this game is actually fun
This game is actually fun
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Explain. Doesnt it get repetitive? I saw some playthrough of it and it reminded me a lot of Farcy Primal which was total ass. The artistic design and concpet are cool but its that enough for it to be fun?
I recently started and instantly turned the difficulty to ultra hard
everything is a huge threat, and I use up a majority of my resources in most encounters
the cost of new outfits/weapons are greatly increased, making every piece of new gear rare, but a great improvement on my old shit. makes the resource all the more valuable, do I want to spend metal shards on ammo and traps, or a new bow and armor?
I got HUD turned off, not going with waypoints or shit all over the screen
this is a fucking blast, and I encourage anyone getting into the game to give this way a try
Hi friend. You seem to be new here. If you refer to a game being fun but it is not made by Nintendo, you must alway that it is artificial fun as the True HD Fun is powered by the licensed oficial Nintendo Fun Engineā¢.
Have a nice day.
Yes, it owns its story, unlike other games.
Not OP. I didn't finished the game but i clocked 60~70 because most of the time i was picking fights with the robots.
Played it on very hard which was the right difficulty imo. What I found enjoyable was meeting new robots and trying to find out the right tactic to beat them. Doing the trails along with the story and the cauldron in the right order teaches you to use every weapon accordingly, I found myself changing favorite weapons constantly.
The real fun happens when you finally know your elements, have modded your weapons and have a decent skill level to face robot skirmishes. Like a fighting crocodiles in a lake that have a camo leopard roaming around the area and ice birds in the sky. Changing elemental attacks, corrupting robots so they fight each other plus overriding a big robot becoming your buddy. Then, some buffaloes at the distance seeing the explosions and getting close to enter the melee. And that is not even counting the giant sized beasts.
the gameplay is spot on, thrilling, especially if you up the difficulty like I did hear it's too easy and repetitive on default, which is what made me increase it in the first place
I haven't tired out of it yet
every mob encounter feels like a full blown boss fight now, especially since most of the robots travel in packs
only cons I see so far, most characters are completely nothing
only likable people are Rost, War Chief lady, and the one Nora leader that isn't an old hateful cunt
but their roles in the story are minimal at the moment
Aloy is also way too snarky, won't stop quipping to herself
Should I wait for the complete edition($50) or hop on the black friday deal($20)?
Complete edition (game + dlc) $50
Horizon (game) + dlc $35
hmmmmmmm, it seems the right choice is obvious, if you don't mind not having two or three dlc outfits that are also coming with the complete edition.
highly recommended to start a new game with Frozen Wilds already installed
it adds new skills/levels/and some really cool enemies
$20 for the game + $20 dlc, the other $10 from complete edition is just the deluxe and preorder items, which I have but haven't even redeemed yet
probably aren't worth it
is the dlc still $15 with ps+?
or was that just if you pre-ordered it
It says it will be $15 until May 2018 on the PS Store
Are there any major bugs or issues? I was thinking of getting Frozen Wilds and starting new UH playthrough.
It's bland AAA garbage in every aspect
certainly runs better on a pro than standard,
but other than that nothing major
shitpost somewhere else
>negative opinion = shitposting
Go back to Neogaf if you're so thin-skinned
>complimenting horizon zero dawn on Sup Forumsxbot central
waiting on this joint to drop down to twenty bucks again
What dimension are you from?
Sup Forums is a nest of angry Nintendo fans, they're like wasps but they go bing bing wahoo
Is the DLC worth getting?
it's a sizable chunk of content, both size of the land and time to complete
adds new skill tree and increases level cap
most importantly, adds new robbots monsters to fight which are the best part of the game, so more=better
Should I purchase it right away when starting the game, or can I wait until I get to a point in the main game where it makes sense to play the DLC?
Buy it right away because the skill tree comes with it automatically and the new tree is pure QoL like grabbing loot while mounted or dissembling spare loot into metal shards[$$$] to free up inventory space
you can reach the dlc quest giver pretty quick, but it's not recommended to go into the zone til at least level 30
so the only thing you will miss is the skill tree if you want to wait and see, or just buy complete edition and not worry about it
the skill tree is mostly for improved mounts useage
It's not focused on mounts, but it does have a few mount things. It's more like "mounts and general QoL"
Unless you think 20% more inventory space or loot disassembly are mount related skills
It's one of the best open world games I've played because the world is even remotely interesting and enjoyable to look at.
Combat is great, too, but gyro aiming would've been amazing.
>It's not focused on mounts, but it does have a few mount things.
5 of the 8 skills are for mounts
fuck off I'm not wrong saying the tree is mostly for improved mount use
Your taste is actually shit.
this thread is full of the worst shilling. the game is fucking dull
just like zelda
>5 of the 8 skills are for mounts
Now you're just making shit up.
>Mount pickup
>Mount repair
>Mount repair+
>Dismount strike
>Expert carver
>Machine repair which is distinct from mount repair in that it's for repairing overidden machines you can't ride.
>Shard Salvager
You're an idiot. Not only is it 50/50, but it actually less than that since half the mount skills are called "mount repair"
I liked it, the bear enemies have so much health.
No, seriously. Unless you have those new Banuk bows you better get ready for a fucking bad time against them in Ultrahard, HOLY SHIT.
There was this glitch that you couldn't get one item if you missed it at the beginning of the game. You could skyrim your way to get it though.
Other than that, haven't heard any. Only fun glitches that happened to me.
yeah it is, but I was playing it and BotW at the same time, Zelda kinda ruined it a bit though. While exploration in Zelda is cool because you can always find something different, every point of interest you see on the map is locked away on a side quest or main mission. So if you don't want to just grab some stuff, there's no reason to explore.
