All memes aside, as a PCfag who doesn't own a current gen console why wouldn't I pick PS4? There is literally fuck all to play on the other systems compared to the PS4.
All memes aside, as a PCfag who doesn't own a current gen console why wouldn't I pick PS4...
Other urls found in this thread:
Because this is another console war thread which I think Sup Forums needs a few more of.
That's a lot of PS2, PS3, PS VITA games """"remastered"""" on the only non backwards compatible Sony console.
Sony even remastered the PS4 hardware, PS4 PRO. Truly the PS4 and it's software are all original and can only be played on PS4 if you ignore the PS3.
Trick question.
The best answer is stick to your PC and don't buy a console.
This is the generation of remasters and ports, but if you haven't played the original versions then it's a good draw over the other systems.
Can't play most of those games on my PC or else I wouldn't even consider it. There's a reason BotW isn't on there.
Dude Im not joking I bought ps4 and it has only movies and weebshit. Bloodbourne aint worth it and PSN Plus """"free"""" games are a joke.
Why would you pick ps4? Unless you're set on buying just about all of those games, I don't see a point. A console for a handful of games seems like a bad deal.
I mean, if you can buy a used, cheap one somewhere, whatever, but don't expect to get much use out of it.
Skyrim, a 6 year old game, has been rereleased more times than the original Mario and Tetris in the same 6 year cycle. Thanks Sony and PS4 for pushing remasters as the de facto mantra of the generation.
Then get one?
Why do you need Sup Forums to baby you for every goddamn console purchase you make?
Is it going to eat up all your NEETbux for the month?
what is the point of this thread
you need people to do something ?
the only game worth playing on that list is Bloodborne. everything else, while potentially decent, does not warrant buying a $400 DRM box on its own
I would suggest buying a used machine, playing the couple of worthwhile exclusives and then selling it back. that way you get to play the vendor-locked-in games without giving any money to a cancerous company like Sony.
only 3 of those PS4 games are actually good OP
Which three?
>Gravity Rush
>Autism Hearts
Haha, no, all of those are shit
>TLOU, Uncharted
Movie trash
Odyssey, Spla2n, Xenoblade 2
Moreover, it actually has a future. Metroid Prime 4, Kirby, Pokémon etc.
What does the PS4 have on its horizon? Only VR and cinematic trash.
Wow, not a single person of the coke diversity squad is even looking at their screen.
You buy a Sony console for fighting game and pray for exclusives worth a fuck.
Wait for Nintendo emulation.
Ignore Xbox
you mean pray for CFW
As someone who has a pc i borrowed a ps4 from a friend to play hzd and bloodborne and now at least for me it has no games except maybr persona 5 but I'm not buying a ps4 just to play one game
I mean if you're a bing bing wahoo fan then stuff like Odyssey is gonna be better than everything on the PS4.
>That buyer's remorse
Bloodborne & Yakuza games
ignore all assblasted consolewar posters! Buy a PS4 and a N3DS, then buy a Switch in a year or so.
t. Former mustard race who ascended to idort
You can emulate the PS3 version on PC in 4K. Also since the PS4 version is exactly the same as PS3 except for resolution, emulating it will be the superior way to play it when the remaining issues are ironed out.
This is the best answer.
Persona 5 is a ps3 game (wow the pattern continues in a ps4 """"exclusive""" thread). And don't listen to the inbred pc emulation retard, it's far from playable properly with framerate drops as low as 9fps in the city, tons of audio bugs, inferior graphical settings, and running an i5 or higher processor at 99 CPU threads utilization that burns up the chip.
>it's far from playable properly
Seems like someone hasn't used the latest builds AND has a shit PC.
True, I kind of regret buying my PS4
>Unironically being a PC gamer
Well i got a 7700k so the cpu wont be an issue
Also no shittalking here
Playing bloodborne was fun as hell i love the game but the framerate and chromatic aberration are so awful they ruin thr experience and on oc i can turn them all off and play on stable fps
I value that option more than a few exclusives
>There is literally fuck all to play on the other systems compared to the PS4.
