Most Downvoted comment in the history
absolute madman
Most Downvoted comment in the history
>reddit gets actual devs to talk to them and tells the devs to fuck off
>Sup Forums gets nothing
so, why are we supposed to hate reddit?
The only reason devs talk on reddit but not on Sup Forums is because reddit is a HEAVILY moderated safe-space. Sup Forums is not.
Also the anonymity of Sup Forums makes it a PR nightmare to do anything here even if you ignore lack of severe moderation.
>HEAVILY moderated safe-space
then why is EA is getting flamed and downvoted to hell?
Because downvoting isn't the same as pedophilia, racial slurs and swearbombs that make "Fuck" look tame.
It's not like devs have never been on here though. Kamiya came here once. Other devs have viralled or just lurked in the past too.
It's star wars, they could charge you $0.50 every time you respawn and people would still complain, heck they could charge you every time you shoot your lazer beams and people would still play it
Because hating EA is literally a meme right now
Nobody cares. Fuck off.
And all of them fucked off rather quickly after realizing what a shithole this is. Kamiya also thought this place was unironically for children, which I guess he wasn't that far off seeing as it's 49% manchildren, 49% actual children and the remaining 2% are oldfags that are too addicted to leave.
Mods keep deleting threads here
You get devs on Sup Forums all the time but since it's kind of a fucking faux-pas to namefag/trip/attention whore yourself out here, they either lurk or go incognito. Half the shills we get probably work on the dev cycle itself of whatever they are pushing.
Also, showing up here is kind of a bad PR move because the majority of the world still think Sup Forums is Sup Forums or something. Also, the whole nazi narrative ain't fucking helping.
I wouldn't trade it for all the shitposting in the world. Let the redditors gobble each other handle-chode all they want.
Plus Todd posts here constantly.
Everyone has been hating EA for about 15 years now. People were even getting wary when The Sims 1 was getting a gorillion expansions that got shittier and shittier.
because downvotes are mild compared to people spamming cp, which if you arent new as fuck, youll remember was rampant back when notch came here
define manchild
This can't be happening I fucking love Star Wars and science.
No matter what definition I give, someone will get butthurt regardless.
in the history of what?
nigger are you serious?
No he doesn't.
>be a game dev
>come to this shithole
>make an actual thread with time stamp, selfie, posting your tripcode at twitter and all that shit
>get told to fuck off and forever getting posted as a dev that shilled his game or get your thread hit bump limit within minutes with all the people shitposting like rolling or spamming memes like WE the whole thread
>this is somehow going to help with community feedback or publicity and not make you look like a fool and maybe an article or a few videos for internet celebrities to make youtube money from your embarrassment
And yet the game will go on to sell amazingly and people will spend hundreds, if not thousands on lootboxes.
>I already paid 80$
>now this imaginary number on unrelated shitposting website surely will show EA how their business practices are wrong
>reddit hates EA and BFII
Guys, it looks like...EA of all people...
Is /ourguy/
Try $10,000 for some individuals lol. The industry is fucked because of people like this.
No self-respecting human being would post on this site without the cover of anonymity
Yes user, Reddit's top most downvoted comment in history to date had ~24.5k downvotes and only because it was a user asking for them to see if they can establish a record.
EA is at over 280k right now and it's still rising rapidly, WITHOUT deliberately asking for it.
You need to go back, cancer.
I'd normally disagree with you, but since it's ea and at this point public image has no relevance because people will buy whatever is associated with them
>12 people bought golds for an EA employee
What absolute literal Cuckolds
>voted worst company in America two years in a row
>EA still keeps trucking on because people will still continue to buy their games
This doesn't matter. None of this matters. People will still buy their games and they'll continue to make a shit ton of money. Nothing ever changes.
The holocaust probably happened but you're clinically retarded if you really think 6 million Jews died during it.
There are multiple youtubers who play the Dragon Ball phone game who have dropped $2k+ in a single session. I've read that their lifetime spending is over $50k.
Do you really think devs dont visit this site.
We are just all user here faggot.
Fuck off.
i remember reddit being pissed as fuck when Sup Forums got attention and not them
Spotted the gamer.
What's the point of all those "woke" downvotes when most of those faggots will end up compulsively buying the game anyway?
Because some eCeleb on Youtube might pick up on the story and then EA will be FORCED to change something.
Oh boy you went there
Now all these faggots are going to give you You`s for speaking the truth.
>Libertarian Atheism leads to fascism
I will never not laugh at this. God bless college freshmen intellectuals
>Sup Forums is so contrarian we like reddit
pure gold
It's known most of Reddit comes here they admit it themselves over there.
>thinking that they don't viral market their shit on here
>You need to go back, cancer.
Vader should be hard to obtain. But aren't they also just going to be selling the character? I find it hard to believe that they won't.
>aren't they also just going to be selling the character?
via credits obtained through lootboxes
cost you ~$150 to get one character
Us gamers, right? xD
yet those 283k+ retards will still buy the game
heh look at me fags just bought the game hur i am a idiot who likes fun
ha, look at this idiot
the number keeps getting bigger. the toll's up to 60 million now, oy vey!
The funny thing is, SJWs have no sense of nuance or anything like that-- most of the tags along that slide are all considered interchangeable to sjws, not a slippery slope. Often they will assume if you fit one of these things, you fit all of them. They're extremists and absolutists.