The only other complain that I have is the world building. They cared so much to explain the design choices between the robots but Aloy's barbarian tribe for me doesn't make sense when you have that fucking huge citadel in the middle of nowhere and those other dudes with that side quest where you use that grenade launcher thing.
>You like a game I don't like you must be shilling
I'll never understand this meme. Unless it isn't a meme and you're all just a bunch of schizo fucks.
Jumpspamming to slow down time makes combat stupid.
Yeah I liked it. I actually didn't pick it up because I jumped onto the hate height bandwagon. I only recently played it, less than two weeks now and it's actually surprisingly fun. The story is... passable(?) I guess but the combat is kind of fun.
another thread full of shills for shitty game with canned fake "my fellow gamer" talk you people are fucking subhuman
>Tribe run by women is a small village that nobody can get out without permission and that worships a robot womb. Can't even fight robot tigers without getting wrecked.
>Tribe run by men is an actual civilization with a competent army, architecture prowess and flourishing economic. Hunt robot dinosaurs as a sport.
I don't see how is that a problem.
>Aloy's barbarian tribe for me doesn't make sense
they go into that in the story, Aloy criticizes the Nora for being so set in tradition and avoiding tech like the plague
the other tribes have no issue with building a large monolithic city and using advanced weapons because their's is a war culture that wants them to advance on all the others
the setup to the world was fine, it's the lack of worth while characters that drags it down, but that's only minor when the focus is on the world and robots
There are a lot of things I think this game can learn from BOTW but I've still had fun with it and the expansion. Hopefully the sequel whenever it happens does more with world interaction. It's cool that big enemies can bust down trees and stuff but it would be cooler if you had the ability to do that kind of stuff and for it to serve a purpose.
It's a shame the daemonic machines in the DLC pretty much make up the majority of the region's machine population, at least until you bust up the towers. Since they're just plain more powerful with no weakness like the corrupted machines, it basically makes them bullet sponges and a chore to fight.
Would've been better if (outside of quest content) any random machine had a % to become daemonic in combat, and its weakness would be damage done by other machines to encourage overriding and to go with the whole Banuk tribe theme.
so many shill post
ill take your word for it
Well now you're bumming me out. Still I think I'll pick it up at some point in the far flung future. XB2 comes out soon and I really need to finish XB1 and .hack.
>I think the game should be more like BOTW
>wow you're a Horizon shill
fuck off retard
oh, well, totally forgot about that part of the story. I don't know, the clash between those two was so big that it probably made me forget that they explained why
talked a bit about it here there was a house in the middle of the map that I found exploring, I used her x-ray vision thing and found a person tied up in a basement, I couldn't do shit about it because I didn't trigger the sidequest. After I saw that I realized that there was no point in exploring the map because eventually there will be a side quest that will take me to that strange looking place on the map
Not the same user but I agree with him too.
Still the DLC is pretty fun
Sup Forums is a very schizophrenic board with a hate boner for all things new and AAA, on principle if it is remotely popular in mainstream its bad.
the Story ain't anything special but decently polished for what it is, I'm not demanding citizen kane from every game I play
>talked a bit about it here
I got both BOTW and Horizon at launch and yeah I was sort of in the same boat. There are things I like about Horizon but they really neutered the world by forcing so much into quests. Wish there was more incentive to just explore ruins and stuff.
Also the HUD is so ridiculous, luckily though you can get rid of it most of the time. For me BOTW is definitely the better game but I'd still check out a Horizon sequel if they improved the way you interact with the world, the inventory and crafting system, etc.
yeah same, I'm planning on getting the DLC soon, it was fun blasting those T-Rex with that air/soundwave/whatever gun
>Describing the game like we're at an E3 press conference
if you hate the game so much why are you here? why not go to a thread talking about something you like... you might actually have that thing called fun
>like we're at an E3 press conference
I don't thing literal paid shills are allowed to list even a single con or bring up competitors user.
>being this mad that people like a video game that you never played
this, some faggots are super triggered that people actually enjoy playing games
Breath of the Wild is the best game of 2017.
he's just pulling out his canned responses because he doesn't want to be proven wrong, he thinks its cool to hate things because reasons
ha ha ur rite we should tak more like were on Sup Forums am i right? kek. i give this game a sjw/10, not bad, cud of been worse, cud of been BioWare lmao
wudve been better if it were on pc so i cud pirate this shit how can westerners even compete?
Hoy there.
oh cool, another hunting game coming out, I like that, its a good time for me
It's pretty good.
Sup Forums hivemind just hates it because it's a popular western games on a Sony console
so literally everything they hate because they think its cool to hate those things?
This game is beautiful as fuck.
I have a 4k TV (samsung MU-6500 curved) with a ps4 pro, it's beautiful as fuck.
And it's also fun.
Nah, mostly because Jim gave it a 9.5 and BOTW a 7. That triggered Zelda fans which are the majority in Sup Forums.
samefagging shill its ok retard we all know we can see the IP no one cares about this game made for fags
who gives a shit about one E-Celeb's opinions that much?
>D-do I fit in?
got a point retard? you only proved you are subhuman retarded and a shill for shit game
all same fag most this thread is 2 dude shilling HARD
Also the fact a new IP came close to outselling Zelda.
Yes. Majority of Sup Forums are sekrit club retards who try too hard to suck niche dick.
I'm not even the same user, you dumb nigger.
>Nothing triggers Sup Forums like HZD, lmao.
and? why does that fucking matter? play what you like and let others do the same.
well Sup Forums needs to grow some thicker skin
a video game discussion board
Seriously considering picking up a PS4 just for this.
PS4 pro dude, the game is beautiful with a 4K tv.
HZD in 4k is simply amazing.
Still have a 720p TV. Is 4k a meme or actually worth it?
If you have a 4k tv. Supersampling you'll never notice.