What does he mean by this?

What does he mean by this?

>The equation on the tags is the Schwarzschild radius.
The Schwarzschild radius (sometimes historically referred to as the gravitational radius) is the radius of a sphere such that, if all the mass of an object were to be compressed within that sphere, the escape velocity from the surface of the sphere would equal the speed of light. If a stellar remnant were to collapse to or below this radius, light could not escape and the object is no longer directly visible outside, thereby forming a black hole.

>for promotional stuff
Sony will kill him

n-no it was only konami that was evil. a good company like sony will give an artist like kojima as much money as he needs!

>spending his budget on statues, necklaces, and hanging out with his celebrity buddies

what are the odds his company goes bankrupt before the game is finished?

they 3d printed some shit to sell to nerds

Jesus christ how much does that cost?

>what are the odds his company goes bankrupt before the game is finished?

I think its pretty high. no wonder konami got enough of his bullshit

Machining titanium costs an arm and a leg especially from small things like that,
I don't know what the fuck is this guy doing.

>I don't know what the fuck is this guy doing.
wasting money, what else

>hasn't even finished the game and already jewing up some expensive merch

What the fuck is he trying to say?

Kojima can do math just fine. If it costs $100 to make per unit, he will charge $600 per unit and the blind fanboys will still buy it.

kojima is an auteur

Eh not really, titanium silverware is pretty common and is like 10 bucks a piece.

Holy shit, Sony's never making that money back lmao

Why would Sony fund his company's merchandise?

(it's a key)


Does this thing has any practical use or it's just an expensive shit to put around your neck?

>invisible babies
>weird machines
>floating people
>now black holes

This game makes lesser sense the more information we find about it. I gotta admit I'm curious, but still cautious about the outcome of it.

Now try to machine the thing and see how it goes.
CNC machines are expensive and the tooling for titanium is astronomical.

Somebody should shoot him. What a delusional faggot. Finally I see what Konami saw.

>tfw Kojima destroys Sony by doing expensive useless shit for eternity and saves gaming

And retards try to paint Konami as the bad guys here.

This egomaniac was also flying to all sort of events that didn't require his presence at all. He was hardly ever in the studio working.

I'm tired of this fucking retard talking in riddles

Don't forget del Toro's brain transplant scar, and undead umbilical cord soldiers attached to Mads Mikkelsen and his fantastic teleporting hat.

I literally can't imagine game with a story this weird.


People still think he talks in riddles?

He's just a retard.


kojima is an overrated faggot who spends budget on pointless shit and then just wants his name spammed on the games so he unaffiliates himself from his team thus getting all credit.

Konami did well getting rid of him. Wasnt he vice president of Konami anyway?

Also to the faggots who make fun of Zombies on MGS series. Kjima wanted to include zombies since MGS2

Just wait till the game releases you faggots you will get btfo from based hideo

The closer you were to Dunkirk, the more likely you were to die?

Kojima only did movies, not games.
Have fun with your CGI movie.

Kojmadrones everyone.

t. muhammed

It's fucking aliens, an old alien race that was responsible for humanity's evolution up until now.

>humans create a way to control their own evolution by using bioenginering to create the fetuses
>the fetuses can control time and space
>alien race gets angry and tries to "cancel" earch
>black cords are literally sucking the life out of every living thing in the ocean
>the material being extracted can be used as an universal fuel
>mads (probably a hunter or a soldier that is being controlled by the aliens) use the cords and this substance to help him hunt down the few humans who escaped with the fetuses

Probably something like this.

I though his name was Kojima???

>the entire Metal Gear franchise is a movie
Underage brainlet confirmed.

In theory, could you create a suit made entirely of black hole matter and become invisible wearing it?

Ricenigger thinks he's making connections in Hollywood, but I'm sure every celebrity forgets his gook ass as soon as he leaves their presence.

Kojima can't even speak english, right? How in the fuck does he even talk to these people? Just through a translator?

>being a brainlet that cant understand the secret meaning
But to be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Hideo and Kojima

who cares about this bullshit hipster pseudo-"art"? boring games for boring weebs.

