Why does modern jrpg still can't top this game?

Why does modern jrpg still can't top this game?

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Because videogames are too expensive to make now.

It's a great game. Even then, other jrpgs didn't top it in many ways imo.

Back then developers tried to make games good. Now they try to make the most money and do the bare minimum while exploiting all possible options.

these 2 and FFVI are the holy trinity of jrpgs imo

Playing this atm, it's not that good desu, story mediocre/generic, combat meh too
Don't get the hype

> mediocre/generic story

Almost had me, 1/10

here's your (You)

Final Fantasy VI was awesome.

You've probably been overhyped. If you go in with people telling you its one of the best JRPGs ever, you'll probably see it for the clunky PS1 rpg it is.

It's my favourite game though. I really liked the political story (that stretches into the first and third game too) and just the way you go from a bunch of ragtags on the run to a bona fide army in a rebuilt castle with your own bustling town and you pretty much recruited every person who contributed to that larger whole.

Wild Arms 3 came close in the PS2 era

I thought Ni no Kuni was pretty damn close too


It's not even the best RPG of the PSOne era, which is already overrated as fuck. It's a decent game, yes, but it's nothing special.

What is the best of the PS1 era and what is the best era?

Not him but FF Tactics is another league. Similar poltical intrigue story, mechanics blow it the fuck out of the water.

SNES, PS1/2 is the best era, jrpgs died with gen 7.

they didn't completely die. Persona 5 is easily in the top 10 jrpgs of all time

babbys first rpg

>What is the best of the PS1 era
BoF IV and Grandia if we're talking only of LRPGs.

>what is the best era
PS2 > PSP > DS > Vita > SNES > PS3 > PS4 > 3DS = PSOne

>Persona 5 is easily in the top 10 jrpgs of all time

i dont think they died either, but i wouldnt consider persona 5 to be top 10 though. overall it's a fact that we are going through a jrpg revival era now.

it is though. best Persona game alongside Nocturne.
nope. qol changes to the Persona formula don't make P5 a bad game.

brain fart
I meant best SMT game alongside Nocturne

SJ has always been better than Nocturne

>P3/Nocturne babby

videogames are NOT expensive to make

t.working for games

>modern jrpg

like what? nier?

>psp that high
literally what did it have

>ff tactics
>aka I play ninja/special knights who overkill everyone by a factor of 3x their healthbar
>armor is useless no matter how much I wear I get 1-shot by special classes/ninjas so I just stack evasion
>so-called "hard" fights are literally just special knights doing ranged, unblockable, 0 cooldown skills that gib you for 2/3rd of your hp
>the "strategy" is to get the first turn and kill them in 2 turns


is this supposed to be a list of which console have the best rpg?

and you put the console with chrono trigger, final fantasy 6 and live-a-live below the one with the huge amount of shovelware? are you nuts? was this a trap designated for (You)?

Now list the intricacies of Suikoden 2's combat..

Vita has 2 of those 3 without hacking.

You can always tell non-srpg fans when they overrate FFT, TO, FE, or Disgaea. FFT isn't even the best PS1 srpg.

This game will never be topped by any other JRPG.

The only others that come close are FFIX and Breath of Fire IV. Chrono Trigger and Seven Star RPG get honorable mention.

>Sora/Zero/Ao no Kiseki
>Ys Seven
>Atelier Judie and Violet
>Extended versions of almost every Tales game
>Several Shining games
>Several Dept. Heaven games
>Half-minute Hero
>Mana Khemia 1-2 Plus
>Persona 1-3
>Valkyria Chronicles 2&3
>Valkyrie Profile Lenneth
>Star Ocean 1-2
Do you need more?

You could name Lufia II. You could name Treasure of Rudra. You could name SMT 2. But no, you named the fucking Chrono Trigger.

chrono trigger is better than treasure of rudra and smt2 you fucking hipster

Can you even be a bigger hipster right now?

>PS1 at the very bottom
>namedropping mediocre as fuck Treasure of the Rudras like that's impressive/good taste
Wew. That's some prime only-moderately-informed contrarian tipping. Rudras' gimmick gets old after about 30 minutes and nothing else about the game is good.

I could be a faux FFT fanboy, yes.

Still amazed by its sprite work.

And there's so many extra little things you'll never even see without turning the game upside and checking every nook and cranny. The sprites for the beasts you can recruit are gorgeous! Marlowe's critical animation is unique from his regular attack. All sorts of little neat things in this game are what make it the best JRPG ever made.

