Is there any worse example of RNG bullshit in videogames than in minesweeper?

Is there any worse example of RNG bullshit in videogames than in minesweeper?

What's the worst instance of RNG deciding the outcome of a game you've experienced?

Other urls found in this thread:

>falling for the 4-meme

That's not rng. You just placed the flags incorrectly.

>You just placed the flags incorrectly.
Except I didn't, if I did it would show wrongly placed flags.
This was a genuine 50/50.

So THIS is the power of PC exclusives. Wow.

Post the entire board you fucking faggot. There's no RNG in Minesweeper, just lack of skill.

You should've known from the 2

Speaking of 2, check it

what a brainlet lmao

>Post the entire board you fucking faggot.
What difference does it make if I post the full board?
Literally nothing outside of that specific area affects it.
Except both mines could have been shifted to the left and it would all be the same.


Oh yeah, those suck. Especially when you get some four or five of those on a board.

You'd think they'd balance the algorithm for that to just not happen, but it still does and honestly most of the non-Micro$oft versions are way worse.

For videogames I don't really have an example of just flat out being told to get fucked. Maybe a Dark/Light attack landing in an SMT game, that always sucks. Why's that even a mechanic.



Do you guys not see the mine directly to the left of the 2?

Does this board even play Minesweeper or are you just pretending to be this fucking stupid.


Is this loss?


Is this some clever ruse?

DO you see the 4 above that mine? You didn't flag the guaranteed four bombs correlated, which confirm the 2 being the one I pointed to.

Confirmed retarded

>not being Lord of the Mines

I have carefully labelled, in white, the five points of contact for that 4. Meaning a 50/50 chance.

I'm not even the OP, but boy you are missing some braincells.

Actually, Solitaire is a lot worse in terms of RNG.
You can get an unwinnable hand dealt from the start, but the game does a better job hiding it than Minesweeper does.


I'm not OP.
He has 3 of the mines around that 4 flagged, and then there's the mine tile and the blank tile to the left of that. Both are touching the 4, and he has no way of knowing which contains the mine. Same for the highlighted mine that he ended up clicking.

Clinically retarded

Are we seriously having a fucking Minesweeper thread?

Literally confirmed to have never played Minesweeper before. Holy shit user. At least learn how to read basic visual information of the board before getting into a shit-flinging argument online about it.

That connects 5 bombs to the 4.

What is even the point of these games? You're encouraged to use less units no matter what "difficulty" you're on, and even if you gimp yourself by roleplaying as the tactician of an elite band of animu archetypes who single-handedly kill god and some generic faggots, you have every chance to have your favorite hair color become a useless faggotron.
It's a fucking 25 year old visual novel franchise without a decent plot or even one notable character to its name, and now even the aeshetic is cancer inducing to the retina.
ISIS might be the oldest and worst game developer in the industry's history.

Holy shit.

You know he's lost the game, right? The two mine cells were blank cells before he clicked the red one. You've pointed out two fucking empties because all the mines are shown because he lost.

It's a minesweeper thread, on Sup Forums, and there are still people who legitimately do not know how to play this fucking game.

We have them before, but we don't always get retards like this who don't understand it was a 50/50 chance here, on both left or both right

Are you joking?
If you're not.
Here, I have created an alternate version of this situation using the flip tool.
You'll see, unless you're completely retarded, that this version also fits within the given parameters.


I’ve been playing this game for years and I’ve legitimately never learned how to play. I don’t even understand what’s going on.

It's like pokemon, you're supposed to use the units you like and have fun that way. The game isn't balanced around using a small handful of units, or in the case of pokemon, one single 'mon, because that's not where half the fun is contained.

Nah it's still solveable.

The worst part is, I believe you.

What the fuck is this thread even?
Also where's the rest of the surrounding squares? Need at least one more row at the bottom to confirm if bullshit.

implying OP will post it

>user does not understand how minesweeper works
the absolute state of Sup Forums in anno domini 2017

The point of Minesweeper is to find all the mines and put little flags.

You do this by uncovering squares with numbers in them. The numbers show how many mines are around the number. For example, if you find the number 3 under a square, that means there are 3 mines around that square.

You job is to use logic to find out where the 3 mines are and flag them. If you accidentally open even one mine, it's game over.

There you go, now go play.

I knew I'd eventually see the day whereupon the Sup Forums population was so underage that they legitimately didn't know how to play Minesweeper. Wow.

That was the actual bottom of the board.
I couldn't give you another row even if I wanted to.

It's solveable by winning the 50/50 coin flip.

It's clearly already the bottom of the board, moron. You can see the border.

Reduce the numbers down to the number of unflagged mines and it becomes really clear that there are two potentially valid solutions.

paintfag here. I just realized I am, in fact, the one with retardation. sorry OP

Isn't it only about 17% of solitaire games that are actually winnable without backtracking?

Crash course:

-Click to unveil a tile. If it's a mine, you lose. First click is guaranteed non-loss because the board generates after you click.
-Numbers reveal contact points. Use those clues to flag mines with the right click.
-You don't need to flag mines to win, but if you flag them then you can just select any tile with right and left click to unveil all non-flagged tiles. Makes things much quicker.

It's a game of deduction. Which makes that occasional coin-toss slotted duo of contact points frustrating for users.

Anyways since you keep insisting.
Here's the full board.

I don’t know a single person who ever learned how to play this game. Everyone I knew would just click random squares and see how long they’d last

>Clinically retarded
You sure are

I'm just gonna' sit here and post dead Minesweeper memes, because we never fucking have these threads on Sup Forums.

