
>having legates
didn't the devs pay attention in school?

>directly recreating Roman culture
Didn't you pay attention to the game?

He's not supposed to be an exact representation of his historical namesake, nor is Caesar's Legion supposed to be an exact copy of a Roman legion, and he even says so himself.

He mostly borrows the aesthetics and imperialistic mindset of imperial Rome, and it's fair to presume a lot of historical information was not available to him in the Follower's limited library. He probably made up a lot of shit himself basically

Ceasar was just LARPing in the post-apocalypse, that's the easiest way to form an army or a successful post-apocalypse society.

They found a cache on the trip from California to Grand Canyon, which contained a number of books on Roman history. He's too well versed in the history Caesar and correct Latin pronunciation for him to have had a rudimentary knowledge of the Roman Republic and Empire.

>names himself after Caesar
>someone who was historically known as unusually generous and merciful for his time
Was it autism?


>spent his entire reign refusing to be called king, preferring instead "First Citizen"
>"guess I'll take his name for my bloodthirsty, merciless dictator"

he's an ignorant normie who at best read a high school book about Rome.

if he was actually trying to found a civilization he would have organized the tribes in a tribal council like the actual Romans did at the beginning, then he would gather the elders for a true Senate, and take the name of Cincinnatus.

Caesar's legion is only similar to Rome in name. He's closer to Genghis Khan.

How does that change anything? He's still modifying the structure to suit him. Caesar's Legion is monotheistic and only worships Mars for example. That's the opposite of what the Romans did.

what's a legate?

fnv caesar is unusually generous and merciful for his time as well.
he conquers tribals and assimilates them into his army.
that's exactly what they did back then you romaboo.

I know it's popular to shit on Bethesda but that pic isn't strictly true. East Coast do have tribals, they're just not as well implemented.

A governor or general of a Roman province. In modern times a cardinal representing the pope. A district manager if you will.

>ended his reign by becoming "Dictator in perpetuity" and was murdered because the Republic saw it as no different from "King"
>Arizona Caesar decides to start where Roman Caesar left off

don't call him a romaboo you fucking dingus

>Legion = Ancient Rome

Didn't you pay attention to Caesar's dialog?

Are there any downsides to pirating the game, in terms of mods and such? Only had it on 360 and I wanna try modding for the first time

None. You can even play Tales of Two Wastelands on a 100% pirated version despite the author's insistence of the contrary (he's just legally covering his ass)

Just pointing out that he doesn't lack for knowledge of Roman history and he hasn't "made a lot of shit up". He deliberately played pick 'n' mix to suit the situation he found himself in.

sorry for verbally hurting your boyfriend then, user.

hey, he's not my boyfriend

Post-apocalypse Arizona and the post-war tribal cultures are nothing like ancient Italy and the tribes that eventually became the Roman Republic

>that's exactly what they did back then you romaboo.

only if you believe christian memes

Rome mostly forged alliances with certain useful and non-threatening tribes, settled colonies near them and slowly Romanized them over the course of decades while they traded and granted citizenship to certain people for helping, the conquering happened when they rebelled or attacked an ally, which is why they always managed to frame their wars as "defensive" wars.

but in the very beginning, Rome expanded through a system of allied, fully independent cities who merely contributed soldiers, the Socii. Up until the late Republic, a couple decades before the first civil war in fact, Italy was a patchwork of Roman settlements and other Italian city-states and nations.

>Post-apocalypse Arizona and the post-war tribal cultures are nothing like ancient Italy and the tribes that eventually became the Roman Republic

Italy before Rome was nothing but Celtic-like tribes of belligerent hill people and some Etrusco-Greek colonies led by tyrants.

They didn't live in a radioactive desert, though

> the conquering happened when they rebelled or attacked an ally

let's say it was so-so.
rome claimed her territory where she pleased and if she stepped on some tribes, well that was their loss.
they had the option to either pledge allegiance to rome or perish.
look at the story of arminius the cherusk.
rome was one of the early prototypes of a globalist nation.

