MGS 2 came out 16 years ago

How do you fags remember it?


it got amazing story but iplayed it month ago, and oh boy if mgs4 got shit because there its half codeck and cuitscenes but mgs2 is actually 2hour game with 6h cutscenes and codec.

An amazing tanker level ruined by the big shell.

>play for only 1 hour as snake
>blonde cuck with the lower body of a woman rest of game
>50% of first play through spent on codec calls
>appreciate the A.I. humor when colonel bugs out
>ocelot goes full schizo after stealing hand of weaker genetic clone
>when the fuck do they tell the story of how they developed the soldiers?
>play through it 10x in case i missed important dialogue
>plot holes causing insanity
>pre-order mgs 3
>pre-order refunded due to delay
>never play another mgs game ever again

>when the fuck do they tell the story of how they developed the soldier?
Skull suit.

do you understand how arsenal gear works?

How old are? Speak properly faggot.

>how old are?
>speak properly

okay, faggot

english is weponized language, fuck your cancer.

lmfao k bud

>go to buy
>friend says it sucks
>"the sons of liberty are already dead. There I saved you from playing the game"
>this has no context in my life and I buy it anyways
>its amazing
>but I understand why my brainlet friends with bad taste all didnt like it
simpler times

>trailer shows Snake being badass and shit
>even shows content that wasn't in the game
>misleads everyone
>game ends up being a message about how information is controlled
>everyone misses the point and cries "muh snake"

Playing through the Arsenal Gear/Corrupted AI sequence as a kid scared me more than any other piece of media has and likely ever will.

>>everyone misses the point and cries "muh snake"

And this marked the exact moment where Kojima's heart ripped in half and the series turned into pure, shallow fan service

and people stil claim that MGS3, with linear and predictable story, with no effort put into it, is the best game in the series

Dumping some pics from The Art of Metal Gear Solid 2.




>Sup Forums literally claims MGS2 is better than MGS3
It's kind impressive actually, it takes some commitment to being a contrarian this hard.


mfw i am just a messenger from the La-li-lu-le-lo

initially pissed it made me buy Zone of the Enders for the demo, yet grateful that 2nd Runner was great

Well, I greatly prefer 1 and 2, but I still think 3 is an incredible game.

MGS2 is my least favorite out of the four. It's a boring slog of a game with a narrative recycled from better media, wow how revolutionary. Only pseuds think it's special



I fucking loved it a lot more than MGS3

Impressive how can different people like different things.

each time I play it I end up liking it a little bit more
on a long enough timeline it will become my favorite game ever

mgs1 & 3 are simpler pop-action games based on already popular spy fiction. theyre the most plain and easily consumed mgs games.


One of the most "important" meta-narratives ever in gaming. Lots of cool TECHNOLOGY moments too.

Like what media? AIs controlling the world by creating natural selection with information is so fucking cool and interesting, I haven't heard anything else with a similar theme.

Deus Ex has something similar, but they were both made around the same time.



>underwater escort mission
>sniping sections
>shooting gallery sections
Yeah the narrative is cool but the actual game is shitty, don't care if its on purpose.

I like MGS 2 because it's a reflection of my intellectual superiority. Plebs just don't get it.

Not specifically AI, but information control and predicting a future where people are obsessed with trivial consumption was done in stories like The Machine Stops, Brave New World, Fahrenheit 451, and others. The Machine Stops in particular was written at the turn of the century in the early 1900s and it went as far as to warn about the advent of social media, albeit in a rudimentary way. People on this board give Kojima a little too much credit for being a visionary just because he explored concepts that were already done dozens of times over.


"Everyone withdraws into their own small gated community, afraid of a larger forum. They stay inside their little ponds, leaking whatever "truth" suits them into the growing cesspool of society at large."
Sounds like Sup Forums

MGS3 has a better gameplay, but in regard of the story, it's a huge downgrade compared to 1 and 2

I remember skipping the endless cutscenes and running around naked at the end

Should I keep going? There are about 12 more that I think are worth posting.

>like the graphics
>story starts off strong
>notice traps are more prominent
>ocelots retarded hand business pops up
>story goes to shit
>suffer through raiden and rose's dialogue
>more escape from new York references
>get really bored of big shell aesthetically
>backtracking galore

Went on to play mgs3 and had a much better experience.

This would of been better if Raiden's boi pussy was visible.

Bought this just for the demo was not disappointed by either the demo or ZOE

so who was more of a beta bitch, Raiden or Leo

Leo. Jesus christ, what a pussy.


Fuck him

The actual game's story mode has shit level design and pacing. The VR missions in Substance make up for it though, they are MGS gameplay kino.

Nope, MGS1 and 2 have more enjoyable gameplay. I prefer the simple arcade approach to stealth to the boring camo shit in 3, not reliable enough and crawling is boring.

Just compare the sneaking in interiors in 3 to 2 and 1, it's just not good at all and that's probably why they gave you the scientist outfit, because they knew their new approach to stealth did not really work out well in-doors.


Leo. Why is this even a question? He was even a bitch in 2.

the future of gaming is about equality, user.
take your sarcastic bullshit somewhere else.

stealth for babies.