Would you like to see Suikoden 1 and 2 remastered? Something akin to Bravely Default's style, or maybe I am Setsuna's.

Nothing else would be changed, except maybe higher quality audio but no remixes

There already is one itt.

No. Not from Konami. Look at what they did to Silent Hill.

>Would you like to see Suikoden 1 and 2 remastered?
>Something akin to Bravely Default's style, or maybe I am Setsuna's.
Oh, nevermind. I thought you meant good.
>Nothing else would be changed, except maybe higher quality audio but no remixes
Smoother combat and some QOL features would be nice, otherwise it's just lazy hack work like Intelligent Systems did when they remastered Fire Emblem Gaiden. If nothing is going to improve in terms of playability, just play the fucking originals. It's not like they're eye bleedingly ugly. In fact, they still look pretty nice, especially II.

Yes well if you powergame, games tend to be easier

But yes the special knights are admittedly pretty OP, however, the PSP WotL versions tunes many classes and abilities and doesnt let Cid start out with fucking excalibur

And whats the best SRPGS in your opinion, patrician san?

I mock you but at the same time i am also serious because if you have reccomendations i would honestly want to hear them cause i like the genre

>neither Setsuna or Bravely

What, then? If you wanted to keep the sprite style I guess Tree of Savior is close to it - sprite quality vice only

That's such a lame excuse for the horrendous balance. You don't need to break FFT. It's literally impossible not to stumble upon numerous OP shit even if it's the first time playing it. It's not a game that you simply can break, it's a game that is broken. I mean, FFT isn't the absolute worst offender, TO is even worse in that regard, but let's not pretend FFT is balanced at all.

1 and 2 technically did receive a PSP release with 8-directional movement, widescreen, etc. Shame it apparently bombed so bad Konami ignores it altogether.

As i said, you can play the War of the Lions version for better tuned shit, but lets ignore that i mentioned that at all because it doesnt help to prove your point, right?


>people discussing specifically PS1 games
>thinks mentioning a PSP port is relevant
Imagine that, people ignore irrelevant information. You were the only one bringing WotL into the conversation.

Actual holy trinity

I'd rather see Suikoden 3 remade to the Suiko 1/2 style and have its story structure cleaned up. Suikoden 1 and 2 only need some bug fixes and maybe a little bit of gameplay change ups. Their art style is god tier.

Guys is Wild Arms 3 any good? I had it back in the day but never finished it and I don't remember shit about it other than it was pretty.

>modern phantasy star
>modern legend of heroes

For PS1? Front Mission 2, Brigandine, the Langrisser ports are all better srpgs than FFT. Most likely nothing you haven't already heard of. You don't need to go obscure to beat FFT, if you thought that was my angle. I'm no patrician. It's just really easy to tell when people have basically only played those four I mentioned and maybe some other garbage like Luminous Arc and Stella Glow. People rate highly what they know, it's a simple fact. FFT is what people know.

>Guys is Wild Arms 3 any good?

Yes. It's also the most wild west Wild Arms game from what I remember,. It was a relatively early PS2 game, though.

What are the best JRPGs of the 2010s?

>comparing all of this shit weeb shovelware to CT and FF6

Sonegroes were a mistake.

Bravely Default, Zero/Ao no Kiseki, Radiant Historia.

>modern Suikoden
>existing at all

What the FUCK was his problem, holy shit?

He watched his father cower and beg for mercy while bandits raped his mother to produce his little sister Jillia.

I played Suikoden 1 for about 4 hours.

It's pretty dry in the writing deparment.

He's literally a slightly less rapey Caligula

I never really understood what's supposedly that good about Suikoden II, or Suikoden in general, they have a fairly large cast of playable characters but that's about it, the gameplay's just as mediocre as your average casual JRPG and there's much better games out there if you like branching paths or multiple endings, there's not even a lot of exploration you can do.
Not to mention that the only actually alright games in the series are the first two.

It's one of the best JRPGs ever made imo. Unique and interesting fantasy wild west setting, really great character writing especially the PCs who are all really well fleshed out and develop over the game, decent plot, dungeons with zelda-like puzzles and has some decent spins on JRPG battle mechanics too. And it has a kickass and really memorable OST by Michiko Naruke.

If you like JRPGs, you will probably love WA3. You don't need to have played any of the others at all.

Will they eventually get off their asses and pick up the various plot points introduced in III, including the curse of the True Runes and the Holy Emperor? I already know the answer is no, but it's kinda saddening to see the interesting worldbuilding of III being thrown to waste like this.

