Is Mario oddysey already a thing of the past now? Already forgotten? It was okay at best

Is Mario oddysey already a thing of the past now? Already forgotten? It was okay at best.

yeah I should a got a PS4 for Knack and Persona instead

#1 seller on US amazon right now
cry more

I liked botw more desu

Odyssey, yes indeed

The ending was dope, mostly thanks to the music. Same with new donk city. Bowser Kingdom was the best area. Anything else was mediocre though I didn't do dark and darker zone yet, first I'm getting every single moon in the game

I really enjoyed the game, I found it better than 64 and now I've finished the main game trying to get all the moons is actually a challenge.

and the threads have already died out because it's just another mario game.

>is actually a challenge
How so? With all the hints it's so easy it's arguably harder collecting enough coins for the special costumes

I can't beat Long Journey's End. I've never been stuck in a Mario game before. Feels bad.

Everything there is to say has already been said.

or is it because people are actually playing it instead of being in threads? you must be embarassed



The moons which are in the worlds are usually pretty easy but the ones where you're teleported to a specific place and have to platforming have been hard sometimes for me.

>t-they're busy playing it, that's it! WAHOOO

Bowser should have his own action platformer with an expanded version of his moveset

Again, I'm having no problem whatsoever with them. Got every single moon, including post game ones, up to ruined Kingdom, finishing browser's as we speak, and the only bullshit hard one was jumping the rope 100 times

>It was okay at best.
Nah it was pretty good

>I sure showed him, Obviously the more threads about a game shows how much people are playing it
pathetic, you don't leave Sup Forums do you

>should a got

I'm still playing and enjoying it. I just don't talk about it much.

That escape/ending music was so out of place, but so good.

>people care so much for the game that they won't even make threads for it because of how good it is
it's just another mario game, the few webms and waifu threads is all you'll get out of it.
monkey see, monkey do.

It really wasn't, it manages not to give a gloomy atmosphere for that almost deadly situation and making the epilogue even more unique than it already is. Not to mention the way it syncs with the whole area. It's like the end of a Pacifist run in Undertale, to give an example


They could have done that with some sort of hotblooded jam too though.

>singleplayer game comes out
>two weeks pass
>barely any threads about it

We'll still be discussing this game 10 years from now so it doesn't matter

>People dont take shitty baits thread anymore
>What went wrong threads open

>People open threads about Mario: O

You cant win with shitposters

If I haven't killed myself in 10 years and this site is still up I'm gonna remind you what a faggot you are

Great game, awful ending.

Maybe people are still playing it? i've yet to buy it, was working on release date and i've been to tired to go out for anything but work.

go to reddit and pretend you're your own gf or something and never return

Sup Forums is an absolute fucking shitheap, it's a good thing the shitposters are focused elsewhere.

>tripfag thinking anyone cares what it has to say

I don't see how lack of discussion is indicative of quality. The simple fact is that there just isn't really much to talk about. Zelda was fresh, filled with new mechanics and things we've never seen before. Mario Odyssey is a great game, but it's not groundbreaking or anything.

are there actually retards who measure the popularity of a game based on whether or not there is a thread on Sup Forums about it at any given time

fuck of cock sucker, everything you say is worthless knowing how your shitty brain works.

yes i know
what part of "just another mario game" didn't you understand?

>single player
>nothing to talk about
>OP being literally retarded

>have all odyssey threads on filter list, auto-hiding
>this one gets through
>what the fuck?
>OP misspelled "Odyssey"

I was objecting to your tone, I fail to find anything embarassing about a new Mario game existing.

>have all odyssey threads on filter list, auto-hiding
What are you mad that you can't play it?

just triggering the fanboys that can't take bants

You're a faggot.


I'm glad I'm not you. It would never occur to me to even enter a thread about a game I don't care about.

Pretty much this. It's disappointing that the successor to the Galaxy series has such uncreative levels. (Lake, Ice, Seaside)

why would you auto-hide anything ever, unless it literally unironically psychologically triggers your ptsd (which means you suck at life in the first place)

Nah, it's just I have no interest in this game and you get three odyssey threads an hour, so I have it on my filter list until it dies down.

>literally unironically psychologically triggers your ptsd (which means you suck at life in the first place)
I'm not falling for your bait, shitty angler. Have a (You) as a consolation prize.

looks like i was right

Odyssey was fantastic. Best Mario game in years. Why the fuck would anyone be discussing it online though? It's a single player game. What are we gonna discuss, how we can't find all the moons? I'm only on 450 right now but I'm still having a blast.

On a side note, watching OneyPlays doing this shit is awesome.

>real men don't have emotional responses to trauma
You're the reason the male suicide rate is so high

>using the filter

you may be right but ur also a bitch lol