Front liners always survive last and always have the higher scores

front liners always survive last and always have the higher scores...
This game is such shite.

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but they have lower damage so there is that

Yea and Range character slather everyone with damage
Askha has not 1, not 2, but 3 forms of escapes and he does so much fucking damage to front lines it's not even funny

>Always win
Uh Battletarts explain this please

>wait in queue.
>wait for the level to load.
>sometimes wait more than a minute for the first round to start.
>retard runs in gets gangbanged by 3 enemies dies round over after 20 seconds
>wait til mvp screen is over
>wait 20 more seconds for second round to start
>play for 30 seconds
>player leaves
>wait for forfeit
>wait for mvp screen
>wait till new round loads
>wait till game figures out its a 2v1 or a 3v2 and quit.
>for for summery menu to load
>wait for main menu to load

Boy, this game sure is fun.

>4th most played game on Steam
How did they do it?

were you honestly expecting a fun experience playing with randoms in a small team size competitive online multiplayer game

Another loot box garbage topping the charts.

You mean 10th?

Wait is this actually getting popular? Did they make it?

Will it finally get them to release content?

Redpill me on this game, thinking about trying it. It is decently balanced? Is it fun? How long is a match on average? etc I need a quick rundown

You literally wait and open loot boxes more than you actually play.

it's top down WoW Arena with skillshots and a fighting game super meter.
game is balanced if you play 3vs3
it is really fucking fun
matches last 10-15 minutes.

>Stealth Gunner bitch is still top fucking tier
>Redditors defend it saying "nuh nuh, if your whole team ignores her two teammates and follows her around the map and you counter pick for her every game she's a piece of cake to drop."
>Meanwhile croak is decimated the second he shows his faggy froggy face
The problem with every game that isn't DotA that tries to be is that you always end up with a fat roster and maybe 3-4 heroes that vastly outclass the others

>Stealth Gunner bitch is still top fucking tier
>Meanwhile croak is decimated the second he shows his faggy froggy face
you know what's funny?
you couldn't be more wrong if you tried.

Why are ranged so weak in this game? LMB spammable attacks have a pitifully short range to the point you can't do any zoning at all, to say nothing of the ridiculous movespeed penalty for firing. and in 2s you just get dived without any repercussion because you only have one other teammate.

>It is decently balanced?
Yes, surprisingly. No single character is overpowered and no single character is Dan tier.
> How long is a match on average?
8-10 minutes.

>front liners always survive last and always have the higher scores...
Maybe because ranged characters take skill? Maybe because you are (and playing with) the bottom of the barrel f2p russians?

>This game is such shite.
Then stop making constant shill threads for it

Only if by content you mean a new character that plays the same as every other character

>Implying it's not the supports
Pearl is nigh-impossible to kill even in 1v3 if you have some distance between you at the start
Why is the ugly loli the best character

I think you are just bad friend, Pearl is the second (or tied for second) worst support, tier wise, right after Lucie.

D-did they improve the controller support yet?

So,where is the tier-list?
I'm not saying it's hard to play against pearl,I'm saying I play pearl.

>Another FotM F2P meme game that will die out like Paladins did
>Yet people still delude themselves into thinking it's fun

Here is fairly reliable and recent one.

Healers are shit in this game. They can't increase the max health after it's been damaged.

>Meanwhile croak is decimated the second he shows his faggy froggy face

You're retarded.

>Yes, surprisingly. No single character is overpowered and no single character is Dan tier.

Lucie is pretty garbage. Rook gets shit on if the enemy has the slightest idea of how to play too.

>healers shit
An even match where one team has a healer and the other doesn't, the team with the healer usually wins
To increase max health, get health orbs or the large orb in the middle. Healers are supposed to heal as soon as someone takes damage to drastically increase their survivability and even then they usually have decent CC, shields or some nukes.

I enjoy this games champion design.

ignorant fucking autist spotted

>Lucie is pretty garbage
Lucie is the strongest support in the game

>Meanwhile croak is decimated the second he shows his faggy froggy face
How you have 2 jumps and a dash
How are you dying

god i hope this shit gets huge so i can sell my pre-alpha account for a nice amount of $$$

never ever

She's got a cute butt.

haha no

When it was first released all of the major streamers playing it were sponsored.

The frog is actually the most broken character by far, even more so than thorn. And I am getting so tired of seeing nothing but him in ranked.

>S tier rook

Have you ever faced a good rook?
That shit is nasty

>have you ever faced a good X? That shit is nasty
everything can be really good in the right hands, it even says it there in the tier list.

that being said...
I want my qtpie

That's not Freya
Come on Thorn is fun but it's not broken in any way more so than real nukers like Raigon or Ezmo

literally later this month

I need an exact time and date so I can count the seconds till I can finally play her again. Slightly worried because a few things in her kit got recycled into other champs, I think

Ezmo Ult and his right click
I want them to keep her R though that fucking pole was super good against melee

It got 40k playing so it pretty good right now
i give it 3 months till it dies again

they might not with the removal of real "tank" classes, though thorn still got his shield... I don't know.
I just need her. They fucked up my inhibboy, thus I need my Metal Warden

it's free nigga just go try it
>It is decently balanced?
the only underpowered fighter is varesh and you'll know why when you try him
>Is it fun?
>How long is a match on average?
5-10 min

Lucy main here. Not anymore after the BR system got reworked since her best BRs got nerfed hard.
Clarity Potion only gives/takes 12hp to 8hp.

>veresh underpowerd
You mean Jomung.

>can't enjoy a game cause it'll die soon
>can't enjoy life cause you'll die soon
it's free i'll just have fun with it till it dies or i get bored

I don't think BR_ will die soon.

Fuuuuuck you f2p fags. It's hard to get a good game in casual now I have to play ranked to have fun.

27k online in paladins. How is it dead? Instant matchmaking.


i'm glad you are suffering faggot

post more

>be eurofag
>try to play ranked
>CYKA BYLATTT and some other moon runes
>literally can't communicate with any of my teammates

wow i sure do love f2p games and living in the european region :)

It's not nearly as bad as you make it seem to be.
Did you play Dota2 once? That is horror.