What are some /fit/ approved video games?

What are some /fit/ approved video games?

Looking to maximize my rest time.

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XCOM: Enemy Unknown + Enemy Within

Warhammer Total War series

Tha Witchah

dwarf fortress

That’s some hard shit to do while resting

the Gears of Piana franchise

Victoria 2, Crusader Kings 2, eraTohoK, Free Cities, Rimworld, Rollercoaster Tycoon 2, Shogun 2

paracuck games are so fucking utterly overrated.

throwing your video games in the trash, growing the fuck up, and hitting the gym more

It’s a dating simulator called life, completely free and has some of the best h scene ever

Any knight games?
Kingdom Come:Deliverance is not coming until next year.

What the FUCK is going on with his chainmail?
It looks like fucking CHICKEN WIRE?

>Any knight games?
Mount & Blade: Warband + Anno Domini mod.






Here are the Sup Forums approved heroes

Wow classic
Any idea when it's coming? I'm guessing at least a year

Oh man...
I have played the shit outta that.
And Chivalry.
And Witcher.
I crave something new.

Call of Duty like a true normie Chad

It's called having a chill off day to maximize gains instead of running around stressing the fuck out over people and maximizing cortisol.

I'm married.

Wait for bannerlord


Heroes III all the way nigga

Ah you got the second bad ending huh?

Here's your (you), you faggot.

>I have played the shit outta that.
That’s why there are mods, try l'aigle it’s Napoleonic war in soloplayer

dark souls...

Is it ok to play your switch in the gym? it seems to be more trendy than the 3ds


Quake 1 with Epsilon Mod for better graphics and headphones for the Trent Reznor Soundtrack.

There still is nothing better and i know them all. Its like a meditation and a dance of death. Last year they made an new Episode which is awesome too

>playing video games

Go read or do something productive you brainlet

"Woaah how do i play this theere are so many buttons??!?"

If you ever get tired of vanilla check out the game of thrones mod, even if you're not a fan of the show they add some unique elements to the game

These are the best games I bought on steam this year. Play Oblivion again even if you played it years ago, there was so much I didn't remember when I replayed it, second replay was better than the first.

Temper those expectations, I'm anticipating warband just prettier with a handful of new features


>Go read or do something productive you brainlet

Dude, thanks to Paradox games I can tell you where almost every country in the world is located and can name most of the regions in Europe.

Can you do that?

How do you feel about Vikangz? Because I guarantee Paradox will include some sort of advanced black civ in this instead of what it really was, spear chuckers.

Anyways, Kingdom Come should be really good.

Never really got into vikings, and really talesworld have a free pass to to make any race as advanced as they want, its a completely fictional world, if they decide a black inhabited kingdom should have the best mounted units in the game I am 100% on board, as long as the each kingdom has balanced strengths and weaknesses i couldn't care less about the races of the game. That said I hate sand people in warband and they are the first country I conquer and subjugate

Max Payne

Monster hunter

PU Battlegrounds.

Quick action and also preparation for the collapse of society.

Still can't believe how popular that game got, especially considering a game exactly like it already existed

Saints Row


user, just lift weigtjh, no need for video in room

my friend take his macbook air in and he is bigger guy in whole gym.......??????

wtf do you mean? i take my macbook air in for hearthstone and im the bigger guy in whole gym?????

hey Jorden is me Reece

Hey buddy.

Why are all my favourite games dead/ dying, brehs?

>For Honor
>My will to live

I just want to have fun

no need frends jsu lift

Wow, you learned what can be taught by a map.

It's okay, just old now.
>For Honor
Shit compared to Chivalry
Shit compared to any ES

My problem is that nothing grabs me by the balls anymore.

Fuck, I remember how much fun I used to have, it's just not happening for me anymore. What the fuck man.

Yakuza series

Bloodborne and Darksouls. The only acceptable answer.

>Constant struggle in an unfair and brutally difficult world
>Damn near everything is a threat that requires adaptation to defeat
>Beating a boss actually feels like an accomplishment because you had to learn and adapt to their movesets and weaknesses
>Deep lore, rich atmosphere, bleak and at times depressing outlook on life and its meaning
>Certain one-shot attacks, invaders, and instant kill traps serves to remind you that life isn't fair

No way around it, if you play anything else, you're pretty much a massive faggot

Same for me right now. Playing Shadow of War atm, but I hate this game. Repetetive as fuck, awkward controls/pathfinding, combat is fucking retarded because it's basically 20+ orcs and ogers ganging up on you all the time. Still, I don't have anything better to play and I don't want to spend any money on games

>beating bosses is difficult
>Dark Souls 2

yeah just go for a mage build and melt the face of almost every single boss

The DS series has a high difficulty,true. But you can make the game A LOT more difficult, depending on your build. First time I played DS1 I went full tank / strength build. ridiculously difficult to beat 4kings. Second playthrough was dex/int. Lmao wait 5+ seconds for the next king to appear

i dig hearthstone atm because it fucking exercises my braino boy xD

The only true answer, though you forgot to mention Demon's Souls and King's Field.