BotW is GotY and Odyssey is pretty good but that statement is still true.
Horizon, Uncharted and The Last of Us are all complete dogshit, especially Horizon
Insultingly easy and casual mario?
Botw? Meh empty open world with shit enemy design, dungeons and that wep degradation mmm
Xenoverse 2 looks cool tho but im not buying a console for it
Oh joy, another console war thread.
>unironically not playing on the best platform because of childish association wars
I don’t want most of those PS4 games but it was actually a choice between it and switch
And since I don’t always have access to my HD TV it’s a bit of a no-brainer
none of the games you posted appeal to me as a pc gamer. I just play different kinds of games
people will say you're a contrarian but in all honesty every single ps4 game is a third person action/adventure and the only one actually good at the actioning and adventuring is bloodborne
I hear you. Gravity rush looks kinda fun if wonky
>MOBAshit, RTS and indieshit
>Best platform
you can play any game you like on it you dumb faggot, lmao
I have never touched a moba in my life
If this is genuinely a list of exclusives that you would buy for each console then you have pretty shit taste.
>as a PCfag
t. kid who plays on his dad's laptop
So you like the Undertale genres?
*le paid online face*
You can also sell your PC, it's alot better than to lie and trick others into making the same mistake you did.
>He can't afford PSN
Imagine being this poor.
>it's alot better than to lie and trick others into making the same mistake you did.
Then why isn't everyone selling their PS4s?
but I have never lied on Sup Forums lmao why would I?
>all those movies and weebshit
I'll just get an Xbox One X and Switch.
How bout them dumb ol ledditors eh fellas haha I'm a citizen of kekistan haha MEMES!!!!!!
Look, I don't even use that site, the upboat/downboat system is cancer and the users just try to make puns out of everything, but this "everyone but me is a reddit user" thing is getting old
Because that's a good purchase a normal functioning human being would make.
Except on PC I can play the best version of multiplats, all the PC exclusives like actual non shit FPS, all of the Xbones shit as well and then emulate a bunch of Nintendo's shit too
Literally nobody think the PS4 is better other than sonyqqers
But PC gamers are actually reddit, look at /r/PCmasterrace. Besides that, /r/gaming is filled with PC gamers shilling their platform.
t. Reddit user who switched in 2013
Yes, buying a console for a bunch of games I can already play on a platform I own is a good purchase and totally not a waste of money.
This is some viral marketing right here.
>t. Reddit user who switched in 2013
Switch back.
Along with hundreds of other exclusives that are much better than anything PC has to offer.
>Lists every shit game on Ps 4
>Doesnt list good game like Splatoon 2 or Mario + Rabbids: Kingodm Battle for whatever reasom
Really makes you think
Well yeah, that's to be expected on sites like reddit and Sup Forums
Everyone with a computer has easy access to the internet and therefore is more prone to use 'discussion' boards
Mobilefags are usually pretty content to shit like facebook/instagram/snapchat etc because honestly trying to use sites like reddit or Sup Forums on mobile is a pain in the ass
Last time I checked there were only three Yakuza games for PS4. I may be confusing one with PS3, though.
I have a PS4 in my house and it has like 3 worthwhile games dude. I swear you people who only own a PS4 add like 4 points out of 10 to literally anything that's exclusive or something.
No, Reddit is a shithole filled with judgemental assholes, you can't have a differing opinion there or you'll be downvoted into oblivion. Atleast this site has a somewhat decent userbase.
best combo right now is PC/Switch also PS4 if you can afford it.
Modern warfare remastered is not an xbone exclusive?
switch has only one game?
Console gamers have PC's as well, even if they're just shitty laptops.
>This site
I'm glad you didn't say Sup Forums.
Technically you only have about 120 exclusives, and considerably less if you only count good games.
>I only follow the popular opinion and never look for something I may like.
Can't help shit taste.
Even Sup Forums has a good userbase compared to /r/games
Hey man, I'm not the one constantly popping off about how Bloodborne is game of the yay all yays.
