If Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain's storyline was 100% complete and included in the game from the very beginning...

If Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain's storyline was 100% complete and included in the game from the very beginning, would you have considered it to be the best Metal Gear Solid game in the series?

Would you have gone so far to even consider it as GOTY or even the greatest game of the decade?

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MGSV could literally never live up to the hype I built up for it, so probably not.

The second E3 trailer was the high-water mark of excitement I will ever feel for anything again. That game cannot exist in this plane of existence.

I mean, I think mechanically it's still the most fun to play.

Pretty crazy how V has so much content and still feels like it comes up pretty short. Makes you wonder what it would have been like completed.

I was most dissappointed by the lack of "levels" personally.

I was expecting the world to be filled with like 5-10 bases the size and complexity of GZ's prison camp and bigger

Well to be fair there are like 3 or so large towns in Afghanistan that are built into the side of the mountains that are sort of like GZ's prison camp. And Africa has that airport thing which is also decently sized.

They created a monster that they couldn't possibly handle, the scale of the game was too big to ever say it was complete. FFXV had exactly the same problem.

But IF it was fully fleshed out, story-wise and more focused on the narrative (more 'codecs', cutscenes etc) then yes it could have been the best.

honestly pc mods get it close to the ideal mgsv.

>so much content
infinitely less variety than Peace Walker
anybody who says this never 100%ed Peace Walker
so disappointed by MGSV aka MGSPW 0.5

Unless you can mod in another 15 hours of pure story missions, actual dialogue and some characterization for Ocelot and Quiet, and rearrange the Paz arc so it actually contributes to the plot, I don't know if it would help much.

They fix the gameplay, the game only needs more bigger bases to sneak around in and it would be perfect with mods

If my grandma had balls I would call her grandpa.

there are 50 custom levels. the story is fine. the gsmeplay is what failed to meet expectations

Konami did everything to undermine Kojima. All his plans for these big and intricate events were scrapped since Konami demanded that they had to make it compatible with the old gen consoles.


I really doubt that the backwards compatibility was the factor. They just decided that they don't like video games after all, and tortured their staff into quitting.

I have to wonder, if Kojima had as much time as he needed, what would he have added besides the Kingdom of the Flies? It feels like over half the game is missing, since you literally have to play through everything twice - and the second half is basically plotless!

I don't know, it feels like a lot was cut out.

Would have been an excellent 18-20 hour game.

Once I got to Africa and realised it was just Afghanistan with flora and fauna I quit.

Its like a Japanese Ubisoft game.

It's not the only reason, it's just an example of their greed getting in the way of the creators.

Seriously? The fucking GAMEPLAY is what you think failed to meet expectations?

Regardless of how enjoyable the story could have been, by itself or in the context of canon, I still wouldn't consider TPP the best Metal Gear.
Crap plot aside the game leaves a lot to be desired compared to other Solid games. It's a fun pick up and play kind of game and it rewards skill but it's just not really as engaging or interesting to play as the last 4 have been.

If there had been bigger and more complex bases to infiltrate, more interesting zones beyond Africa and Afghanistan, much better bossfights, and a less tiresome means of managing your staff it might have been more fun for me.

the only problem with the story are the abrupt conclusion to Eli's plotline, which isn't that integral to the overall themes of the game

most of the issues with MGSV's narrative come from it not matching people's headcanon, they wanted to see baby sniper wolf and have Big Boss scream at the sky and kill younglings

Never. The story forked off in the worst fucking way.
Should have been about the real Big Boss doing fucked up things, I'm talking genocidal shit. Then it should have had origins for Sniper Wolf and Gray Fox. We should have had Iraq and Mozambique, which would have been exactly the same kinds of weather as Afghanistan and the Congo. Then it would have had Big Boss creating Outer Heaven right at the end, second to the last mission. Also, this

Should have gone with the twin Snakes plot-line desu

These combined would have made the game the greatest single franchise ending game ever

>so much content
Where? It's just an open world game with rehashed missions over and over.

I had the most fun modding it and turning off all the baby assists and playing it like an open world splinter cell operator simulator.

Outside of that it's just another generic open world third person shooter with a few gimmicks that get boring after using them once or twice.

no. it being incomplete was part of the experience.
in that sense it is 100% complete.

