
What went wrong?

Remember when this was supposed to kill WoW?

I don't like action MMOs

Bugs out of the ass.

For me it was the little things. I really liked the art style and the lore, no complaints there but here's a list of things that piled up enough to keep me out:
>atrocious UI, the world "map" especially
>no clear improvement in DPS from lvl 20 -> max lvl, my auto-attacks were literally doing around 10% more at max lvl
>none of the stats were properly explained, nor what I should invest in with my class of choice
>no clear indication of where the damage on my skills come from
>every single effect in the game is shown in immersion breaking patterns on the floor meaning every single fight was a trippy discofloor of shit that damages, stuns or heals you
>class balance was not a thing that existed

>shitty level design, even for a theme park mmo

Why is every MMO so fucking terrible?

SWTOR was great though? unironically

>people hyped about "space WoW, but SO HARDCORE"
>people leave game because "it's too hardcore!"

>Remember when this was supposed to kill WoW?
No, but I remember when a tiny group of people were excited about the big cartoon bunny asses you could make.

i couldn't really play much of swtor

"""""free""""" to play my ass

they are all based on infinite grinding and talking to people

They listened to the forum community's vocal hardcore raider minority.

>Remember when this was supposed to kill WoW?
id like to know who didnt think it would and why

wasn't good enough to have a monthy sub fee + microtransactions

It was really strange to me. It was fun to play but I somehow always ended up feeling very bored.

Maybe it was the cartoony graphics or something.

I cant fucking stand the way it looks and the writing seemed awful. Every trailer leading up to its released screamed Borderlands/Battleborne levels of obnoxious.

For me it was honestly the fucking theme and artstyle.
Every other mmo is at least semi-serious with sometimes a bit of humor thrown into it but not in Wildstar oh no. You get 24/7 cartoon happy times shoved down your throat. Disgusting.
I loved the housing tho.

Good MMOs encourage socialization
Bad MMOs are when you grind content to death... alone or effectively alone (LFG and other such features)

The truly good MMOs were really nothing more then activities to do as you socialize with others.

>tfw the same hipsters that rave about WoW classic will abandon it because it's too hard/boring

Can sum it up quite easily
>Advertise hardcore
>Make combat about dodging markers and having less active skills than diablo

Then there's the huge crippling bugs, the fucking horrendous UI, the story that never stops going full retard. I played medic and every skill was literally just some form of green aoe beam.

I sorta felt similarly. The game had a lot of cool stuff but it just never really hooked me.

That being said I will say that the performance was total shit and the number of major bugs in open beta and during the first couple months after launch was absolutely unreal. Each patch would have a changelog of 200 bug fixes only to introduce 400 more, and major class mechanics would be broken for weeks at a time.

>WoW classic kills WoW

>You get 24/7 cartoon happy times shoved down your throat.
You don't though. The game dosn't take itself seriously all the time but there are serious moments.

>the telegraphs make it easy
So you didn't actually do any hard content.

>why did wildstar fail u guise?
Every other post itt is shit so I'll just sum it all up easily

>is unfinished
>f2p launch
>long queue times and unplayable lag
>steam launch
>no advertising and new ip verification breaks for some people

>Launch hyped wow killer
>Literally no end game content except one Raid.
>Months later and no new raids

Such a shame, i'd get back into it if it was popular.

>one Raid
Two raids, one of which no one could do because it was 40 man and also overtuned to fuck. It's gotten one more raid too, but that'll probably be the last since everyone who made that stuff is gone.

It was an unfinished and broken mess with bugs everywhere. Neither developers nor publishers seemed to care.

Makes me miss City of Heroes

>having 4 ears

is is free to play so technically it already beat wow

seriously whats with every new mmo-type game being like this? do devs not realize that people are going to get to endgame in the first week(end) of playing?

It held promise, but the developers got cold feet and ultimately couldn't deliver without falling into the same trap all the other non-WoW MMOs have.