Yes and he chose the wrong one. Hence it's a 50/50 flip.


go play minesweeper and post your first result. right fucking now.

Duel Links. I love it but fuck shitty fake computer "random". And fuck that cheating mystery duelist cunt

So I'm not a total brainlet for only being able to win with it dealing 1 card at the top?

Arbitrary crit chances in PvP games.

It's a sad, but very common phenomenon. Very few people I know actually know how to play Minesweeper.

It's actually one of my favorite little timewasters.

One card deal Solitaire is brainlet. Using the hint function is sub-brainlet.

I understand that.
So why is it labeled an SRPG? It's not about strategy. At all. Almost every SRPG is what you've just described, except it's not thrown in your face. Class systems and characters are just part of games, and have utility and purpose respectively. FE isn't hard, or even fun. Pick your favorite loser and enjoy a game entirely devoted to you picking your favorite loser, with no substance anywhere else.
That being said and more on topic; Why after you pick your favorite anime does he/she/xe/it have a chance to be rendered moot lest you replay levels? RNG's existence in FE just cements the theory that IntSys have no fucking clue how to design games, if there wasn't already plenty evidence of that.

It's worth noting that outside of PvP, the RNG in Pokemon isn't a factor. Pokemon are horrible games, yes, but there isn't any chance of you losing to anything in the game because of your IV/EVs, or lack of grinding for them. FE uses RNG to partially disguise their inability to properly balance a game, even one as linear and recycled as FE.


I think that might be low-balling it, since my win % is 12% without backtracking ever and I'm not great at solitaire.
But it might be. I haven't looked into Solitaire statistics as a whole.



what size/mines?

Will post results

What's your favourite version of solitaire?
My personal favourite is the version that came with Shenzhen I/O, I like the way demons work in it.

Every Minesweeper clone should be hard-coded to open a fold on the first click.


I'm actually fine with it not doing that.
At least I don't have time to get invested before I get shafted.

In mmo-style pvp it's a mechanism that can give you openings to make something happen in a fight that would otherwise be a stalemate.

Well yeah but you want to get invested, right? That's why you play.

I read this 10-page article once that went into detail about whether or not the board should be generated on runtime or on first click.

Dealing 3 cards is some bullshit the game is already like a 50% chance of being a loss anyway why even add more conditions on top of that?

>can still barely beat Hard minesweeper with a sub 300 time
I am the brainlet.

God, fucking. I have this minesweeper app on my phone, and the fucking thing never opens with a fold ever. Make that had, I'm getting another.

>whether or not
Why is there an "or not"? Why would there ever be an "or not"?

I play It's free and it opens with a fold every time.

It has something to do with optimization, and if you build bots to solve 10gb fields you want it to create at runtime because it's one less factor and that's apparently a big deal. Not going to lie, it all got a little too theoretical real a little too fast for me.


Cheers, user.

>That snake at the bottom with hardly any entrance to it.
I'm sure that would have been a fun time had you gotten to it.

Well you tried. Good call on those mid-left 3s though.

Where can I get this game from?

I just play it on the website You can probably find an app for it if that's more your thing though.

it's not RNG it's maths and simple deduction. maybe you'll be better at the game after you finish 5th grade user

>click start
>type in "minesweeper"

The only versions I've ever played (aside from using actual cards to play, obviously) are the Windows ones. I usually used the fish card background.

Minesweeper was removed from Windows 10 though. There was so much complaining MS had to re-release it again.

Its pretty bad in minesweeper but thats okay since it's a small game to pass time and against no one really.

RNG that makes you cry is in Hearthstone. You can play well the whole game and lose to 1 instance of good rng by your opponent, and that's why I quit thay garbahe game. I wouldn't if it was truly free2play, though.

I remember their re-released version being so fucking gaudy that I decided to just ignore that it exists and play the website version.

This game is still as okay as when I played it in high school, good to know.

Strategy is absolutely a part of the game, and a larger focus of the game than most RPGs. Thus it is an SRPG.
The core design philosphy of FE is more about simulating fantasy war, and with that comes having your friends die, sometimes to luck, and a lot of it involves the essentially-random chance of your enemy successfully dodging. Strategy can be applied to gambling.


card games

You want Minesweeper X if you're autistic about it.

Read the thread.

One of the few apps apps I've ever paid for on my phones was:

I like that you can adjust the size of the squares to fit fat-fingered fucks like me.

Card games make my soul die, I'm not sure how people can stand them.

>3D Pinball for Windows – Space Cadet was removed from later releases of Windows due to a collision detection bug in the 64-bit version of the game that Microsoft was not able to resolve in time for the release of Vista

Oh so that's why.

Better than the 0 zero they have for getting rid of Minesweeper and replacing it with an ad-supported version.

Ads fucking everywhere. Ads in the goddamn start menu.


>find a 1 on a corner IT'S A MINE

>not turning off the botnet

Excuse me user it's math and simple deduction didn't you read the thread.

ur obviously not deducting hard enough.

Absolutely RNG.
But it's probably the upper one. It's really rare for mines to be in the actual corners like that.

Ads in the start menu is so fucking obnoxious. If you wouldn't put ads in your bedroom or office they should not be in your fucking operating system.

I tend to find that there is always a mine in one corner, and the other 3 corners are safe. That might be placebo effect though, although I've got a lot of first-hand experiences with that and none to the contrary.