Even if the story was perfect, they'd need to change a lot of things so the gameplay was good too. Enemy AI needs to be way better. Level design needs to be way better. The base management needs a huge revamp because the current system is kinda shit. There are lots of things that need to be changed.

This god damnit, the script was already there. How did they fuck up metal gear so bad?

>watching this trailer for the very first time
>this scene comes on
>"Les Enfants Terrible, Zero called it"
>even more goosebumps
>my hype goes through the fucking roof

Fuck you Kojima for teasing us like that. I actually felt something from that reveal, and it ended up being nothing in the actual game.

I do consider it to be the best metal gear solid game in the series, by a huge margin

the type of people who cared about mgs story ever are the type of people who don't read books and aren't capable of recognizing which things have quality and which don't. same type of person who consumes little girl anime and buys funko pops.

goosebumps for "you got all the dominant genes, and i got all the recessive genes!"

This level of writing is why If you care for shit that is that bad, your opinion sucks. Read a fucking book.

No, the story is still retarded

t. tryhard faggots that can't enjoy anything because /lit/ told them it was dumb.

This is exactly what I'm talking about, you're so invested in Sup Forums, as a child, that your mind can't even comprehend someone calling out bad writing as bad because they actually read. To you, it's a sign of some Sup Forums intra-board war.

You know what this makes you? Stupid. A decidedly stupid, ignorant person, whos entire personality is built off fucking Sup Forums. So yeah, my prior advice stands.


>I do consider it to be the best metal gear solid game in the series, by a huge margin
Why exactly?

>100% complete and included in the game from the very beginning
What are you implying?

>same type of person who consumes little girl anime and buys funko pops
projecting this hard

Gameplay exceeds any other game by leaps and bounds, little touches, some of best controls in gaming history, lack of focus on retarded japanese fanfic storyline.

I also consider the money spent on Quiet to be the worst used budget in the history of video games (it took millions of dollars to make her which reduced the length of the game)

And it also has one of the worst final levels in gaming history (I just cheated myself invulnerable because it felt like some kind of cruel joke)

IMO though, this was the best chance for them to flesh out how Big Boss broke bad- starting Outer Heaven, a glimpse of Les Enfants Teribles, and could have had the ending be the start of the first ever MGS. That would have been the biggest middle finger Kojima would have given Konami.

I can tell you aren't well-read just by the way you type. And you're a moron for thinking it has the best gameplay in the series. Having the tightest controls doesn't mean a whole lot when you throw level design and boss fights out the window.

I read Pynchon and I care about the story in mgs. Liked V's story too both of 'em ;}

I don't give a shit, a sign that somebody is up their own ass is their complete unwillingness to enjoy something because it isn't upheld to their standard, which by the way they pull from a SEPARATE FUCKING MEDIUM.

MGS is clearly ambitious, more so than a majority of games, should everybody turn a blind eye for that for the blanket statement of "ITS SHIT, CUHZ BOOKS!"? Who's the fucking stupid person here? I'd never claim that MGS is high art, or that it isn't ridiculous, but it is ambitious and it tries to explore some ideas you don't see other games doing.

Not to mention that a huge part of the appeal for many reasons does not just lie in the quality of the writing itself, but the borderline obsession Kojima has with giving everything context and purpose, he doesn't just let his games have an objective, nothing just is there because it's a game and it services the idea they had for the level design, there's always something beyond that which makes these games feel more living and purposeful than others.

>can't appreciate symbolism and allegory and wants a straightforward narrative instead because his brain can't handle anything more complex yet still thinks they can determine what is quality


Take your own advice, if you're seriously using a translation error (which honestly isn't even an error, it's an unfortunate double entendre) as your go to example of "bad writing".

Why do you read Pynchon? Do you read Pychon because you're well read and you earned your way there through years of exploring literature and wanting to expand your horizons and explore more experimental arts

Or do you read Pynchon because you saw all the hip Sup Forums intellectuals meme him?