Does your 13 year old mind know the difference between a remaster and a remake? Resident Evil 1 remaster vs Resident Evil 1 remake. Of course, since you more than likely are brain damaged, there is a difference between up scaling ps1 games versus remaking them. I bet you also think HD means 1080p, when HD starts at 720p, but it's OK you'll call for an HD REMASTER of a PS3 Era game that runs at 720p in the first place because who gives a fuck about what words and their meaning anymore in the Era of the me, me, me generation.

Stupid faggot.

Yeah it was crazy at the end of 3 when they started hitning about Hikuusaak and the true origins of the Harmonian Empire.

Ni no Kuni, I don't care what people say it was better than most of the moeblob shit that gets made these days.

>Yoshitaka supposedly dropped the entire plot of what the game would have been like if he finished it.
>Said something along the lines of "The True Runes are evil and slowly corrupting humanity. Sindar tried to stop this and collapsed as a result. World War Harmonia and the destruction of all Runes.
>tfw no actual evidence this was ever said except by word of mouth.

> People rate highly what they know, it's a simple fact. FFT is what people know.

>Not to mention that the only actually alright games in the series are the first two.

The only game that is a complete dumpster is IV and it can be entirely ignored.

what a horrible troll image.

That is one fucking inconsistent image. Nice to see so many JRPGs acknowledged on it though.

what am I if I like at least one from every category

>Murayama will never return to make Suikoden VI and finally show us Harmonia.
>No Hikuusaak
>No Howling Voice Guild
>No ruthlessly efficient rune-based society with caste system.
>We will never finish the plot he was building towards for 3 games
>We just got Tierkreis instead.

>Something akin to Bravely Default's style, or maybe I am Setsuna's.
Fuck no, stop using that garbage 3d and go back to 2d

>The only game that is a complete dumpster is IV
And Tactics, Tierkreis and Tsumugareshi on the PSP which is even worse than IV, and the rest ranges from mediocre to alright with II being the supposedly high point of the series.

>Shadow Hearts


To be fair the plot twists, character revelations, character deaths and the cliffhanger in the most recent LoH game made up for the shitty light-novel-tier generic moe power fantasy travesty that was the last two.

Tactics is perfectly acceptable. It had more likable characters and being able to control a huge army of units was pretty fun.

Also had a little bit of a reward for slogging through IV in that you could unlock IV's protag with save data and smoke everything with the souleater rune.

>Zero/Ao no Kiseki
>Radiant Historia
My man.
>Bravely Default
You lost me. That game is hot garbage in almost every way.

>you will never again build up your castle and have all 108 stars of Destiny join you

Ni No Kuni was too basic. Amazing production values, but you can get literally anyone and they won't have any trouble with the game because it's so simple and half the game is a tutorial .

there's also the psp game which was apparently so mediocre no one even bothered translating it. for god's sake, gaidens and gba card game were fan translated over it.

Tactics is more of a companion to S4. I wonder how much is lost on people who didn't play that one first.

Not much to be honest. IV's world is so far removed from everything else timeline-wise it may as well not even be a Suikoden.

Like you probably won't understand what's happening with the Rune Shells and all that mess but it's not like it really matters. Iv was just so fucking bad.

>Golden Sun

>which was apparently so mediocre
Tsumugareshi isn't mediocre, it's straight up trash, I went in blind and finished in around 10 hours without EVER changing the party I got in the beginning and steamrolled ANYTHING with no effort whatsoever, I didn't even need to buy or create new stuff, I never bothered expanding my base other than one or two guys I found while progressing through the story and again, I didn't even bother checking what they exactly did, it's a pathetically bad game, no wonder it killed off Suikoden for good after the other mess that was Tierkreis.
And don't make me talk about the characters, music or animations, the only redeeming thing about it was having somewhat good graphics for a PSP game, but that is completely wasted on terrible animations anyway, the time travel plot was also horrible too.

>trails of cold steel.
too this day I can't hold my laughter at that name.


How does II even compete?

fuck I was just thinking of playing dark cloud on a emulator or burning it and actually beating it this time. but if it looks better on a emulator ill do it, how does the ps2 emu run nowadays. Also anyone agree dark cloud 2 was oddly bad, it felt like a mistake.

He unironically goes full cold steel at the end of the 3rd game.


not a suikoden game


Who thought this series was a good idea I mean is it even good gameplay wise or story wise or just trash?