Fucking EA

Fucking EA

Why do people keep giving this guy reddit gold?

it bumps the post to the top. with all the downvotes it received, normally it would be all the way down in the comments section.

>Not even Reddit is buying the bullshit anymore
EA truly fucked itself this time

>Its another reddit thread
Fucking go back already. The fact that they now realize that EA is run by a bunch of kikes is outstanding

>paying money to bump threads

normies were a mistake

It's hilarious seeing absolutely everyone throwing shitfits at EA but they still buy the games day one.

quick rundown?

Anytime I interact with reddit for information, it always brings me displeasure.
However, managing to do FIFTEEN times the previous number of downvotes (which seems to be a post asking for downvotes) is fucking impressive.

we did it reddit!

Every single time people fall for it, which is why companies like EA do it. Oh no, one comment got 300k downvotes, I'm sure that'll change everything! Meanwhile Battlefront 3 is being worked on and will be shown at E3 2019 and people will go nuts for it

Someone made a post thay calculated the math for hour many hours you'd have to play to unlock a single hero as well as talk about how scummy things are in general, EA replied trying to smooth things over, no one believed their lies

Man, you guys are a real piece of work sometimes.

There is a point where normies wake up.

When literally every mechanic,model and texture in a game will be DLC ?

>It help fund the servers!

When? EA have already been awarded the worst company in America twice in a row, Where's the point people actually give a shit to do something other than a meaningless gesture of a downvote on some interns reddit account?

Great website, huh?
Oh yeah, sage btw OP
Keep leddit out of Sup Forums

You have to go back.


I'm just saying, there's gonna be a critical mass and the crash will happen so hard and afterwards people will say "everyone could of seen it coming."

At least I learned something today.
You have to go back, though.

>EA turns out to be greedy
Weve known this now for what, 20 years? Even back in the day of no DLCs, no microtransactions and whatnot they were by far the most greedy gaming company.

This is just PR. They will fix it, and then all the normalfags who are in love with starwars will not feel bad about buying this p2win game and do it anyway

it will make them a ton of money because its related to the starwars franchise anyway

oh man sick comeback now you can go back there with the taste of victory

wait, reddit gold is actual money?

some dude posted that you can either play for 40 hours or so or buy lootboxes in order to unlock darth vader. EA tried to defend themselves but in the end they wrote the most downvoted comment in the history of reddit

It will backfire on EA eventually, but only with franchises people care about like Dead Space, or Titanfall, or Mass Effect, not something like Battlefield or Star Wars that little Jimmy or Joe Shmuck will buy anyways.

I think this is also some leftover anger from the Visceral shut down and throwing out Amy Hennig's Star Wars game
EA is not only fucking over the video game community, but the Star Wars fanbase as well
with the extended universe thrown out, people were looking forward to seeing some proper new stories, but the video game side of Star Wars has been completely absent
how many more years does EA have Star Wars?


l have no words. Even the classic "the absolute state" is not enough

>how many more years does EA have Star Wars?
Forever, they will keep getting the licence renewed, just like with all their sports games, they make sure to keep renewing their licences outbidding any one else that even hopes to take one away from them.

It's been a long journey since horse armor, and here we are.

You can't stop this. Less than 10% of players are required to buy lootboxes and it completely outclasses the money they made from initial sales. GTA Online was just the tip of the spear, and they made $500million off hilariously bad shark cards. The big publishers will push it much further and market it far better to hit those addicts right in the wallet.

Consumers will be exploited even more and there's nothing you can do about it, except ignore all AAA games in future and hope someone somewhere still makes games the good old way for a minority audience. But the days of having cancer-free AAA games from big publishers are long gone, and they're not coming back.


what the fuck is reddit gold?

Anyone else buying this game just to spite redditors?
Already preordered the Elite Trooper edition and plan on cashing some lootboxes at launch just so I can dominate poorfags and redditors

It’s dead okay!? Just fucking let it die in peace :(

like Sup Forums passes but reddit actually makes money off of gold

there will never be a day when EA dies, everything else around em can collapse and they will still live out of FIFA

It's reddit very own kind of lootbox system.

EA buys reddit gold for every $80 BattleFront 2 purchase


No they haven't. They'd crap the bed if they thought that all those downvotes = a lost sale but they know it doesn't.

Ea has prepared well in advanced and would have hired dozens of "Experts" to calculate the fallout and whether it still meant +$.

Everyones doing exactly what EA predicted they would do and they don't give a shit because why would they when people talk shit and still act like dicks.

People have said there would be a crash for ten years and it still hasn't happened