it worth trying?

as ashamed as I am to admit it, Im still no good at it

Still one of the only RTS games I can get into. Any recommendations?

Yes and no. I had a lot of fun with it, played over 400 MP matches. What ultimately killed the game is the devs themselves, and their lazy approach to balance and updates.

If you go in for the MP expect to get trashed because who is left are basically pros and sometimes some new players. But basically you have a 99% chance of getting matched with people who have a couple of hundred hours always.
SP isn't really offering much, I didn't even bother playing it and I had the game since the beta. Also, pic related. Honestly, at least pirate it first.

Seven Kingdoms 2: Fryhtan Wars is a no brainer. There isn't really much in the same vein. I'd recommend Kohan: Immortal Sovereigns, maybe Rise of Nations since you like the cities and the RTS element together. Sadly, SK is pretty unique and there aren't really much games that emulate it.

Congratulations General, you have been promoted.

Thanks m8

>Best general
>Germanistan kek

China will grow larger!

Fuck man I played this when I was a kid, had no idea what I was doing but I got it for a quid in some weird collection it came with bigrigs and mashed

When this guy made your tanks mobile nuclear reactors

What features does the perfect RTS have, Sup Forums?

Something for everyone

When I think about it, Supcom really gets close. If I could mash together Earth and Supcom I'd get a game that really comes close to perfect.

Supcom does a good job in making tedious RTS tasks easier and less boring (Ferrying troops, building templates, factory unit queues and such stuff) while still leaving enough room for APM monsters to get an advantage because of skill (Manual reclaiming and shit). Good balance, decent graphics and dynamic gameplay. Earth spoiled me with making my own units so that is something I do miss about Supcom. Also, the lore hasn't really gripped me, I prefer Earth. I mostly play 1vs1 in MP when I do RTS games and automatch is a feature I don't want to miss in any new game.


I've been playing Grey Goo recently. It's actually pretty nice, I would even say it's underrated. I've been only playing skirmishes against bots to get a feel of the faction that's not present in the campaign, wonder if you can still find an online game.

>(Laughs)...They do not have a prayer.

>Ahh, to walk upon the bloodstained ground.

>GDI not even once
i'm still mad Renegade had no Nod campaign where you start as a basic fanatic to black hand zealot

That would have been worth a play desu


I remember playing Renegade as a kid without a proper internet connection and just replaying that multiplayer skirmish with bots and imagining how great it would be with real people. I later realized it wouldn't.

criminally underrated and unbalanced as fuck. my 8 yrs old autistic ass still enjoyed anyway. it's semi-balanced with community mod. keeps you hooked for days trying to make retarded combos work. dank music helps too.

GOAT game. Also, if someone is interested in this google "the Protectors mod" you basically get the game for free that way.

>comunity mod
>aka "fuck you necromancy, you have timers now" the mod

i'll stick with protectors

Can someone give me the rundown on the Vietnamese in AoE 2 because they seem like pure garbage in a 1v1

Sup Forums let's talk unit design. What units do you think are the best designed and which do a certain role with the most creativity.

Let me just post the best guide to supcom 1v1 ever made. url

GLA Technicals

They were a perfect fit for the GLA.

I love AoE 2's soft counter system where the 3 non-gold using unit types (light cavalry, skirmishers and pikemen) form a triangle of unit counters, and then gold costing units have more specialised roles

>Glorious GLA Marauder has the best design

The Marauder tank is a shitty tank at its base, but when fully upgraded with 2 salvage packs, its a force to be reckoned with. It entices the player to earn power, rather than buy it.

>don't forget you're kane forever

>rts with little to no base building


Hey OP, I wouldn't mind playing a bit of supreme commander, it would be fun to relearn it.

Post your FAF username and I'll hit you up. But beware, I'm a scrub.

DoW 2

I'm not quite sure how the chat in the client works though.

So user, how long did you spend here?

>RTS has complex base building, a complex resorce economy, and complex combat

whats her name?

Who wants to play supreme commander?

I'm in work.

It seems there's one Sup Forums game ongoing. Let's wait for it to end.

Because they were shoehorned

>Posting truth

The truth is

>Missions that makes you use Tanya and comes with cutscenes with her in it

Suicide Bikes were better desu

I'm Edija on FAF add me.

This, you totally forgot:
"Single-unit commando missions"
or in the case of one of the RA expansion missions (IIRC) commando and dog.
and even:
"Single-unit commando missions that evolve into stealing the enemy base" (C&C 95 NOD mission... I dont remember. You have to go rescue rocket troops to get past the humvees and rescue the engineers so that you can take over a GDI refinery base)

>There will never be a warlords Battlecry 4.
Why live?

If you actually played command missions you'd find out that they're either easy and linear as fuck or bullshittingly hard.

The poland mission with Tanya and spies destroying nuclear missiles made me feel like james bond though

>the one mission where Tanya got brainwashed by the commies


Its a sad world we live in. There was a topic on the forum where the devs estimated how much money they need. It was a lot. They are making some games still so I hope they get the money to at least start working on WB4

Best Command & conquer song coming trough.

Red Alert 3 wasn't that shit you fuckos,go ahead and play it again.


Bad taste

I love the 2nd game because of the world conquering.
3 is ok but it was so much slower compared to 2.
I just want a wlbbc 4 that is like 2 with more factions and better balance.

Post best lines by best unit in any RTS

>I cast a deadly shadow

At least EA won't buy them out and sell every faction and hero class separate with a zillion lootboxes around it, that is a fate worse than death.
Also, fans were talking about kickstarter but the Devs said they think WBC isn't a popular enough franchise to get the sufficient amount which is probably true.

Rise of Nations.
I'd set the ai to easy and build way too many scouts and have the whole map explored in no time keeping a scout near the enemy village so I could watch them slowly advance. I'd then amass an army of stealth bombers and tanks to functionally nuke the ancient Aztecs. I'd do this for hours and hours repeating the exact same process but young me loved it. I even remember stealth bombing all of their buildings and killing all but one soldier and then letting them attempt to re-establish themselves and then striking them down again like some kind of vicious god. Then I got older and played the campaign which was like risk with rts which was pretty cool

>Feel the judgement of the righteous, Scum.


Dow had the best fucking voice acting for an rts

I recently played Tiberium Wars and Kane's Wrath with friends and I had already forgotten how much fun they are. They play pretty differently though, with Tib Wars being more about getting a huge eco and spamming one, maybe two unit types while Kane's Wrath fixed that with better counters against certain playstyles (better anti-air and anti-infantry options for example). There are still OP strategies like Black Hand inf-spam or Traveller 59 epic unit/commando laming

I don't really play online though because most people that are left are too good

Aerial view and full zooming

Good microing (e.g., FA vs. AoE)

The option of quick pacing.

No dying.

I wanna play pic related, but I kinda want to play Men of War 2 first. Tell me user, how is the MP in MoW 2?


i really like rise of legends aesthetics.


This voice.
And russian voice over ruined it.
I hate it.
In russian version he's a smug asshole, not a suffering maniac in constant pain

>mfw I actually get to nuke somebody on FAF

i would never listen to the voices in dow in any other language, none of them are good enough

CoH had good voice acting as well but the setting is not really allowing so much insanity as in DoW

Why do people think pic related is shit? Is worth picking up when on discount?

Did Eugen fuck up again like in Steel Division?



>last panel
Still gets me everytime


Daily reminder that Comp stomp > PVP

FA's unit specialties

>t1 mobile light artillery
>Cybran's stuns, UEF's visibility and AOE..

C&C were always shit.

delete this post right now


Get out