>I can tell you aren't well-read just by the way you type

storytelling is storytelling, a bad story with gay unbelievable characters, actions and motivations is a bad and gay story

MGS' story is fucking BAD son. Let me explain something to you
>umpteen characters unflinchingly follow the Boss' dream and it is their motivation for everything
>The boss' dream is basically a world without borders
>Everyone aspires to this ideal because ??????
>Her dream is so important and so logically good because ?????

that's what we call GRADE-SCHOOL WRITING. Yes, it is well within the bounds of logic and good taste to call it out for being SHIT when it *IS SHIT*

read a fucking book. Want to experience good characters for the first time? I'd recommend "East of Eden"

Awesome, which thread on /lit/ told you to worship John Steinbeck?

>storytelling is storytelling, a bad story with gay unbelievable characters, actions and motivations is a bad and gay story
you write like a grade-schooler

I read him because he kept showing up on The Simpsons

that's fucking sad dude, that this is the way you see the world

colloquial speech on Sup Forums isn't meant to impress you, i'm not sure where you got the idea that it was. you probably envision yourself as having worth and expect some "barrier of entry" to communications that reach you while you simultaneously add nothing, ever.

I love how you're ranting about bad writing while highlighting that the games don't spoonfeed you the characters' motivations and reasoning. Why don't you think about it and answer the question yourself, brainlet? That would be a classic example of show don't tell, a hallmark of actual bad writing (and coincidentally something that Metal Gear Solid is often guilty of, and should have been the first thing you jumped on to criticize. But that would require you knowing jack shit about writing).

>that's fucking sad dude, that this is the way you see the world

I don't, but this is Sup Forums there's an 80% chance that my assumptions are spot on about you.

MGSV was my first metal gear game so it’s honestly a 10/10 for me. Technically ground zeroes was my first but it was free with Games for gold on Xbox one the month before it came out. It does still sadden me that the game remains unfinished but It will always be nostalgic and wonderful experience from start to Finish.

the characters don't have any motivation or reasoning. not bothering to read the rest of your post. i'm old dude i recognize kids who don't have anything of value to say and just want to argue. i've seen a hundred thousand of you, you're endless and identical

probably so, however I guarantee you're wrong more than 20% of the time in general, since you are a retard.

go read Tortilla Flat since East of Eden is scary-sized to you. It's still immensely valuable and you will understand it in some way as a nihilistic millennial

>colloquial speech on Sup Forums isn't meant to impress you
And no one is impressed. No one cares. If you want anyone to take you seriously when you're feigning intellectual superiority, it would behoove you to not type like a 13 year old. And if you don't care, why are you even wasting both our time and yours?

>If you want anyone to take you seriously when you're feigning intellectual superiority, it would behoove you to not type like a 13 year old.

here's the angle you didn't consider: I am confident that i am intellectually superior to you, so I will type how I see fit. :)

>wasting our time blah blah

No, I'm pretty sure it was you who were wasting everyones' time by equating colloquial Sup Forums typing style to intellect, while simultaneously advocating an anti-reading attitude and standing up for the quality of the stories found in MGS. LOL.

Please, you think you want this, but you don't, I have been on the internet for well over 20 years and I have forgotten how many little cretins like you I have broken down

>not bothering to read the rest of your post
Yeah I remember using this trick when I was a teenager and got into arguments that were over my head. It doesn't really work on posts that are only 3-4 sentences. I know you read the whole post.
>i'm old dude
lmao what are you, 24?

>>umpteen characters unflinchingly follow the Boss' dream and it is their motivation for everything
I took it more as them convincing themselves they were following The Boss's dream, while actually twisting it into their own agenda, much like religious nuts tend to do.
No one really found her dream important, except for herself.

