Hows that collection coming along anons?

Hows that collection coming along anons?

Other urls found in this thread:

imagine buying 5 wii u pro controllers only for the switch to render them obsolete

That would imply the Switch pro is better in any way, at all.
Which it isn't.

Also the 5th is a pokken one

Imagine thinking the Wii U would become something worthwhile and investing this much into it?

I'm glad mine sold off pretty fast and I only got like 6 games. The Switch is literally the same shit, it will have a library of like 8 max worthwhile titles.

Remember kids, don't buy Nintendo shit because its mostly overpriced garbage that you throw away on the next console iteration.

>That would imply the Switch pro is better in any way, at all.
Not what I meant; I meant that the Switch doesn't support Wii U Pro Controllers.

But even then, the Switch Pro Controllers are still better - gyro, accelerometer, rumble, better sticks, and better buld quality.

For a moment I thought the box was the one of the Ouya.

imagine buying anything Nintendo after the Gamecube

how retarded are you?

>Wind Waker HD
>Twilight Princess HD
>Breath of the Wild
>Super Mario Odyssey
>Mario Kart 8
>Super Mario 3D World
>Yoshi's Woolly World
This is all I have

>3DS or WiiU get mentioned
>Switchtards instantly become aggressive
Like fucking clockwork.

You people are insufferable.

you don't have to defend yourself for buying 5 wiiu pro controllers, we already feel bad for you.

Sorry not fucking Odyssey jesus christ

switch is the redditor's choice

Imagine being a Sony apologist with nothing to play.

full collection
( phantasia snes + PS4 games are not on the photo )

Switchlets truly are subhuman shit eaters and breathers who shit not only all threads about other platforms up, they even shit all the good Nintendo threads up. Also the constant 24/7 bombardement shilling of their Fisher Price Lego tablet is honestly starting to get on my fucking nerves.
We seriously need to solve the Switchlets problem on this board.

Switch has:
>Worse dpad by a shitload (on a fucking nintendo console)
>Worse triggers (digital with travel time like analog ones)
>70 dollar pricetag
>Mushy face buttons and bumpers
>Shitty sticks and worse stick positioning forced on the whole system by the shitty joycons
>Meme rumble
>Half the battery life of the WiiU
>Not even wired connection to make up for it
>Shit tier PC support

WiiU had
>One of the best dpads on a modern controller
>Great digital triggers (just buttons)
>All the buttons were fucking responsive
>Better sticks and better stick positioning that allows for you to hit A and X without taking your thumb off the camera stick and makes 2D games feel like you're just holding an ergnomic SNES controller
>At the time much cheaper and used today still much cheaper
>No gyro
>Normal rumble
>80 hours of battery life
>No wired connection
>Good PC support

Imagine ACTUALLY thinking the 70 dollars you paid for the Switch pro is worth it, discounting the joycons it's the worse controller of the 8th generation.

You ok?


I heard you can use them on Switch now

Thinking of hacking mine and turning it into a game cube emulation machine. Thoughts?

Now that miiverse is down and I'm pretty much done with the online I'm turning my into a hacked box

Apparently you can do gamecube games that dont rely on the controllers special triggers on the gamepad now.
Cube in bed is gonna be comfy

thanks !

>Imagine thinking the Wii U would become something worthwhile and investing this much into it?
I just like the games, user

I've put roughly 1350 hours into my WiiU and I've still got several games to beat and still regularly use it for multiplayer with my friends

The idea of a tablet with every single GameCube game on it is tempting. Probably will get on it after this semester of uni.

Eh i dont buy videogames

Not pictured: an original disc of Tarzan for PS1 that somehow survived all this time in my basement

>if you don't like nintendo you must be sony
Drone logic

But I have been using them for PC gaming for the last 4 years. It's better than the xbone controller that's for sure.

I have tons more but this is the nice part. I want to make the vectrex/virtual boy stand look like this too. Please rate

Berry nice

You can, if you're willing to shell out 20 something dollars.

hardware, more added since pic was taken but oh well

You bet your ass I am.

There's ALREADY a 2D platformer confirmed for Switch with Kirby coming, there's no way I'm using sticks, the non dpad of the joycons or the shitty switch pro one either.
Thank god for this and the Pokken controller

My Wii U collection

literally all that's worth having

Traded in a lot of WiiU games the other day

So you bought a wii u to play two gamecube games?

I pirate. Those two came with the console, i bought it used. Although yeah, one of the reasons i got a Wii U was so i could play all the Nintendo games I've been missing all these years. Ignoring the portables I've only ever had a NES

>implying they wont bring it back like they did the gamecube controller.

I bought 4 and was heavily disappointed. The Wii U pro controller lacks... NFC? That it? BS, Nintendo.

oh well. Still good PC controllers.

>have wii u
>don't want to buy 60 dollar 2 year old games
>look up how to ''homebrew'' the wii u
>need to buy some obscure game to do it then go to stage builder and load in some ROM

What the fuck ? why can't it just be easy to do it !?!?

wii u usb loader is your friend

Collectors are one rung below ft2 whales. Fuck them.

>Bayonetta 1+2
>Breath of the Wild:
>Captain Toad:
Lego City:
>Mario Kart 8:
>New Super Mario + Luigi Bros:
Nintendo Land:
>Pokken Tournament: ⋆
Rodea the Sky Soldier:
>Super Mario 3D World:
>Super Smash Bros 4:
Wii Sports Club:
>Wonderful 101: ⋆
>Xenoblade Chronicles X:
Wii U's pretty bad. I guess the backwards compatibility gave me Fragile Dreams and Sin and Punishment, but there's not really a must-have like the 3DS's Kid Icarus Uprising or even the Vita's Soul Sacrifice.

In Europe the eshop gives away for free Brain Age for the DS, that one does the job. Is there still no other workaround?