Which is better, Sup Forums?

A 1060 3GB or a 580 4GB?

1060 6GB

3 is simply not enough

1050ti. 4GB and save a hundred bucks.

A 580 wouldn't even be comparable at this point.

Depends on how long you want to keep it. Over 4 years, that 192 bit bus and lack of hardware asynchronus compute will de_stroy the 1060, of either VRAM size.
Less than 4 years, the 1060 6GB will be a better value, but a few literally won't run on the 3 GB because it's just 2smol.
580 4 GB for 4+ years
1060 6 GB else
1060 3 GB never ever

This is honestly better than the 1060 3 GB.

Is this contrarian Sup Forums in full effect? How is a lesser model somehow better than the 1060? The 1050ti is a meme card.

Hijacking this thread

Do you think ff15 will run on a 1050ti when it comes out

Right? Why make this thread OP? The 580 isn't even in the same price point as a 1060 3gb

lol, no.

>1080ti recommended
I doubt it.

It's that bad?

Probably. Don't expect to go 1020 on medium with it though unless Squeenix botches the port.

No, it's just not comparable. The 580 isn't competing with it, it's competing with the 1060 6gb

Don't buy amd products you will have driver issues, issues in certain games, and the drivers themselves eat literally 4x the cpu of nvidias drivers

Don't buy 1060 3gb if that is your price range buy 1050ti.

1069 6gb is best price performance on market AMD parts are excluded from this analysis

>doesn't explain why he thinks that
just lol

>buying the 3gb 1060 or the 4gb 580

>buying anything

is the market still ruined by cryptofags?

Yes, and it will never end either.


Do you do it for free?


>believing in requirements

The 580 is almost 7 years old. Why would you want to buy that unless you already had it? And if you are thinking about upgrading, a 1060 6GB is perfect for 1080/60. They'll be pretty damn cheap in like a week or two.

>They'll be pretty damn cheap in like a week or two.

>The 580 is almost 7 years old.

Hes talking about a radeon rx 580, not a geforce 580.

The 1050ti is basically a 960, which is already bottlenecking in games at 1080p60.


1060 6 gig if targeting 1080p/60HZ Ultra in most modern vidya. Can downsample from 4K in most things made in 2013 or earlier. 3gigs of VRAM would be a mistake. Even 4 isn;t going to cut it, especially if you play open world stuff.

Not him, but I assume he's talking about the recent trend in cryptocurrency mining dying down again.

>What is Black Friday and Cyber Monday

>580 is almost 7 years old.
How does it feel shilling for nvidia 24/7?

580 4GB

Better than an AMyyDD shill. Must be hard to shill shit hardware shit drivers and shit support.

RX580 4GB < GTX 1060 6GB < RX580 8GB
Avoid the 1060 3GB

I'm not from burgerland, amerifat.

3.5 shekels have been deposited in your account

Well then delete your thread because it is irrelevant

Have fun with your 1060 3gb. Yeah, you aren't getting shafted by your favorite company at all.

Have fun with your cards.....oh wait you can't even get them because miners took them.
You know it helps you win a battle if you actually turn up to fight.

Not my thread, lardass.

Sorry, unlike your nvidia cards I don't need to buy a new one every year. I'm content with my card until the craze dies down.

VRAM has become really important with the current trend of open-world games like PUBG.

Obviously you want a good card all around, but in the last few years VRAM size has become more important than it used to be.

I thought PUBG was a battle royale game. That shit ain't open world.

it eats vram like a motherfucker though. It's unoptimized as fuck.


>Nvidia cards so shit even miners don't want them

What did Novidyo mean by this?

>AMD only good for 1 thing.
Call me back when it can multi task

"Open world" as in a game set on a single large, sprawling map.

Also, UE4 engine is only going to get more popular, and that shit is very, very VRAM demanding.

A PS4 so you can play actual games instead of Steamshit.

>nvidia niggers this assblasted