It is monday. You're supposed to play Project Diva today and talk about Hatsune Miku. Why is there no thread?
It is monday. You're supposed to play Project Diva today and talk about Hatsune Miku. Why is there no thread?
Only literal faggots play girly rhythm games
Thanks for sharing your opinion, user.
I wanna get eaten by Miku!
Because all vocaloids are shit.
Nobody forces you people to join the thread. If you don't like it you have the option to simply ignore it.
I recognize this vore porn.
Wasn't it actually used in a commercial too?
Fuck off dumb weeb
>that feel when shit at FT
One day I will try to get gud at my first Project Diva game.
Who needs Miku when there are better vocaloids available?
>playing anime games
post the webm
Why is Joker song not in Future Tone?
when's the new dlc out?
Official ranking
Luka > Miku > Len > Meiko > Rin > IA = GUMI > Kaito
Len should be higher, but I can agree
Just post some fucking Vore and be quiet.
>Len > Rin
Rin sucks though. All she ever does is sing about suicide.
That sneak of pantsu though
Fuck future tone so hard in the ass the dlc was shit and they never gave streaming heart
Now fucking Sega made new Miku aka recycled future tone with two extra songs and they have the audacity to release it as a brand new title.
Nintendo Miku best Picku.
Streaming heart is in X. You can upgrade your base version of FT to FT DX.
What dlc?
this was true vore kino
I hate miku
Never have; probably never will
are you guys buying the memorial pack?
I would buy a physical version if they brought it over. I have the JP digital version.
No, I bought the Hori controller instead.
I wonder how good this controller actually is.
It's probably exactly the same as the PDX one, which wasn't anything special, but I really really fucking hate the DS4.
see filename
This is that vore video, isn't it?
Please play with Miku.
I think a vore themed Miku game would be nice. You have to hop along to the music to prevent giving her a stomach ache
Miku a Fake
>Dallas, TX
>May 15, 2016
Oh fug, i was there
video source please?
Post favorite tracks.
Just so everyone is aware, the best Miku is sinesian
What in the fuck is even the point of the Safe rating other than to completely fuck you over because of the game's inconsistent timing?
>inconsistent timing
>mods deleted yesterdays thread
>when actual game discussion was occurring and not just a bunch of image and vore posting
inb4 hurr durr it wasn't monday yet
Does it matter what day of the week a videogame is discussed?
Mate, I've gotten Good ratings when I've just barely been in decent range and Safe when I'm dead on. Explain that shit.
It actually was. The OP picture was also cuter.
What piece of shit designed the trophy list of X? Actually better yet what piece of shit designed X at all? Worst game in the series. {LOL LET'S JUST MAKE EVERY SONG A MIKU SONG)
How is that any different from all the other project divas? Miku has the majority of songs in every game.
No I haven't played X. Do they just straight up not have any songs for the other vocaloids?
Kaito has exactly 1 song that he's featured in at all that isn't even solo.
Meiko has no solo songs either.
The rest other than Miku only have one solo song each and a good chunk of the setlist is compilation tracks. It also has a smaller track list overall.
does wokada still draw good miku's?
that's a shame
I don't think I saw him ever drawing futa miku on len, even though he seems to enjoy drawing futadom. Maybe he respects miku too much.
Last thread got (404)d for no good reason.
Hello Miku (and Luka)
Was it the one with the chibi cat miku?
I want miku to eat me!
i wanna titfuck miku
1. I don't play rhythm games
2. I'm a waggie so back to work for me
I want this user to tittyfuck Miku while she swallows me whole and alive. I want him to fuck her so hard that I can’t help but slosh back and forth in her stomach.
This'll be my first Miku LE.
I finally got to play the arcade version of future tone this weekend, the 4 button layout was very easy to follow but single note triplets were a bit of a hassle, overall a much better experience over the DS4.
Hey so is there any advantage to getting a psvr headset to play miku? My head says probably not, but my libido won't let me drop it.
Now build your own arcade controller
You're just gonna want to see what's underneath her spats and then get bored of it soon enough.
You weren't dead on.
Never been too much of a DIY person, nor do I have the tools.
Another thing about the arcade was the slider, that one is much easier in the DS4 at least, I couldn't get the hold ones to register properly.
i will suck Kaito's dick for this to appear in a game
Nor was I, but that's how much I loved the arcade experience over the PS4 pad. Bought a shit load of materials and tools to build my own controller
Were you using the touch pad or triggers for holds on PS4? On the arcade version you have to slide quite far to completely hit a long slider, but in general I think they're quite generous in that you can be pretty early and still get Great
The better question is why you faggots get away with general thread for years on Sup Forums when any other subject would have been banished to /vg/ where these trash rightfully belongs.
>gameplay discussion: absolutely none
I play with the triggers yeah, it's just that some songs have some pretty long sliders so you have to eyeball how fast you need to move your finger so it registers and you don't run out of space, unless you can loop the slider with a second finger but I didn't even consider it, I'd need to play a bit more to get the hang of it, I only played like 4 songs.
I played this song since I really like it and I don't have the PS4 DLC, but the chart compared to Project Mirai was completely different rhythm wise.
because mods like Miku?
It'd be like releasing the trigger halfway through and then holding it again, you don't have to do the slide in one go but can let go and slide again
Generally just a good habit to slide as much as possible on long slides
Yeah you don't really have a right to complain yet if you've only played 4 songs. It's like if someone said Extreme is too difficult and it was their first time ever playing. You'll get used to it.
Yay me
Have the 3 FT DLCs gone on sale yet?
He's not really complaining, just noting that he was having difficulty adjusting to using a physical slider instead of triggers
>snow dogs
that movie was shit
I'm not complaining, I'm just saying that it wasn't completely intuitive transferring a mechanic where I use buttons into a slider.
I played arcade theatrhythm as well and even though it's an entire different setting the 3DS gameplay was very transferable. I did think it was a 2P machine initially though.
Name another video game that won at least one Super GT championship. I'll wait.
Jokes on you, I'm a simple man who can be entertained by the things I've been bored with.
>All of these racy racing mikus and no racy racing miku game
Though they'd probably turn it into a gatcha phone game. Though I don't think there's a bad racing Miku design, so I can't deny that the temptation would get to me.
There's the Asetto Corsa mods though
Yeah I guess that works well enough.
What songs do you want to see in the next game Sup Forums?
Can't stop racing with that car in Ass Corsa.
I'm playing a game that suits my needs.
No fucking way
can someone prove/disprove this?
GUMI > IA > Luka > Miku > Rin > Len > Kaito > Meiko
vorefaggots will never cease to horrify
>Daughter of Evil in anything that isnt Mirai DX never ever
feels bad man