Best MGS game

wow, the technology and added moveset is incredible

>3 hours later

when will this game start letting me have fun

>10 hours later

I get it, but Im still not having fun

Imagine my disappointment when I bought this and found out that the demo was on a SEPARATE DISC THAT WASN'T FUCKING IN THERE.

>b-b-b-b-b-but muh ice cubes!!!1

>The Machine Stops
>The story, set in a world where humanity lives underground and relies on a giant machine to provide their needs, predicted technologies such as instant messaging and the Internet.

Wow, ok yeah added that to my list of thing to read.

>game tells you to turn it off

>you do it

the indoor part of 3 is really weak and boring
not only that, but even the level design is inferior to MGS2, most of MGS3 area are a simple line with nothing inside it

the only thing MGS3 did better than 2 is the controls, more polished than MGS2, that's it

What is that?


>Tanker Mission
>In the Bar
>start to randomly shooting the bottles
>they broke
>wew lad they broke in to smaller pieces if you shoot again
>Even ice blocks melt with the time
>Start to touch and shoot everything
>I pass hours and hours finding new ways to interact with everything and everyone
This is why i love it.

>most of MGS3 area are a simple line with nothing inside it
Am I being bamboozled? MGS3 is way more open than MGS2 and gives the player tons of options because of it. Also, I'd rather have linear, well designed areas than backtracking through the same hallways over and over again.

a beetle

A weapon to surpass Metal Gear

>the indoor part of 3 is really weak and boring

How do you mean? I found it to be a nice change of a pace, and slightly more intense on higher difficulties considering that the environments were a bit more claustrophobic.


Phone wallpaper

You kids literally have NO idea what it was like. You don't even understand. None of you. The wait for MGS2, all the trailers, the demo - this shit was magic, no one could believe the game really looked like it did, until we had the demo Tanker mission in our own PS2s. Until then hardly any game looked like a real next-gen title - everything was nicer, yeah, but it was still "this is PSX, but better", without any mindblowing shit.

On the tanker you could destroy shit. You could throw magazines and actually look at the pages. You had realistic lighting. You had guys reacting to more shit than ever.

But the best was how no one knew about Kojima's ruse. Back then we didn't have faggots who could ruin the magic for us and spoil shit from a game. Literally not a single media outlet, no matter how hard you look, ever even heard about Raiden's existence before the game came out. Demo? snake. Box art? Snake. Trailers? Snake. Everywhere, every piece we got, it only had Snake in it. Kojima bamboozled everyone long before some of you knew not to eat your own shit, yet alone how to play this game.

People were mad as fuck, some of them, but the more time passed by, the more people started too grow up and understand what the plot was about. How relevant the words in the game were to our culture today. Kojima called out meme culture long before anyone online called something popular a meme - he called out how much news we can get when internet becomes too big, so that we needed AI to control what news is relevant, to help us have enough context about events, so we could do actual shit, instead of spending all of our time reading new gossip from all over the world, gossip that can never end, shit that will always be there, new and fun, while important stuff can get easily buried.

MGS5 was shit. MGS1-3 (and 4 for pure anime cheesy shitshow) is still one of the best things Kojima and gaming overall created.

How about some actual arguments? You know, so we can actually have a discussion? Why do faggots keep posting these shitty meme responses that contribute absolutely nothing to the thread?

>not making Otacon's frequency Sup Forums
>having at all

>its okay when games blatantly lie about their final product
kys you were probably like 3 when that shit game came out. i bet you love halo 2 as well. kys.

Kid, stop acting like an idiot. No one fucking lied about anything. You little fuckers are so entitles nowadays it's fucking disgusting. Your father probably cries himself to sleep thinking you were actually the fastest sperm in his balls, and yet came out such a stupid brat.

>actual arguments
>on a shitpost containment forum
haha look at my pubes :(

oh get fucked. i bet you arent even older than 25. im so sick and tired of people acting like they are older than they really are

it's art

>How do you fags remember it?
One of the top 3 games of all time

>you just didn't get it meme
>it was revolutionary NO ONE did something like that before hurr I'm a fucking dumbass who has only ever played video games
every time

can you give me the background/app that does this?

Best MGS game.
Reading the three books of previous mission without having played anything past the beginning of the plant chapter helped a lot.

>about 10-12 years ago
>at my friend's house
>"hey I got MGS2 you wanna play it?"
>it's just a demo disc
>"you sure this is the full version?"
>"yeah of course I've beat it multiple times"

Horribly shallow gameplay entirely ruined by the tranq gun.
The only time where I had fun was when I didn't find it right away on the Big Shit, but I quickly noticed where it is and you can go get it right away

I was watching my Fathers sister play it. She was quite good tbf.

I stare at the sun, and the skies up above...

>everyone on the internet is a gen z babby like me

so you are one? good to know.


stay mad i exposed your bitch ass


you're so fucking stupid

>"Hurr Raiden you're in a videogame lmao ! Chimichanga ! 4th wall broken !"

>That hack
>Not Fukushima

no you


Just remember the ending. Didn't understand it at a time, but jogged something in my noggin. This is the first time I can pinpoint when I got redpilled