*blocks your role-playing*

*blocks your role-playing*

Absolute worst companion in the game. First chance I get I ditch her. If I could have killed her in the crypt I would have.

Ayyyy guuurrl, wanna fug?

>red eyes
low-tier fetish, who the fuck came up with that shit anyway

Why do people make her so goddamn ugly.
Even her vanilla look is kinda hot.

whose this semene demon and wat game

Serana and Skyrim

anime was a mistake

she should just look like Kate Beckinsale, imo

i want the women of skyrim to reflect the realism of living in a harsh and cold environment.
that means no plucked eyebrows or shaved legs, armpits and pussy.
wrinkly, damaged skin from the climate and practical hairstyles like braids or pigtails.
also no fucking exposed weebshit armor.
i don't know why the game has no fucking chainmail, when it was historically speaking the most common used and most practical armor.

Yeah, thats was a stupid oversight from Betheshit
But yeah, more realistic women (and men) would've been great

>you're part of the vampire hunting faction
>find an ancient vampire, weakened from her long-term confinement
>instead of killing it on the spot, you offer up to escort it to its home


The vanilla one look literally like a sunken faced man

Is there any mod to have girls with hairy armpits?
I'm replaying Oblivion too so I'd like one for that as well.

no it doesn't.
you've just a distorted view on actual adult female facial traits because you played too much of those borderline pedophile weebshit games.
inb4: triggrd dumblroni detectord

You're not implying the OP picture or similarly modded versions of her are anime styled are you? Because that's so dreadfully wrong it reminds me of that game journalist or whoever it was that claimed the sorceress in dragon's crown was a lolicon fantasy.

Vanilla waifus are the best.

Are you unironically implying Seranaholic 1.5 is ugly.

Good god man.


Triggered westerncuck, go worship your nasty hairy armpits

You just want the game to pander to your disgusting fetish you sick fuck.

>wrinkly, damaged skin
You've never met a north swedish woman I see.

I think people would have liked her more if you weren't forced to take her back to her home. To do that without question when you are supposed to be hunting vampires is pretty dumb, on top of then knowing that you are basically helping them at the time.

He's using one of the shitty seranaholic versions.

Mad as fuck

Whatever you're sellin', I ain't buyin'

Faggot don’t breath my air

I think Lydia is the only NPC I prefer vanilla over bijin

it's baffling how "westerncuck" is even a word because there is nothing more pathetic than being a weeb fapping to shitty animewaifus.
instead of shitting on the western world you live in, how about you actually try something to improve it instead of calling people cucks on an imageboard.
fucking sad

still i think she looks way too much like a teenage fap-dream glamazon.

It looks great you fag

>proud mgtow, manga connoisseur and bodybuilder

too bad he can't lift that autism tho.

thanks for proving me right.
now do your math-homework billy or your stepdad is getting his belt again.

That's some hardcore projecting there my man. Care to tell me more about your early life?

the autism makes him cuter

/tesg/ was a massive mistake

Kill Paarthunax.

my early life was 20 years before you leaked out of a broken condom.

what the fuck was bethesda thinking with this retarded horseshit? why would you create an "epic-scale action rpg" and then add in DLC where you're the water boy for some boring ass fucking insert NPC and the ENTIRE FUCKING DLC REVOLVES AROUND "ooh we need serana, serana has the scroll, where's serana? that serana chick is alright even though i'm the head of a zealous vampire hunting guild"

at least the hearthfire dlc doesn't force you to hire some gay butler or maid that constantly is trying to tell you how to build your house and taking 500 gold from your inventory every week for "wages"

She's the gem of skyrim.

>November 2017
>Still no SKSE64
>Still no MCM64
Special Edition will never be worth it

>implying there's a not shitty seranaholic version

Yeah... sure...

>blocks your modding

also this thing needs like 15 different texture sets and nifscope is shit. won;t do the textures properly.

Y-yes, mommy.

Why the fuck is it so hard to run DynDOLOD with a bunch of city/town/player home mods without it wigging the fuck out and needing to kill the task? I'm only using a mix of JK, Dawn, and a few ETaC mods and this fucking thing keeps choking itself to death even after I clean all of them.