Persona 5 hype died out waiting for a price cut

>persona 5 hype died out waiting for a price cut
>listening to P4D
>did I do the right choice?

I mean all I care about is the character story and music, and if it's inferior P4 why even play

>so does the p5 character, story and music stand a chance to to it's predecessor

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P3 and P4 are superior in terms of story and characters, P5 has better dungions which isn't a shock and was to be expected. If your a fan of the series I'd play it

>taint your memory of p4 with p5

don't user

>inferior music
It had better tracks than both P3 and P4 combined. They chose main fight track poorly, though.

>P3 and P4 are superior in terms of story and characters
If I wanted that, I'd play P2 instead. P3 and P4 are shit by comparison.

>P3 and P4 are superior in terms of story and characters

Only P3, P4's story was dogshit

t. edgelord

P4 is a product of nostalgia it seems. As someone whos new to the series, and played 3+4+5 over the course of the past 6 months, 5 is easily the best.
It is kinda frustrating seeing how little they've progressed, only really in overall production quality.
I unironically think Catherine is their best work, and glad to see them move on to a different series.

Persona 5 NEVER goes on a sale in PAL region.

Why the fuck is that? Its not an AAA game, Atlus is a fucking jewish gold digger.

>buddy says Persona series is the shit
>he lends me P5
>it's 90 hours of a fucking cat telling me to go to sleep

Honest opinion here
Download the OST and read a story summary instead

What's wrong with japanese Scooby Doo? The only unbearable part was Teddy.

Yeah, imagine if Atlus made a better RPG with better story using the personas as collectible monsters! It could be a huge success!

It's worth playing just for the style imo

>I unironically think Catherine is their best work

Your being contrarian and you know it, P4 had a fantastic story and characters. Compare the piece of shit villain that was Pancakes boy and the Shido guy to Adachi

same could be said about 5`s

>chose main fight track poorly
never see it coming is the best track in the series

>mean all I care about is the character story and music
Kanji was the only good P4 character
5>4>These niggas need to drop Loutus Juice forever and keep the lyricist they have in 5. LJ can't rap to save his fucking life.

Other user, i've been also thinking how P5 story isprobably not gonna be relevant in several years. Their politics might not change, but still, even now people outside of japan have hard time understanding character's problems. And then there's scooby-doo in little town or p4 with its questions about life and death which is more, relatable, i guess. At any year and any age.


Can I play this without playing the others?

why do i always make typos jesus

Yeah I can agree with that too

P4's story is easily worse than P5's. Characters are a mixed bag.

P3 doesnt have this so its inferior game



That said, all the games are fantastic and you should play them all.

>It had better tracks than both P3 and P4 combined
Shit fucking taste. Wiping all out, yes from a fucking P3P, is better than all the crap Lyn sings.

This question has to be a meme at this point
The number of franchises were you HAVE to play the previous entries to really enjoy the latest one can be counted with one hand

Better being a pretty meager compliment because the dungeons still suck.

Yes, but don't.
It's the worst so far.

what about p1 and p2 games

That's not necessarily a bad thing. It may not prove to be timeless, but it wasn't made to be, nor was it made to appeal to the whole world. The director even said he was worried people outside of Japan wouldn't pick up on everything in it. You should judge based on what it did, not what you would have preferred for it to do.

I can understand that, Persona 4's themes and concepts are much general and less specific then the politics of Japan and other stuff. Still the characters, pacing, and overall investment in the plot lack compared to 4. Throughout the entirety of 4 you as the player have a reason to be infested in the plot, you have a clear reason and motivation to saving people from the tv. In 5 though after Kamoshido you kinda feel disconnected from the plot and the people your stealing shit from. I'm robbing this food company guy because uh he's bad and reasons

Persona started at 3.

It's the best so far, though. The best Persona anyway, there are better MegaTen games.

I liked them. P2 is still my favorite. P1 can be hard to get into if you don't care for drpgs.

Wiping All Out is mediocre at best. I generally prefer the FeMC soundtrack, but Wiping All Out is the worst normal battle OST next to Reach Out To The Truth.

dont talk shit about Reach Out To The Truth. i came to hate last superis beacuse most fights ended before the line "THEY NEVER SEE IT COMMING". sometimes before the lyrics even start.

Waiting for pc release before i voice my opinion.

Why do people do this?

I came to think that it's not actually that bad, but when you listen to this for 80 hours it just starts to hurt your brain. I had to play music from my playlist because by the time i reached Heaven i hated this track.

Reach Out To The Truth isn't bad, but the normal battle version of it is the worst and it's also worse than the other normal battle themes in the series. Mass Destruction and Reach Out To The Truth so both have big openings that suit the short battles better though, which Last Surprise does not have. I still prefer Last Surprise in spite of that, though.

