So leddit seems to be shitting on EA and lootboxes, by contrarianism Sup Forums is supposed to shill for them...

so leddit seems to be shitting on EA and lootboxes, by contrarianism Sup Forums is supposed to shill for them, am I wrong?

previous thread

Sup Forums loves Battlefront you fucking newfag

Just because people hate leddit it doesn't mean they are fucking retarded and shill for these jew schemes
Sup Forums isn't a fuckin hivemind newfag
The original battlefronts were great and dice and EA fucked the franchise, fuck them

we or well historically we dont like reddit because its not anonymous and it has the horrible boats system
Doenst means its users cant have valid points sometimes

there's nothing wrong with lootboxes or gambling as long as it doesn't interfer with multiplayer gameplay ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Sup Forums loves the original Battlefront II not this new garbage, gtfo

I have enough shit to shit on both.

Sup Forums has always loved EA and lootboxes.

I still hate EA but the complaint is petty and getting thumbs for a dumb reason

40 hours isn’t that big of a deal, Rainbow Six Seige had an even longer time to unlock operatives and that’s assuming you win matches with it’s bullshit hard standards


As long as lootboxes contain ONLY cosmetic stuff they are ok.

There is literally nothing wrong with EA

theres legit nothing wrong with lootboxes and unlocking progression

Rainbow Six Siege takes at most 15 hours to unlock a DLC operative

Reddit is right to dislike this, I don't just automatically disagree with anything posted there.

wrong, scientific evidence shows it feeds on the desires of brainlets and children. I've already proved this once on Sup Forums and I'm not doing this shit again.

lol, thanks for your valuable input

plebbit or not, if you unironically support the MTX system, you are the cancar ruining the gaming industry.

iconic franchise characters are held behind a steep unlock system. the entire 'challenge/achievement' system gives you enough credits to afford HALF of one of the 'better' heroes.
40 hours is a big deal to the average consumer, who is likely to spend around 5-6~ hours per week on gaming total.
it's pretty stupid of you to say that it's a petty complaint. the system is obviously structured this way to influence larger microtransaction sales.
not to mention that non-hero unlocks are mostly straight up improvements over standard abilities. by purchasing lootcrates, you can get give yourself an artificial advantage over a person who has spent the same amount of time ingame as you.

Nothing will happen in the long run, people will still buy the game and EA will still make money. It's easier to leave a comment and downvote something than to actually do something meaningful. It's reddits version of 'my prayers are with you'.

Sup Forums always loved EA, Ubisoft, etc.
Why do you think we call here Sup Forumseogaf?

what intrigues me the most is pic related, are leddit this retarded to give money to EA? And this doesnt happen only to the EA reply, shitty ass ironic shitposting gets this shit as well, they are literally paying shitposters


this lootbox thing is pure cancer and needs to be regulated or the next generation of faggots are going to be a legion of compulsive gamblers.

lootboxes are so fucked they've become the point of the game for many players. it's like players aren't playing for the gameplay/gitting gud anymore, they just want to grind for the lootboxes now. fun is not the persued result -- the lootbox is.

It's not like you're any richer after getting that star, from what i heard it just unlocks features that used to be free on leddit

Yep. It's basically a $5 donation to Reddit's servers.

So it's a glorified upboat? How many features need reddit users so they jack off to their "internet fame"?
And here I thought hiroshima's Sup Forums gold pass™ was bad

wtf i love loot boxes now. Based ea.

retarded incel

its fucking EA
>expecting EA not to be fucking kikes
best way to boycot the game is not to buy it in the first place


This. Reddit is not a reputable site. At best someone will screen cap the post at its peak downvotes only to post it on another subreddit for his own upvotes. Nobody will really pay attention to the content of the post in a weeks time and EA has gotten itself free marketing in the process.

Reddit may throw a hissy fit now, but they're still going to buy the fucking game and pay for loot boxes so it doesn't matter. This is just how video games are going to be from now on.

It will make more money than the previous one too. Everybody underestimates the power of dumb normies


>Tfw previous one died within two weeks on PC
I can only hope this one has a swifter death.

Nah, we may not like reddit, but we hate EA even more.
Anyone defending this shit is a shill and needs to fuck off.

PC gamers tend to have higher standards than console gamers and a smaller proportion of normalfucks.

>if i buy a box of kinder eggs it iwl lcome with every single toy in the collection

>if i buy 1000 loot boxes there is the possibility of getting 1000 the same spray paint cause it aways random

How much of that is inflated marketing

Lootboxes aren't bad. A small number of people are paying for all of us to get a free season pass!

these are banned in the us

EA is a shoe-in for winning their 3rd Consumerist ‘Worst Company In America’ golden poo award. And that’s in a year where United Airlines sent goons to rough up a Doctor when he didn’t want to leave his seat due to overbooking and Equifax suffering a devastating hack that exposed millions and millions of Americans sensitive data.

The majority of lootboxes just subsidize game content for the rest of us. I wish lootboxes were in every game to be honest.

>The majority of lootboxes just subsidize game content for the rest of us
Uh-huh. The same way games being digital was meant to 'lower their price' because it got rid of the physical packaging.

>and it has the horrible boats system

the only people who think upvotes/downvotes are cancerous are people who don't use reddit. getting a lot of upvotes is the same as getting a lot of downvotes. people purposefully scroll to the bottom of threads to see the highly downvoted comments, its no different than getting (you)s here. you also cant say reddit sucks because its a hugbox/circlejerk because Sup Forums is exactly the same, just in a different tone.

the only thing thats irritating about reddit is when people will check your profile and judge what you say based on your previous posts.

I once ate one of those and nearly choked on the plastic crap inside, how is the sale of that shit allowed anywhere in the world?

>waah stop making me play the game to unlock vader

40 hours is nothing compared to the years I've wasted grinding korean mmo's.