It fucked up by claiming it was going to kill WoW by targeting THE worst demographic in MMOs; the hardcore raiders. Even Blizzard admitted that's only 5% or so of their playerbase, and that it is impossible to crank out content fast enough to keep them interested and invested in the game, hence they no longer pour resources into stuff for those players.

Game releases and surprise, the hardcore community it was after don't want to start over again in another game and lose their investments, the same situation as the more casualized players in other games, leaving this DoA due to not having a market and nothing unique about it beyond marketing. Some user should post that image that showcases how different the big tit redhead character was from the trailers compared to ingame graphics just to further hit home how much of a trainwreck this game ended up being.

It's a mixed bag, since the poop sockers are not the target demographic of an MMO most of the time, but rather a side market. On the other side of the coin, they really should have some basic structure of endgame implemented when launching new MMOs, since I remember the laughable state of FFXIV at the 2.0 relaunch having people just run the same dungeon over and over for months.

>how different the big tit redhead character was from the trailers compared to ingame graphics just to further hit home how much of a trainwreck this game ended up being.
here you go

Remember? Before you mentioned it no.

God how many failed MMOs have there been...

I recall that she was a very generic character until they updated her game model to reflect that of the trailers.

Once upon a time in Korea, they had a weekly magazine dedicated to showcasing new MMOs and easily had 40+ per issue. The majority of MMOs that failed mostly threw themselves at WoW instead of learning to move around it, with the only successful WoW clones I've personally seen being Star Wars: TOR & FFXIV. It's like small animation studios declaring they'll dethrone Disney with stuff barely fit for Newgrounds, then wondering a year or two later why nobody liked their stuff and how come they're unemployed and bankrupt.

>socializing with strangers
>in the time of social features EVERYWHERE

>garbage combat
>we want the moba audience
>we really want the furry audience
>battleborn tier dialogue but worse
>un-optomized as fuck at launch

>don't want to start over again in another game

This. Most people play ONE game and are invested in the community for years.
People don't just switch to a new MMO.

>What went wrong?
Too much pandering without actual unique ideas.
Also the action mmo controls were awkward as fuck instead of being smooth and fun to play with; maybe it's just me but I rarely see this criticized anywhere.

>What went wrong?
>Remember when this was supposed to kill WoW?
The second question answers the first.

Remember when this happened?

the were kinda lying a lot and tried to please sjw by making all breasts smaller even before release

didnt they update the trailer redhead and give her ginormous titties or something? i remember her looking really off from the teaser stuff

>controls were awkward as fuck
Even ignoring when they patched in mouselook, it controlled like almost every other mmo; lmb to move the camera, rmb to move the direction you're facing, numbers for abilities.
In the end it turned out to be fucking nothing. The game still had big tits and was filled with sexual innuendo.

no one wll read this, but my experience was
>buy game on release
>reach end game
>there's nothing to do but farm daily island of griefers
>try to make some money to buy premium
>every zone has 10 flying chineese bots going from resource node to resource node which are the most valuable items you can trade
>1 month passes by, flying bots still exist
>no desire to raid, pvp is just dumb and everyone is immortal

come back to the game
>your account does not exist
>there was some ncsoft merger thing and if you didn't claim your account everything was lost and the account deleted, no veteran perks, and all your characters forever gone, support won't restore anything

It's like they wanted it to fail or something, kinda sad because the dungeons were legit good when people weren't over geared or anything.

>roll a warrior so I can tank for my idort friends
>get to cap before everyone, start gearing out
>unable to maintain threat over literally anyone despite knowing my rotation and what to use, etc.
>check the forums
>Warriors generate 1/16th the threat of fucking rogue tanks, and 1/32nd the threat of engi tanks
>instead of patching the issue immediately, the devs kept saying that they had to meet with some fucking shadow cabal to get a tweak approved
>this goes on for three months

I unsubbed that month. Not to mention the fucking godawful UI that felt like a fucking geocities website. Seriously, fuck developers that take more than two weeks to fix insanely broken mechanics.