If Sup Forums says gameplay is all that matters then why is NV preferred for the writing over FO4 which has objectively better gameplay?

you misunderstand, instead of just conquering the people they wanted out of the way, they made a deal with the shittiest tribe and waited for them to inevitably go to war so they could jump in and take advantage of everyone.

The item system in FO4 is fucking retarded and makes unique weapons and armor lose all value, and the perk system is objectively inferior to New Vegas.
Hell, with mods New Vegas can even get fairly close to FO4 in terms of gameplay.

>Sup Forums is one person with one opinion
You don't even get a (You) for bait that weak

>implying n/v/irgins understand logic
inb4 "w-we're just using a paraconsistent logic!" fuck off with your hue-strayan memes

The gameplay will always be superior. Yeah I will give you that the perks are just a traditional talent tree but just mindlessly shooting stuff in FO4 is WAY better. NV however has character and CHARACTERS unlike Bethesda's MMO shooter. So would people on here finally be able to admit that gameplay will never be the ONLY thing that matters?


>mindlessly shooting stuff in FO4 is WAY better
>he thinks shooting in fallout 4 is not dog shit compared to shooters
>he bought fallout 4 to mindlessly shoot things instead of picking up any popular fps
retard. kill yourself.

Fan-fiction doesn't count, bitch nigger.

Yo senpai I think you misread EVERYTHING I just said. You may want to go back and read that. I said that compared to NV FO4 has better gameplay. Get me now? So go back and read again and THEN reply.

Choice can also be considered gameplay.

Interesting though. I would actually agree that dialogue and choice in quests is absolutely part of gameplay and just mindless killing is not the only part of gameplay.

*replinishes oxygen*

I love this meme, keep 'em coming

>I said that compared to NV FO4 has better gameplay
nah, objective false. kill yourself bethcuck

>Spent hundreds of years physically aging in a state of endless torment wiaiting for civilization to rebuild to reveal himself.
>Meanwhile vault Tec has perfectly functioning cryostasis pods.
What did they mean by this?

not an argument

Anyway to my original point. Why is NV better if its combat and gameplay is worse than 4? Keep in mind this is not coming from some Bethesda FO4 shill I think NV is fucking magnitudes better than 3 and 4 I just want someone to please qualify this gameplay only meme.

what the fuck are you talking about? are you asking to be spoon-fed a fucking opinion?

get the fuck out

Oh I see. Sorry user.

Goddamn this place is such an echo chamber you cant even have a conversation. Im literally just bored and felt like hearing what people think on this. What do you think?

no one but shitposters and blind nostalgiafags think that you mong

Does anyone have the Chad NCR vs the Virgin Legion meme?

>House was autistic about his hatred of Vault-Tec that he literally let his body wither away rather than use their technology


>echo chamber
don't you have a think piece you should be writing?

I fucked the robot.

So you think only shitposters and nostalgiafags think NV is better?

I can't tell if that's the ultimate chad move or the most beta thing he could have done.

I can't believe I've completed this game 2 times and I just found out about the star caps thing, and the implants.
And the weird side town outside of NV

I fucked the robot then paid to fuck it again

>Johnny guitar can be heard from a 50 mile radius
>As soon as you can faintly make out the sound of a sad woman singing, death will surely follow

He's also wired into his mainframe and can control an army of robots with his brain

Look I get that its hard to qualify your opinions its not something that happens on Sup Forums often its usually dogpiling and shitposting but when you calm down and stop memein you can join the conversation.

Is this another stealth new vegas general? Because there should be more new vegas threads.

what a noble honour you bestow upon me

I think he wanted to be in charge of everything, conscious the entire time

Np senpai

>like the on they call
>Johnnnnyyy Guitarrrrrr *hear the bark of an Anti-Material Rifle followed by nothingness*

>I just found out about the star caps thing
I refuse to believe you. They're everywhere. A Terminator in the flesh of a black man tracks you down the moment you loot a single one.

Yeah but he didn't reveal himself till like 20 years before new Vegas started or something like that. What was he doing the whole time?

because this is an RPG, writing is more important than gameplay in rpgs

He spent some of it in a coma after his shitty 1.0 OS crashed

Because FO4's gameplay isn't actually better.