>unfinished ubisoft garbage #512

(in the butt)

OG Doom.

Metroid prime 1 and 2, get the trilogy version.
Tes 3, 4 and 5
The mass effect trilogy, disregard adromeda
The Dark souls trilogy
The new zelda game


Huge Dark Souls fan, couldn't get into Bloodborne.

What's the deal?

I can guarantee without any shadow of a doubt that you're jobless cave dwellers.

I Am Setsuna
Dota 2

>Looking to maximize my rest time.
>playing a Video game
choose one you faggot!
In your resttime, you can go out and Train your social skills, just talk with females.

Training your social skills and so getting confident is way more important the Lifting.
If you want to make it.


>In your resttime, you can go out and Train your social skills, just talk with females.
>Training your social skills and so getting confident is way more important the Lifting.
>If you want to make it.

OP here, see:

Never understood the popularity of games like this. There’s no structure or story or major gameplay mechanics. How does it not get boring after an hour?

I'm 6k mmr in dota and I can confirm that it's a gain stealer, definately not worth.

>Not flailing your arms around in VR killing folks in bullet time

Pick one

if you rest on your attractiveness, your wife will be gone.
Attractiveness: im not talking about Looks, true attractiveness is the Alpha way you act.
Wish you a happy married life, if something like that even exist.

(3k scrub here)

oh yeah, and now the game.
MegamanX, X2, X3, X4.

Apart from the great atmosphere, the gameplay is amazing, fast paced and not too different from Dark Souls' but different enough to keep people hooked.

Also the level design is the best in the series after the first Dark Souls

betting on cat fights for building up test, beating the shit out of scrubs trying to mug you, performing karaoke for social gains

Dark souls 2 isn't actually a Dark Souls game. Most don't even consider it a cannon part of the lore. The gameplay was shit, the mechanics were trash, the story was dull, and the bosses were uninteresting guys in armor.

Also, yes, there are ways to make the actual games more difficult, but that's the best part. You can play cheesy if you're bad and just want to try to beat it, or you can throw on a calamity ring like a real man and kill bosses using nothing but rolls with the thornmail armor.

Think you meant Rome 2 with Divide et Impera.

Olsschool Runescape
So much gains there

It tears your sweet little shield away, gives you a gun, and tells you to buckle up, stop menstruating, and plow through the most atmospheric game made in the past decade like a man.

Tfw you'll never be able to relive the glory days of coming home from school to a pre-08 runescape. That's a terrible feel.

I hate this meme, you dont have to quit vidya completely you just have to do it in moderation. you cant tell me you are busy every single hour of your week, sometimes you just need to unwind and vidya are good for that kinda thing. A ton of very successfull people like Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg or Kevin Spacey are confirmed to play games in their freetime. It is just a nice change of pace and it can be relaxing to leave your worries behind and have fun playing some games for a change.

Should have guessed from your trip you sound like the worst kind of edgy fag

Ist not a meme...
you can always better yourself! Always.
A fortunate man is the one that found happiness doing that.

>It is just a nice change of pace and it can be relaxing to leave your worries behind and have fun training martial arts, lifting, reading, etc.


Only answer. Truly the highest of test.


This and FIFA too if you're from Europe, true Chads only play the most popular games because they're not nerds. However I feel like COD has lost a lot of popularity in favor of Battlefield, so that's another option. Also GTA.

>had to learn to adapt

Sup Forums get out, if you want to play manly games get into starcraft or fighting games

eu4 much underappreciated

Everything made by From Software

DOOM 2016 for the high test soundtrack, executions and most importantly the berserker power up

Eurotruck Simulator for maximum comfy.

It has the most chad parry ever.

Go through hell and back so you can be strong enough to save the world.

Too bad it's a huge time sink that i can't get into right now.

King's Field is garbage

>not HoI4

I don't mind people playing video games in small time periods too much but
>two memes and a pedophile play video games
You really showed them.

How to stop playing video games. I struggle like 2 years already. My best attempt was 5 months. I always missing in my life and I back to games.