

well done


Not bad, Yugi.


Good one.

why is it a gif

Presumably to allow the 555KB at 555x555

No, this can't be!

rip because theyll never beat the 65.5 million ps4's


but me in the screencap reddit xd

Thanks for keeping my thread alive



Who is this guy anyways

Not bad, but check this 0

Any games like this?

>No cute wolfu


Gets are banned on Sup Forums.


5's are old news. 9's are the new cool number to get.

choke on my 3

Sup Forums - no fun allowed



>PS4 and Xbone as low as $179 with extra games/controllers
>Not a single deal for Switch anywhere, $299+tip and more for a game
How can they even compete? It might do better than the Wii U, but that fact alone doesn't make it a success



everyone knows what you guys are doing

Lol, it's on track to outsell the Wii U in one year, and it's outselling the Xbone 3 to 1. And you claim it's not a success?

>but that fact alone doesn't make it a success
user, the Wii U in and of itself was a success for Nintendo. If it outsells it then it's a successful console.

Bought one about ten days ago with zelda because I didn't have internet at the time. Played it about 5 days, got internet back. Finally looked at the store, it was all shovelware or shovelware that is also on steam.

Returning it today. I'm stuck with zelda though. Guess I will sell it for like 40 on amazon.

Did you liked zelda or not?

Claims Super Mario Odyssey, Mario + Rabbids, and Splatoon 2 is shovelware. This is clearly bait.

Of course not, he's a shitposter.

The only games on Switch that are not shovelware or the worst version of a multiplattform game, are Odyssey and Zelda. I am sorry for every person who paid like 500$ for 2 games.

F for Fun!

It's doubtful the Wii U was profitable for Nintendo even if they were profiting off the hardware and their first party games. The Game Cube was profitable despite low sales, but the Wii U sold a lot worse than the GC. We don't know for sure, but the 3DS was probably making up for the Wii U's failure.


It is ok. Not a shitposter either. I played maybe 20 hours or so. But with zelda, the switch, and the pro controller I was in it for over 430 with taxes and everything.

A decent game, just not worth over 400 to play.

When did I claim that? those games i am just not interested in. I meant the eshop games, not games I can buy at a physical store. I'm not into multiplayer games and don't care for mario. Sorry I have a different opinion than you.

The only other game I might of been interested in was dragon quest, but again I looked at games coming soon to switch and it was other stuff I am not interested in like skyrim etc.

>It is ok. Not a shitposter either.

Sure, user. Criticizing games that you've never played. And you expect anyone to take you seriously. Bait.

Not this user but yeah anytime you say something like this everyone calls it bait if you have a different opinion of the switch other than its great.

I know the truth hurts. I am sorry.

wasnt there suppose to be a free update for liru

Well let's look at the PS4's exclusive library:

>Persona 5
PS3 port
>Yakuza 0
PS3 port
>The Last of Us Remastered
PS3 port
>God of War 3 Remastered
PS3 port
>Nathan Drake Collection
PS3 port
>Gravity Rush 2
Weeb shit
>Infamous Second: Son
Good graphics, repetitive game play
>The Last Gaurdian
>Horizon: Zero Dawn
>Uncharted 4
One day rental
>Uncharted: Lost Legacy
One day rental
>Ratchet and Clank
One day rental

Every other game I can play in Ultra HD/60 fps on my PC.

See? I can do the same thing to the PS4.

>pro controller

Allahu Akbar

i have curtailed my video game playing in recent years and im pretty happy with my switch. i never got around to playing some of the indie titles and mario kart, mario odyssey and zelda are all great games. theres not a game on here im unhappy with except The Bridge. the only game on here that i had played before was isaac. i still feel like a moron for buying it at the 30 dollar price point but if thats what i have to pay edmund mcjewllen to play it portable so be it

mario odyssey, mario kart 8, tumbleseed, golf story, fast rmx, zelda, axiom verge, isaac (overpriced as fuck), bulb boy, stardew valley, shovel knight, gonner, cave story