>its ok because other things are worse

is this a fallacy of some kind? cause it should be.

It did though, on both counts. Games are still $60 after years of inflation and price drops have become more frequent.

its called Whataboutism


broken clock's right twice a day

>Games are still $60 after years of inflation
That applies to physical games too dumbfuck, the argument was that digital shit would have a lower price compared to physical, and it doesn't.

What do crystals in Battlefront 2 even do?

That's called Darwinism. It's a shame you survived.


no it isn't you fucking retard, you're just parroting the lemon man

>the argument was that digital shit would have a lower price compared to physical, and it doesn't.

yeah its funny how everyone THOUGHT that was going to happen once steam really took off.

But it does interfere now and its expensive as fuck

Based EA pissing off the normies. Us channers shouldn't care because we are NEETs so 40 hours is like nothing and lootboxes can be bought from autismbux.

>Us channers
Fuck off EA.

I dont like EA shit but why is everyone bitching about lootcrates now and not for the past decade?


It became cool to do it

EA, stop it. You can't fool us.

More of a regret, but shit I've got 90 hours last past two weeks on steam alone how's 40 hours even alot.

From what I understand, it keeps comments from being removed. So even if ea wanted it gone, its there forever

>Sup Forums now supports EA

What happened?

Contrarianism taken too far, and active shills

Sup Forums absolutely can not stand to agree with reddit on anything.

Reddit says the sky is blue?

Reddit says "Hey, fuck EA for their shitty business practices!'

Sup Forums has to be contrarian at all times.

>implying it's not ironic

You are 100% correct my friend
thanks kind stranger!

If you don't like lootboxes, just don't buy them. Let the kids and whales pay for the servers and updates.

>implying I buy games to begin with

Can't speak for other anons but locking more powerful characters behind a time played wall kinda makes sense.

still those redditors and all those casuals will buy it.
EA knows it.

most AAA westacucks dont worry bout it. they are just pretending like moralfags showing anger en masse like reaction videos.

>Reddit is not a reputable site
With millions of retards thinking their opinions are worth something, people certainly do trust them. And as if Sup Forums is any better? I trust anons more than Reddit but come on, who is the public more likely to trust? The family friendly forum website or the imageboard with everyone being labeled as a gay neo-nazi terrorist

Name exactly one (1) way in which Sup Forums has circlejerks. The only thing I can think of that comes close is the tripfags in /vg/, except anyone can butt in and shit all over them.

I would have rather had no EA Battlefront and just let the franchise stay dead with 2 great games instead of making it 50/50 with 2 great and 2 shit games
muh legacy


Nobody goes to Sup Forums for circlejerks. They go to Sup Forums for retarded shitposting. Its the only commodity in this god forsaken "community"

t. Election fag who browsed for a year and thinks his opinion means shit

Server upkeep and updates aren't expensive.
Only retards who don't actually know how much these things cost think they're expensive.
For fuck's sake, people used to run and update their own servers all the fucking time.
Fuck, fucking moot ran Sup Forums's servers at a loss for a fucking decade hosting hundreds of gigabytes a week.

well I see retards here defend lootboxes all the time so you are right in that I suppose. You can disregard it all as shitposting but Im sure at least half are genuinely retarded enough to believe shit they spew

Turns up the dude claiming getting Luke or Vader would take 40 hours was wrong because he only took into account the currency you get from winning a match and not the one from challenges.
It still takes a while and EA is cancer, but people should fucking play the game before coming up with shit like this.

$20 says that user came in 2013/2014 and thinks he's not new.
Just like everyone who came post-2007.

Are you implying people don't shitpost on Sup Forums?

Actually wtf are you trying to say?

I gave a kid an apple once and he almost choked on that razor, guess he's the retard for not checking. At least he carefully cuts every apple he eats now.

>Name exactly one (1) way in which Sup Forums has circlejerks.

go to any board and say an unpopular opinion. even if you have plenty of facts to back up your claim you will always be drowned out by the majority, if people don't just write you off as a troll they will simply ignore any of your points and resort to bottom-barrel strawmanning.

Sup Forums has succumbed to the powers of headcanon, and when people have their headcanon threatened they choose to plug their ears and spam memes to scare away predators. this may not be circlejerking in the classical sense but you can't deny that its cancerous and widespread.

traps are gay

But I came here in 2011 and I am new.

I'm saying shitposting isn't the purpose you retard. If you just come here for memes and shit around in twitter screencap threads you are missing the point.

>unpopular opinion.
>even if you have plenty of facts to back up your claim
One of these things is not like the other, stop using words that you clearly don't understand.

2 big differences:
>These are being sold as chocolate which you always get
>Unlike in lootboxes the toys inside do not have a set value or "rarity" and are all more or less on the same level

All the evidence need to show how entitled gamers are. Its not a meme. Gamers are entitled motherfuckers.

by attacking a small point of my argument while ignoring the rest you've done EXACTLY what i've stated people on Sup Forums do when you state an upopular opinion.

way to go

wtf i love lootboxes now

t. colin moriarty

>missing the point
Are you for real? You come to Sup Forums for serious discussion? Are you high?


Also it keeps poorfags out so it acts like a filter for degeneracy and subhimanity like the bouncer at a club. You don't have to play against neets and reddit numales. I'll happily spend $300 Canadian for that experience (I've already spent $120 CAD on the game and in game currency).

Tu quoque is not an argument, and Sup Forums isn't a hugbox because there is no upvote down vote system. Maybe if you like Reddit so much, you should go there

>State something that's incorrect
>user calls out the incorrect portion
>WOW, look at you doing exactly what I said you'd do

Heroes were advertised as 10k points on the website. It's 60k now because gay nigger ea access niggers would be too ahead of the game