Holy shit, I'm the guy below you and I forgot about all of the crazy fucking botters and how bad that was! It was the worst I'd ever seen it in a modern MMO, and NCSoft did absolutely nothing about it. Crazy speed hacks, invulnerability, you fuckin' name it. And it went on for waaaaaaaay longer than you'd think it would've.

If I recall, it was the Humans, the Bunny girls, and the Robot race that got their breast sizes reduced to hell. But when they realized the outrage months later, that feminists and SJWs don't buy games anyways, they put their big sizes back. Too little too late.

but even my normie friends got tired of destiny 2 within the first week because there IS no endgame. the only thing there is to do is make more and more alts to raise your gearscore, which does nothing benificial for you other than make you feel like you're progressing.

Don't worry, it evened out when warriors were the god kings of the game for months and stalker were shit.

Wildstar may have advetised it to be """hardcore""" but the problem was it wasnt at all. The only hardcore thing about it were the requirements for the games one raid but the rest of the content was the same old braindead mmo shit. But I guess it's a good thing It failed so all the casuals can point to wildstar and say "see, it doesnt work!!" despite the actual swarm of problems that plagued this garbage game

It was the humans and aurin.
>Too little too late
The game died a couple months after launch, not at it.

>What went wrong

It was supposed to kill WoW. Anything that relies on beating a comparative product in order to market itself always fails under its own weight.

they just added the tits back in after the massive shitstorm that ensued

This. This game would have been pure gold without those fucking indicators making ranged classes feel like garbage.

>The only hardcore thing about it were the requirements for the games one raid
Attunement wasn't hard. All it did was require you to play the content you should've been doing anyway. The actual challenging parts of the game were the dungeons and raids. The datascape raid being almost impossible when it was still 40 man because the people running it were basically testing it.

tab-target mmos are fucking dead my man, and for got reason.

See, I'm not even that type of dude. I just want to be able to hold threat if I'm equivalently geared to my party provided that I manage abilities well. They couldn't even give me that fucking much.

fast combat and slow progression doesnt work, its a missmatch, you need fast combat and fast progress or slow combat and slow progress

Isn't that a good thing? They did something the fans didn't like so they did the best possible solution and let people pick from a number of body types.

Have you SEEN warplots?

They advertised it as classic WoW but sold us Modern WoW without the quality of life, polish, or content.

No, and neither did the pvp lead.
>warplot testing
>pvp lead isn't there because hurr hurr it interferes with my schedule.
Never put a woman in charge of anything.

It was about a month into the game when the developers changed the breast sizes back. Which they hoped would bring back audiences, with such a minor and useless tweek to the game. I remember how the movement and the hoverboard were advertised in the trailers. We got double jump and sprinting, but that was literally it. On the hoverboard in the trailer you could do all this crazy shit you'd see in a Tony Hawk game, yet all we got was the double jump. That's what really killed the game for me.

god I want to fuck her

no, it shows that they are weak-willed and that they will let various communities ruin their game at a moment's notice

good taste friend

I still remember the ads. The humor felt like ratchet and clank or something. Everything about the game looked sweet. Never tried it though.


>It was about a month into the game when the developers changed the breast sizes back
lol no it wasn't. the body types were added during open beta. stop making shit up.
>On the hoverboard in the trailer you could do all this crazy shit you'd see in a Tony Hawk game
again, stop making shit up. all they showed was some jumps and the grab, which is what the double jump looks like for the hoverboard. The game already failed for a ton of different reasons that are true, you don't need to lie.

Bad launches, both the original and F2P launches.
Also literally no advertising whatsoever by NCSOFT.

Gameplay, music and visuals were fucking great though and it saddens me what happened to this game.
Pretty much the only MMO that could've replaced WoW for me

>devs make an addition based on fan feedback
>this is bad
You fags will twist anything to suit your bias. fuck off.

Yeah because they reached "the end". Destiny really doesn't have a lot of worthwhile in between stuff. Like was it just me or was the campaign super snappy?