It means he plans to sell you an overpriced collectors edition full of useless shit presented in a convoluted and cryptic way to make it feel deep and important

user each of his games has less than 2hour of gameplay, the codecs and cutscenes is the reason why his "games" and long

It's hardly a complex machining process; you just need to take one angle off the edge and then the rest doesn't need CNC.

He hires personal translator duh.
At least Konami did pay for that for his "meetings".

The tool tip itself costs money.
Do you understand?
Stop pretending to know how titanium works just by reading from Wikipedia.

If you think they each have less than two hours of gameplay, you've obviously never played them.

What did he mean by this?

>MFW kojimbo wants to join Wensteins hollywood cult but gets turned down because he's a chink

That's very theoretical, considering the sheer mass the suit would have. You're talking about a material so dense that light can't escape from it, so how are you going to put it on or wear it without getting fucked up yourself?

How many times can this Kojima cunt pretend to be making something of high art but really its just a nonsensical game with no coherent story and average game play and get away with it?

You don't need a tooltip, it's not an ingame item but a real life one.

yeah Ive never played them

Ok Kojima but you answer to Sony about your titanium custom necklace.

>I don't get it so no one can understand it
MGS's plot is perfectly coherent. Whether or not it's good is another story, but the events make sense.

Sony lends support to the franchises that support them.
>destroys Sony
>saves gaming
pick one and only one.

>"thing" in quotes
>Kojima a big fan of John Carpenter


As long as his drones are impressed by his japanese movie making skills.

You could wear a thick shirt or leather armor under it for protection.

Hideo's the one back in the studio making the game. Kojima's the one being a fag and thinking he's a Hollywood director

The fucking neck lmao

How could machining titanium be any more expensive than steel? The benefits of titanium are that is has the majority of the strength of steel buy only 60% of the weight.

Stop lying to yourself. MGS story is both incoherent and shit.

MGS on playstation was one of my favourite games. MGS 2 ruined the franchise forever after.

What an ugly bastard. I bet this disgusting looking Jap cunt is in this thread translating our comments right now.

sasuga wahooposter

made me laugh

I mean it couldn't be any simpler to understand. It just seems complicated to dumb people.

I don't understand what point you think you're making?

Obviously making it out of titanium is dumb, but it would just be for prestige and they'd charge more for it.

Fit so sick user not only becomes a total chick magnet, he becomes a house-the-chick-lives-in magnet, sucks the whole neighborhood and continent dry until distant extraterrestrial observers announce to the galaxic council that they've finally found the ultimate supermassive faggot

Really glad Konami let this asshole walk away. He is so shameless he hasn't presented an alpha or beta gameplay trailer, always CG cutscenes and his Twitter feed is full of toys, travel plane pics, Bluray, food, and music. Hideo Kojima is one of the laziest Japanese developers out there, just astonishing he built a cult of personality when his editors and Co writers helped him the most in MGS2 and MGS3. His E3 America trailer is really the most out of touch segment of what he thinks America is, you shul watch it. It's the last e3 trailer of mgs5 with God awful non American perspective on American values. It's like a weeb making am essay based on Japanese cartoons on Japanese culture.

This desu
I have around $300 ready to drop on death stranding merch.

It's not complicated. It's just convoluted horse manure.

I really like the MGS universe and the story is pretty good, I think. It's impossible to not like Solid Snake or Naked Snake and most of the villains are at least visually interesting and provide a good spectacle. The games just have really neat ideas that I think are written off perhaps too often by the "sillyness" of the whole thing. In-game though, I think it all works very well together and has a pretty original style.

As far as gameplay goes, I think it's pretty high tier. I mean come on, it's basically THE stealth game, next to Splinter Cell and Thief. Not always very realistic, but it still works really well as a game. Lots of cool/funny items to use and see the enemy's reaction to, while also having a lot of those "technology" moments. You could criticize some things, sure, such as the gun controls and maybe the CQC system in it's earlier implementations, but the game does feel like a well-made stealth game. It's fun.


fire kojima and make a new siren game

So Kojimbo is going full retard again and we are getting the equivalent of MGS 4 and V rather than 1-3.

He won't be able to return to his former glory, it's been over 10 years since he did something good