There is nothing better then when the music lines up to your play
>walk into the tops for the first time
>big iron playing
>reaches it's crescendo right when you put the first bullet I'm benny
>song ends as the last of his bodyguards lie on the floor

Did you not pay attention to the various people in-game commenting on how the legion isnt actually very roman?

Just read a book then.

>New Cuckifornia Republic
l m a o

legate lanius was cool

>holy Roman Empire
>isn't holy
>isn't Roman
>isn't an empire
Didn't these Germans pay attention in school?

So then you think that FO4 is better than NV?

Lanius was rad because he turns out not to be some violent crazed monster at the end. He's weirdly enough a very well spoken guy who just happens to find joy on the battlefield.

I don't play reddit games.

So you play no video games at all. Why are you on Sup Forums?

Holy Roman Empire was an empire though

>you play no video games at all
>Why are you on Sup Forums?
Why are you?

This. Outsourcing the shooter bits to Id was a great idea, but Bethesda pissed it all away by not including different ammo types, the ability to craft ammo, removing weapons mods from New Vegas in favor of a customization system that only favors damage boosting parts and really just enabled them to copypaste the same model on 60% of the weapons in the base game, the total count of which is significantly less than every other game in the series even when counting DLC.

Think about that for a second, Bethesda was backed by fucking Id and couldn't make better shooting mechanics than New Vegas.

Because it's an RPG, Writing takes priority over combat
FO4 gameplay is better than unmodded 3 and NV, it should for how long apart the games are. it just has shity writing that dosen't warent more than 4 playthroughs, and comparing to other games FO4 gameplay is mediocre at best.

>it's an RPG, Writing takes priority over combat
Just read a book then.

The whole structure of Caesar's Legion is nothing like Rome.

First and foremost, the LEGIONS were entirely comprised of Free Roman Citizens in the Roman Empire. They weren't a slave army like in NV.

Secondly, the Roman Empire didn't immediately assimilate every culture they conquered. It had an Auxiliary Corps of foreign armies. 25 years of service would grant citizenship to anyone who completed it.

You just said you don't play reddit games. But they literally play all video games as far as I know. Googling for information for a game always brings up some dedicated shit on that website. So, that means you play no video games.

You don't find fancy metal like this in a sports equipment store. But neither do you find anyone in the Fort capable of working metal.

So who the hell made Lanius' armour?

>a series that focused on writing should disregard that in favor of gameplay
Just play CoD then

>doesn't warrant more than 4 playthroughs
I'm not shitposting, but I'm genuinely curious as to how you could stretch it out to 4? From what I could tell the only real branching paths I could think of are
>male character
>female character
>side with institute
>side with any of the other three
By my count that would only be two playthroughs that could be different on even a token level.

here, have some aerosol pathogens you dried up old fuck.

Most likely a blacksmith back in the legion's capital.

Remember, the nuked out survivors of Lonesome Road DLC (Forgot the name of the area) all have replicas of his mask.

I wish ceasar's legion wore more pseudo-hi-tech shit like this. Lanius looked pretty vader in that.

i just started the game, i love the story but the graphics look too rusty, what are the best mods for improved graphics or is there a way to play vegas in the fallout 4 engine or something ?

i said 4 playthroughs because of different factions, seeing that you don't know shit about them in your first playthrough, male/female can be done in what ever playthrough you want

Yeah but that was mostly as an excuse to give players Lanius' armour before the very end of the game so they actually had time to use it

I don't really buy that a bunch of skinless ghouls in constant agony hammered together near perfect replicas of his equipment through sheer rage

This. Ive been trying to actually determine if people believe the "gameplay over everything" meme and thus think 4 is a better game than NV OR do they concede that gameplay is only PART of a game and requires equal quality other aspects to make an entire game.

From what I understood, Caesar's land does have a degree of metalworking in their society. The Fort is on the frontier for them and the main land is back east towards Arizona, they're much farther from their home territory so they make use with what they can find. Similar to the NCR, but the Legion wasn't reliant on old world tech on top of having much better combat training on average while not being as thinly spread.

Also, nice quads. Witnessed. Or at least what passes for quads on Sup Forums.