You're right about the hoverboard, just refound the trailer and I apparently hyped myself up on that trailer back in the day. I feel like you're still wrong about the bodies though. I had a female aurin with max boob size and didn't notice a change until a number of weeks in.

you can't make a good mmo by doing everything your "fans" say

Remember when Rift was supposed to kill WoW? Aion? Tera? Guild Wars 2? Final Fantasy? SWTOR?

Blizzard will kill WoW just fine all on their own, they don't need laughable help from a third party

>Buy game
>Get to some jungle area with amazon chicks and tigers
>Be one of the lucky 5% of people who can pass the zone since my instance of the area didn't bug out
>95% of players are stuck in this zone and can't continue their questing at all
>Bots flying everywhere
>Dungeons had retarded amounts of bugs
>Adventures had retarded amounts of bugs
>The attunement had retarded amounts of bugs
>Raids had retarded amounts of bugs
I came back half a year after the launch when 90% of the people left, it still had many of the same bugs as back then, the raids were changed from 40 player to 20, the attunement had been fixed and the dungeon medal system had been nerfed to hell.
I cleared all three raids with my guild and then quit before RMT, which I've heard is quite disappointing. Only retarded whales still play this shit.

>I feel like you're still wrong about the bodies though.
I'm not. If you really want to see for yourself just look up videos.
Which is why stephen "HARDCORE" frost said no when asked if they'd be making dungeons easier for launch. They had some sort of clear vision of what they wanted for the game, too bad they didn't figure it out until it was too late.



EVE has really good crafting / economics and is an ARPG in space.

>it still had many of the same bugs as back then
That's just not true, user. The game will always be buggy but they did fix a ton of shit between when you quit and came back.

And yet I could still go into the same adventures and find the same bugs, especially the shitty Caravan one with the famous spider.


Pretty sure it was coming up that leveling was archaic, even then.. same with theme park designs.

Between the anatomy and leveling, quitting was pretty simple.

>tfw your favorite race is stuck in a dead mmo
It's not fair...

I never knew they added them back in, that's crazy.

What's the fucking point of gaining 600% damage over those levels if the enemies gain 625% toughness?
Literally just to make you feel like your levels did something.
There's no difference between that and gaining only 10% while enemy toughness goes up by like 35%
Big fucking whoop, exp bags still pop in 1 minute.

It's good having gameplay designs for unique advertising strategies. Crafting and an economy, sandbox gearing..

>They no longer poor interest into stuff for those players
user, 90% of WoWs content focus is on raids. they simply make them easier and easier for more of the playerbase to enter and even then the vast majority is too retarded for them.

If blizzard actually wanted to cater to the majority, there would be a broader content focus on other things.

There is a broader focus. There's so many little things like weekly events, holidays, cosmetics, single-player scenarios, the entire M+ system, there's now more for a casual player to do in WoW than ever.

because wow is terrible and became mainstream

this model design is so american it's awful

>advertise a brand new empty world mmo to explore
>it's a fucking fun fair mmo with a village every 100 metres and enemy bases already built everywhere

Shit devs with tag line "the devs are listening" and weren't pay through the ass for physical or digital copy. Then play 14.99 a month. And when you get into the game you realize that it was fucking nothing.

Bad fetch/kill quests shit dungeons shit bosses.

Game would've been good if it released before WoW

But the one thing they promised was a new type of fighting mechanic and it was just shorter depth/fov of your attacks.

Felt like wow. Except people could literally roll or jump out of your attacks.

They killed the game when they added global cool down.

FUCK this dev team. Never again.


It has problems with anatomy (as does WoW).

>but it's fantasy
Mirror neurons.

Sup biodrone

My experience

>Went in beta
>Made character
>Played a few hours
>Bored as fuck
>Masturbated a couple times

NCWest is pure cancer, it only took them a year to ruin Blade & Soul to 2 servers

>what went wrong?
Pulled a battleborn and appealed to the wrong audience. I havent played it for longer than 2 hours but others have told me the game focused on hardcore raiding when that wasnt what people wanted. Much like how battleborn tried to be overwatch when it was more like league.