>I'm pretty sure it was you who were wasting everyones' time
> sure it was you who were wasting everyones' time
>you who were wasting everyones' time
>who were wasting everyones' time
>who were
>i am intellectually superior to you

>I have been on the internet for well over 20 years
damn man, that's impressive. i couldn't possibly go that long without suicide

>unable to actually outthink anyone, focus on pedantic rules applied to colloquial speech

congratulations you won the WHOLE thread

yes? empty bases. no weapons on the map. only 1 truck on patrol. no patrol helis. vanilla gane is a snoozefest. the story is fine

you're a normie

>I am confident that i am intellectually superior to you
Confidence born of ignorance. I am vastly more intelligent than you, no amount of delusion on your part will change that truth.
>I'm pretty sure it was you who were wasting everyones' time by equating colloquial Sup Forums typing style to intellect
You're the one that started this, bucko. You're the one that made the claim that anyone who cares about the story in MGS is intellectually inferior to you, you got called out, and now you're butthurt and barely coherent for it.
>an anti-reading attitude
I know for a fact that I am more well-read than you and your college summer reading list suggestions. Fucking Steinbeck? Go ahead and start recommending Fitzgerald next you pseud.

and you're a perma-virgin

Poor grammar is a hallmark of inferior intelligence. Like I told you before, no one is taking you seriously because you come across as a knuckle dragging retard.

from a linguist pov your wrong

Honesty, I think it would have been one of the best games of all time. The game is great. I actually thought it was shit for the first few months and was actually pissed at how many people gave it 8 and 9 out of 10. But after playing it more and more it really grew on me.


you don't even know how to use an oxford comma or an apostrophe. leave, thou of inferior intellect

I would suggest that arguing in Sup Forums threads is a hallmark of inferior intelligence

btw: sentence was grammatically correct since "who" was "trying to" making it a conditional sentence. :(

never played it until last week, have mostly dodged spoilers though i am aware of the big one, never followed the hype because I was not gaming for the years it was being hyped/after release.

i like it. its super fun. im up to mission 11 i think and I expect I'll probably be disappointed a little bit based on the way everyone talks about this game but mechanically its my favorite mgs game. in terms of story I dunno how you could ever expect any game to beat snake eater but what do i know

No, everything about the story was fucking retarded.

>MGR is an unfinished game
>is loved by the fanbase because memes

>MGSV is an unfinished game
>is hated by the fanbase because... memes?


You forgot this pic. Kojima trolled me 3 times in a row

Zelda Cycle

How is MGR unfinished? They just changed the dev team and it became different kind of game they were planning, but it was still finished and was really good. Also it has one the best soundtracks ever.

All those games linked missed things.

just saying. enlish majors care about grammar. linguists know grammar is theoretical.

mgr is a fully realized product. mgsv is a beta product with enough polish to pass as a full game

>If Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain's storyline was 100% complete and included in the game from the very beginning, would you have considered it to be the best Metal Gear Solid game in the series?
what was cut doesn't fix volgin, quiet or masketta man, or ocelot, or even snake.

>tfw MPO served as a better missing link than anything Kojima made recently

>gave him 8 years + $110 mil
>undermined him

Sneaking would still be broken due to shit ai so not really.

play FOB

I love everything about this game honestly, except for the story and the boring open world. If they would have just worked on the story more, and included more things in the open world it would have been a 10/10 for me.

But I already did.

MPO is far more Metal Gear than Peace Walker or MGSV but Kojimadrones won't let you believe that.

>reskinned Bayonetta is a fully realized product


MGS5 was a shit game from start to finish with no redeemable qualities whatsoever. It has no reason to exist. They should give it the Alan Wake treatment and not sell it anymore. (Alan Wake was a good game btw. too bad)

ah, the fake intellectual

Funny because MGS2 Substance edition literally has a full book in the extras.

>Not wanting to have Gray Fox instead of Venom as Big Boss' replacement
That was a good theory.

Gene was a cool villain and the theme song was great. If it wasn't a psp shitty game it would have been great.

No they didn't. The missing link is "how exactly Big Boss became a power-hungry bloodthirsty warlord who sends child soldiers to a certain death"
None of these games shows this

So you wanted Metal Gear Solid V: Revenge of the Sith? you're just mad it didn't match your headcanon

why would you want Gray Fox? Without the player avatar stuff it's just a generic doppleganger story with no deeper meaning




>Not wanting to wrap up a game on a high note before the main guy loses all rights to make another

wew lad, have a drink

>most of the issues with MGSV's narrative come from it not matching people's headcanon
Or because what we got was mostly forgettable or complete shit. Skullface and his unit were the least interesting foes in the franchise. And the vocal cord parasite nonsense was only good for the one outbreak mission.

Not even the best song in the series...