If you want to talk about "looking for something I may like," I actually have a list of PS4 exclusives I plan to pick up once the console drops to a more apporpriate price. There are only five games on that list. Know why? Because all the other games I had on the list went onto PC.
All I did was list the exclusives I thought were possibly worth playing. The whole point of this thread was to bait people into /r/ing some worthwhile exclusives for me but only took it.
It's the only platform worth playing it on.
There is nothing good about Sup Forums. The best threads on Sup Forums are off topic/educational threads that have nothing to do with video games. Half the board consists of refugees from other websites here to only shitpost and spout memes.
Unfortunately people like you have turned it into /r/games.
Do you literally just look at those meme game collages padded with shit like Everybody's Golf and think 'yup all this shit is 10/10'
All you need right now to enjoy video games is a PS4 Pro (the Pro is not a meme) and a hacked New 3DS (SNES and GBA in your pocket) while you exercise patience until Holiday 2018, which is when you buy the Switch. You might want to keep an eye on some low-key games and purchase them for the Switch along the way just to make sure you won't have a problem tracking down a copy a year later.
>look for something I may like on PS4
>turns out it's already on PC
gg no re
Apparently Everybody's Golf and Golf Story are both decent games.
>the Pro is not a meme
you forgot The Order 1886
That's subjective. In my opinion there is nothing worth playing on the xbone.
Still better than /r/games
How? Because I come from a site that I hate?
>Still better
Go the fuck back. You're one of the pieces of shit that has been shitting up this board.
As a guy who enjoyed Horizon, Bloodborne and TLOU. I would still recommend you to get a Switch IF you really have to buy a console.
It's not that PS4 games are bad or worse than Nintendo's but there are usually more good exclusive games on their consoles since they're fucked with all third party editors.
If you didn't have any consoles nor PC at all, I would've said go for the PS4. But since you already have a PC it would be a bit redundant. Nintendo's console are not good "main" consoles but they are great as "sidekick" consoles.
I think you already decided. Go with ps4 or pro if think the price is worth it
All I'm saying is that Sup Forums is a shit board, but /r/games is even worse.
Makes you wonder if they're all the same room with computers in the same row. If they are, why the headsets?
The twist is I plan to get them all eventually
wtf then flip a coin and get one
Let's be honest here, the ONLY worthwhile exclusive the Switch CURRENTLY has is Mario, and THAT'S IT.
The PS4 is definitely a much much better investment at this point, even speaking objectively. I own a Switch and its definitely a much bigger dust collector overall, more when Nintendo releases are spaced too far apart.
The fact that you mention pokemon and kirby is laughable.
> I would still recommend you to get a Switch IF you really have to buy a console.
>Nintendo's but there are usually more good exclusive games
Have you seen most of the middle term software? Its garbage.
>But since you already have a PC it would be a bit redundant.
I can't agree, as a primary PC user. The PS4 just plain has more exclusives that are worthwhile, likely to be the case over the entire Switch lifespan. You have to like children games to really get the most out of it.
PS4 has Chaos;Child :3
That's currently only on PS4, localized
>Gravity Rush Remastered
Vita port
>Gravity Rush 2
Weeb shit
>Horizon: Zero Dawn
>Kingom Hearts
PS2 Port
>The Last of Us Remastered
PS3 port
>Uncharted 4
One day rental
>Uncharted: Lost Legacy
One day Rental
>Yakuza 0
PS3 Port
>Yakuza Kiwami
>Baiting this hard
You might get the number of (you)s you wanted, but later when you search your heart, you'll find they all shallow and meaningless
because normies can't handle conversations without eye contact.
>Gravity Rush Remastered
Vita port
>Gravity Rush 2
Weeb shit
Why is one weeb shit and the other a port?
>Horizon: Zero Dawn
Not an argument
>Uncharted 4
One day rental
>Uncharted: Lost Legacy
One day Rental
Not an argument
>Yakuza 0
PS3 Port
>Yakuza Kiwami
You are literally retarded if you think that most people buying these games can understand advanced Japanese required to play these games.
What exclusives have you been playing lately?