Why do PC users ruin fanbases when they get a port?
Why do PC users ruin fanbases when they get a port?
PC users = pic
I'll never get why pcs should be wallmounted, except for quick part checkups.
because they're all european.
Any fanbase that gets popular becomes shit.
DaS PC release coincided with the franchise getting more attention for various reasons.
>2x1080 for minecraft
Uuuuuuh ... what
Miyazaki is a cuck.
I know artificial difficulty and git gud thanks to Sup Forums, but what are the rest of them?
3, user. 3.
A meme PvP build, the creator of a video featuring said meme build and a catchphrase associated with the meme video.
It is for the best for your sanity that you do not do any more delving into any of these topics other than what is required to find that video if you wish to know more.
>tfw your shiva the deceased
This. It was already getting bad as it gained popularity.
OH SHIT theres another one in the case
Fanbases are ruined by "WE WUZ HERE BEFORE YOU" elitists and "ugh pc secondaries gonna ruin muh game".
This. Nier threads were fine for a long while until the PC release. Both PC bros and PS4 bros were happy that more people would get to play the game until console war faggots started to derail the threads.
image in the OP proves you wrong, try again
>PC users ruined the Souls fanbas-
Chidren and common folks
Wow, those are some vague as fuck terms to support your shit-for-brains brand-loyalty snob narrative. How did you manage to become such a shitty person?
PC users are the only reason Dark Souls is any decent.
> North American online players raging and loosing their fuckin minds. Especially poor cunt niggers who play at some friends place
> Euro guys usually friendly and chill, despite average English skills.
Nice try
Dark Souls 1 was okay, afterwards Steam got introduced, which allowed children and other peasantries. At the time of DS3, Dark Souls community was totally infested and destroyed by peasantfags.
i don't know how you could know that, people don't talk in this game. every time i have a fight with someone who just strafes around for backstabs, i check their nationality. almost always european.
You console users never spammed that meme but as soon as it came to PC as you can see in the OP they spammed it.
Then terms are not vague as every souls player is aware of them
Jesus Christ I will never fucking forget when DaS came out on PC. It was the most insufferable couple months, over 50% of the threads were about it
>muh sekrit club
The op is a /dsg/ shitposter known as "poiseboi" and he used to shitpost about the lack of poise in DS3 with these same images. Don't give him replies!
>Then terms are not vague
They are, and they don't even pertain to a specific demographic. You're essentially typing memes into google and expecting your mental diarrhea to be taken seriously.
>They are
>terms that can only come from people who have played dark souls
on the plus side it did expose how fucking casual the "master race" was
>terms that can only come from people who have played dark souls
Not platform specific. You're a disgrace.