Downvote EA!

Don't forget to downvote brigade EA people!

>falseflagging it as a "brigade" to use it as an excuse when the execs ask you how a community manager managed to have by far the least liked comment of all time in a normie site


The fuck? I love >Reddit now.

People realizing they are idiots for throwing money at EA is not really a bad thing

God people are overblowing this shit. I used to no life games hard and even with a job 40-60 hours doesn't even sound like much. People are such fucking casuals.

watch as all those people who downvoted will STILL buy the game and STILL buy lootboxes.

EA it's on my black list since forever.
My dream it's blow up their office.

You should stay there.

le redit boogeyman

Where is ahmed, when we need him?

I upvoted it :^)

you absolute madman

I didn't buy the first game, and I certainly won't be buying the second. Watch me also not buy the next Battlefield title too.

EA and DICE are getting in a bad way with rushing subpar games and removing features in the name of "progress". They're trying to appease graphics whores every fucking year and get their shekels by constantly reworking the engine, rather than making a solid game.

It's not a boogeyman if it's real, go home reddit-kun and stay there.


hold on lads, we got a rebel here.


>tfw I forgot this game even existed


This, normies are basically braindead cattle and even if they don't agree with certain business practices they'll still buy the game anyway because their normies friends are buying it.

This thread is stupid.


Is this the best you got, reddit-kun?

If you arealdy bought the game downvoting a comment on reddit isn't gonna do shit

get the fuck back to >reddit
we don't care about internet points