Make it vidya related

Make it vidya related


>when tank tells you to not send the pet in

>Go to sleep




nice, gonna get a lot of upvotes on reddit for that one later senpai!

You bastard.

This looks like a 2000s era Nintendo power ad. You've got skills.

>Litten used Ember!

Not if I post it first

Stolen, thanks buckaroo!

Is this normal in the Czech Republic?

Texting is pretty normal everywhere these days

i know rite?

I bet 90% of Sup Forums doesn't even know who that is

whoa, she's got nice legs

nice taste

wtf what is she playing to make cat angry

Do it.

i came here to post this


I'd like to share a drink with you lads.


Hell yea im fapping to that later

thanks user