You can absolutely play both P2 games now, but P1 is...well, let's say it aged poorly, very poorly.

Persona ended with EP.

But what an ost, man

psp soundtrack really didn't fit the tone of the game. Wish they would've given you the option to use the original soundtrack.

I would agree if it wasn't for that FUCKING battle theme.

Yup. They george lucas'd it pretty hard with the music change, that's really the only reason I stopped, isn't there a mod to change the music?

P4 is the worst SMT

There is but it doesn't include every track.

Yet they had better chemistry than P3 and P5.

It's not SMT.

Dungeons are still ass, music is worse than predecessors. Art direction is spot on as always though. Combat feels generally more dumbed down in P5, I can't pin exactly why though.

Adachi was shit though. The jokes and memes are one thing but as a character he's fucking

Haven't played P1, but the story for both P2 games is pretty good, the gameplay is lacking though.

If it happens, it'll likely be whenever they get around to doing P5:Crimson or whatever enhanced version they'll do.

Persona 1 and 2 along with early SMT are all generally shit to play, given a bunch of technicality due to the age they were made in, but during that time their literal competitors was B-Team Squaresoft, they weren't on anyone's radar basically.
Persona 3 and 4 along with SMT Nocturne is where a huge amount of traction started with a bunch of literal newfags.

In my opinion though the best SMT games were the Devil summoner games 2 mainly because better gameplay.

The original is really fucking good, I don't understand what the fuck Meguro was thinking, he probably started arranging it exactly after P4.

Such a horrible character that a lot of people still fondly remember him, sure.

All the personas are great and I am very excited to play more

People have shit taste, what's your point?

not really

Just saying that you might not be right, don't get so angry

It's not me that's wrong, it's the world.

You hate Adachi so much that you started to talk like him

>he didnt preordered steelbook ed.
weak lol. Also game's price has been dropping and going up all the time recently. Also P5 has alright soundtrack, some good and some annoying tracks. SMT series have better osts and P3 even with cringy hh, has some better ost, though p5 realllllyy has some good tracks.

And yet I have no wrecking everyone else just because I dislike the way things are.

Persona 5 has the budget but not the heart of previous two games.

You cannot deny this.

I don't even know what are you trying to say.

>tfw bought game + collector's edition which comes with a steelbook copy.

Owned fucko.

I'm denying this

Look guys I believe they tried. But they made an uneven game in all fronts.

Previous entries had smaller teams and a clearer direction without dips and lows.

I still don't know what you are trying to say.

You're an idiot then

Well, since you aren't capable of appropriately express your thoughts, guess the joke's on me uh.

I'm amazed that they made 4 in only two years. There's already was engine and assets, but still.

Persona 5 has the best art direction, gameplay, dungeons and ost.
Play it fagget

They put their heart and soul into making P3,P4.

While they tried the same with P5, I personally feel there was more publisher meddling, more cooks in the same kitchen at least.

I know literally nothing of Persona. But I heard it was hard to get in to, is it worth it Sup Forums?



Its not hard at all to get into
It can be tedious if you are not into VNs

If you like animu shit it's piss easy to get into
The only real problem is that there's hours of braindead tutorials and setting up the plot before the games actually get anywhere

I bought a PS4 to play P5.

Yes, it doesn't live up to 3 and 4. But it is still worth a playthrough.

I emulated P3P, and P4 and those two are great games.

Absolutely worth it, even when there's always the meaningless fights of which game is better, they are all great experiences on their own.

It's tedious if you aren't into dungeon crawling.

You heard wrong

>The only unbearable part was Teddy.
Fuck off Carlos.

Wait for Morgana to turn into a waifu all game

>it doesn't

Literally the biggest twist


P5 was really lacking likable characters.
Well it's not that the character are bad, it's just that the game doesn't show you anything that get you to like them.
Everything is just text messages or mission briefings.
That plus the weak ass S. Links too, Why people like Makoto so much is still a mystery to me.

P1 is just a shitty Jojo's ripoff. P2 is pretty good though. I'd reccomend playing the english fantranslation of the PS1 versions.

Why'd you buy the game and collectors edition
The game comes with the collector edition


Beneath the mask is probably my favorite Persona track.

What? P5 characters are way more likeable than P4 and P3's.

>P4 is superior to P5 in terms of story and characters

Jesus Christ I can't imagine being born with brain damage.

they are fun games, but p3 and p4 have problems with their dungeons, which get really repetetive after a while. Basicly persona games are VNs with rpg gameplay thrown in

Yosuke >

switch version when?

Just after the PC release.