What's the best space exploration game and it's space engine?

What's the best space exploration game and it's space engine?

Other urls found in this thread:


>Space Engine

>mom i posted my meme again

No Man's Sky

>Mass Effect Andromeda
>No Man's Sky
>Minecraft if you're feeling desperate and resourceful

Your options are slim here op

t. Amerimutt

What the hell is that, Risk of Rain?

The outer wilds is fun for a free game and has a lot to explore.

Despite the hate i am enjoying no mans sky.

Elite Dangerous




>tfw was hyped for no mans sky as a better space engine for on planet pictures
>tfw didn't care people said it wasn't gamey enough
>tfw the graphics were downgraded and it never got Ansel support so I can't even use it for that

Space Engine is euphoric with choice music.

This is your only choice if you want a complete experience, too bad it's shallow as a puddle, wide as the galaxy

Sup Forums memes belong on Sup Forums
Maybe you should go back there

No Man's Sky is basically Space Engine with creatures and gameplay.

these are getting better and better lol
it's Sup Forums I think

Kerbal Space Program.

if you want to explore the depths of human empathy and psychopathy in spess, ss13

It's an Sup Forums meme.

>makes fun of brown people
>Sup Forums
It's Sup Forums alright


>explore a few recolored planets with nothing on them

space is a nasa hoax
the moon landing was fake

Nope. Sup Forums are a bunch of sensitive babies that can't take a joke

I know. Go back there to shitpost.

Sup Forums can't into comedy, they take memes seriously.

I think it's just an American thing


It's the best space flight game, but the exploration aspect is fairly limited.

>if you don't like jokes against minorities you go to a certain site I dislike

Sup Forumsblrinas can't handle the Sup Forums banter

The Dark Ones...


>Sup Forums
All they do is flood other boards with their cancerous shit. Fucking Euroniggers and Mexicans with their unfunny JIDF-sponsored "memes". They are Shillary tier.

Careful, boy...
They have memes and are not afraid to use them

Shut the fuck up /leftypol/


Game? Elite Dangerous, hands down
"experience"? Space engine, no doubt

>being this mad that people called out the shitposters that you attempt to falseflag

You guys shit up more threads with your Sup Forums hate than there are actual Sup Forumstards posting.

I even noticed some people going against SJW in vidya being called out to be Sup Forumstards. You guys should seriously fuck off to another site if you don't know what makes this site good.

Fuck you, cuck.

Go for it faggot.



>reinstall Rebel Galaxy for the first time since launch
>it's missing multiple parts of the UI regardless of settings
>no information about this anywhere



>only americans make jokes against third worlders
The obsession is real

Nah, it makes fun of americans
>65% white

Star Citizen

Does anyone have the one with the various faces at different whiteness levels?
I forgot to save it


Don't shitpost with Preacher.

X3 or Star Sector

Star Citizen probably. Maybe. Eventually.


>makes fun of americans being brown and mutts
>not Sup Forums

Yea, that's Sup Forums, newfag
Sup Forums wouldn't make fun of themselves like that, it's self hatred is different, doesn't come out in humor, just by being a cunt.
Next you'll tell me /an/ loves cats and /sci/ thinks engineers are cool.


>doesn't know the meme originated in Sup Forums
>calls me a newfag
Better stop posting now

truly the best meme in years. so many butthurt Americans.

I'm pretty sure people who post this haven't actually visited Sup Forums.
There are far more threads bitching about other things than black people.

>make shitty anti-pol meme
>flood whatever threads you find with it
>people get angry at your shitposting
>call them americans

It's funny because that's exactly the same reason people hate Sup Forums

Still waiting for the one with the faces at different levels of whiteness
It's the one with
>le -1% face

How's Starpoint Gemini?


53% detected

>anti-Sup Forums meme

Only Sup Forumscels and americans think that way. The meme doesn't come from Sup Forums in the first place, but from some twitter user hisperic.

L'abomination des égoûts

>The meme doesn't come from Sup Forums in the first place, but from some twitter user hisperic.

L'engeance des abysses...

What are some games you're OBSESSED with?

Can someone explain this new spicy meme?

Made by this guy: twitter.com/menangahela

lmao butthurt Sup Forumscel

>spicy meme
fuck off back to twitter/Facebook/9gag
not even going to post a goblin for this one.

>hehe i know ill prove him right
>now ill call him an ameriMUTT lol

Sup Forums,Sup Forums, and /his/ are all Sup Forums boards.

>Made by this guy: twitter.com/menangahela

>enter thread to post about Everspace
>it's Sup Forums memes all over the thread

Everspace is good, I swear.



Are the USA the new Argentina?

>Americans get mocked for being race obsessed
>people oversimplify demographics to create the idea that all americans are massive mongrels that still decides who's white and not
>Devolves into some grotesque caricature of the original, like a degenerating human as he approaches the 0% white, turning into a monster
>Americans on /int are targeted, mild success. Just the usual butthurt due to banter
>Americans on Sup Forums are absolutely arse devastated
>Calling it "share blue soros divide and concur,hillary CTR JIDF campaign to divide the white race", crying about it and just feeding the trolls by shouting how white they are
Sup Forums has a massive persecution complex and it hits just the right chords


Sup Forums's Sup Forums hasn't made a meme to say it's life, everything came from Krautchan's Sup Forums, with some Sup Forums or /new/ shit. Even "banter" comes from Sup Forums

>Sup Forums's Sup Forums hasn't made a meme to say it's life


I can't even keep up with the memes anymore, I think I'm getting too old for this shit.

>everything came from Krautchan's Sup Forums

For over 200 years and across different cultures, tales of the repulsive american goblin have spread from parents to children around the world

No other creature on god's earth is more reviled, his intelligence as low as its skin is dark, the scorge of the new world

Fucking kek that gif

guys im so scaredpleasesendhelpguys oh no


Empyrion is pretty fun, focuses a lot on planetary survival though, has nifty ship building system
early access, updated regularly though

Deep sea scares me

Wanna hold hands, friend?

No it comes from Sup Forums. Its mocking Americans, Sup Forums Americans have been externally screaming about it and calling for the nuking of Sup Forums since the meme propagated.