Is this a good commercial? Is it going to make people buy the game?

Is this a good commercial? Is it going to make people buy the game?

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It's a normalfag commercial designed to draw in a different audience who probably wouldn't even know about the game otherwise. Considering that, I'd say its pretty good.

It's meant to make the game look like a cool, generic anime adventure.
No bouncing anime titties, just laser blasts and ridiculous weapons and shit.
There's a solid normalfag audience for JRPGs, believe it or not. And the Switch is that hot new thing, so it'll do well enough since it's the only large JRPG on the system right now

Why are these Nintendo commercial never representing their target audience ?

>trying to fool normalfags into thinking that this isn't a game full of otaku pandering

lmao NoA

I literally can't get into video games or understand what they are unless a young actor is assaulted by special effects while showing minimal gameplay.

their only good commercials were the ones for monster hunter TRI for wii, and the ones about smash bros

He looks like he's in his early 20s instead of in his late 20s, close enough if you ask me.

Why does the kid look like he has the face of a literal 10 year old? He looks young even for anime design

How old is he supposed to be in the game

>black weeb
what are you talking about, that's the biggest target audience that wouldn't already be convinced.
They're the ones who likely haven't already heard of the game yet or are on the fence, they're the ones Nintiddy is trying to convince

I'm glad I'm not the only one.
I was on the fence about COD WW2 until the commercials of all the young guys who look like me decided to abandon their families for a week to play it together

First time we see Mei in English footage, too bad her localized name wasn't displayed.

This guy gets it. Avoid showing stuff that will scare away normalfags like lolis, tits and ass while playing up the action-y parts. It pretty much does what it needs to do perfectly.

Do you think we'll get more party members? Not counting blades, so far we've only seen 4.

No and no. This hardly shows you what kind of game they're even trying to advertise. The Japanese commercials were far and beyond better (despite the spoilerific nature), but they wouldn't fly in the West. Not enough relatable young'uns in the presence of hip music and special effects.

>niggers aren't the target audience of weeb shit
>Japanese commercials
>comfy adventure with some conflict
>western commercial

The average (them), non-autist (that's us) consumer who owns or wants a Switch is willing to play an anime game that looks simple enough mechanically and interesting in art.
Notice the lack of MAGNIFICENT and audio ear-rape that we know the battles will have.
Notice that the only bit of combat shown is a QTE and the GUI is pretty minimalist.
They also showed off the exploration a bit, which everyone loves still

only people with no taste would buy this game, so yeah, it's working alright.

>Could have done some kind of epic and orchestral trailer showing the gorgeous worlds and most of the eyecatching battles and effects.

>Instead they just get a black weeb for political reasons and use a Mario template to place some random game footage and get over it.

Nintendo always knows what its best.

Can we edit it to play this instead of a generic nothing track?

>normalfags proceed to buy the game
>suddenly sexualized little girls and fanservice everywhere
>go on twitter and start crying about how disgusting this game is

ughh niggers

The black weeb isn't political, it's because the NintenWeebs are already picking up the game and they're trying to advertise to the portion of gamers that even like anime who might not know about Xenoblade 2 even existing yet.

And that's black people. Black people fucking love anime

#1 was the best and made me want to actually buy this game

why can't westaboo cucks get advertising right?

Assuming they get them from a Gatcha Crystal

I mean Persona 5 is anime as fuck and that sold amazingly well so theres definitely a market for this kind of thing amongst them.

>Takahashi taking sjw and normie money to fund more of his shenanigans

I'd be alright with that

Should not be hard when 85% of the blades so far a girls.

>American "media"
No thanks.

Game confirmed for black people.




persona 5 is stylish enough that it is marketable. and even if the game is anime as fuck, it generally falls in the most popular genre of anime, and its fanservice is easy to overlook in marketing
here, hiding pyra's giant tits is near impossible and the game's protagonist is not going to appeal to western audiences - and well the game's visuals certainly aren't going to turn heads

85% of the ones shown on the Japanese Twitter.
I'd wager the ratio of male:female:non-human is better than what's been shown, I think they're showing the waifu blades in the JP twitter to try to attract the Otaku demo to the game: it's less in-your-face than TV ads (which don't show off waifu as much) and it's something you have to actively look for.

Persona along with Danganronpa are the two most entry level anime stuff for normalfags ironic weebs who most likely only watch like 1-2 anime per years.

I'm sure they can get away with one girl with big tits without people caring much. They just need to make it look like she's the only one and that the rare blades don't exist.

Confirmed black people game. Only reason they would add Thicc girls.

Look at every recent Nintendo commercial they are alway full of normalfags and we both know that Nintendos target audience are the overweight anti social neckbears.

Her ass is petite though, it's her tits that are huge.

>they just get a black weeb for political reasons
They had a white guy playing Skyrim and a white girl playing Fire Emblem Warriors in their combined advertisement for all three games. They just want to feature multiple demographics in their commercials to entice them, not everything is political.

Captcha: BLACKTOWN But captchas apparently are.

Yes but P5 exploded compared to previous games, most likely due to its aesthetics and nothiny else. Danganronpa went normalfag because of steam releases and e-celeb cancer lets plays. Until then it was only on vita in the west and we all know how many normalfags bought vita.

See, I sort of disagree, because I think Nintendo takes them for granted.
Advertising is about reaching people who don't keep up on the news about a game or franchise daily. They're trying to reach normies because they know they've got a portion of nerds on lockdown

Is the expansion pass worth getting? Will it give me anything day 1?

I would've shown off all the environments more instead of focusing on the battles so much

I thought that was the plan waifu blades with voice actor introduction to attract two types audiences waifufags and seiyūfags

From the way it's worded, I'd assume the day-one content is just a bunch of items that are slightly higher-quality than what you'd get at the start of the game rather than exclusive stuff, I've seen it done other times like in Breath of the Wild (although that also had an exclusive Switch shirt). Looks like the real stuff will start rolling out in January.

Hmm mostly seems like junk except for the story shit. I don't like getting op shit early either. Will probably give it a miss.

I'll probably get it on day-one because I'm a drone and I'd eventually get it anyway, but if I wasn't, I'd wait until at least the new quests came out in January to see if they're worth playing and if they give good rewards. Failing that, I'd wait for the rare Blade, and so on. You can always get it next Fall if the new story looks good anyway.

I hope it's another scenario like Dragon's Crown and the game does better than expected.

Always amusing to see people who claim to love video games play games because they feel obligated to and become very turned off by the game's content. At least this game has a fair share of the half naked swimmer's build pretty boys that women claim to love. Course the hardcore SJWs will complain that it's still just male power fantasies, normal people will understand that the game is fair in sexualizing both sexes and won't mind.

Btw I know very little about xenoblade, but I seem to recall someone referring to the blades as characters? Is that correct? Might be more inclined to get it if its more than just a weapon in game.

Because Japs want escapism from their cold and boring life, and the West wants excitement from their generally boring life.

I think it'll do well, if only because Nintendo's been smart about not blowing their load all at once.
They give you about a month of breathing room between these big first-party releases to beat them and get bored and then the next one comes out.

Rare blades come with their own side stories and cutscenes, so it's not just another character to roll for. Whether that's worth anything is up to you.

Yes, they're characters, each of which grants a party member a weapon. For instance, what you see in the OP image are Rex on the left and Pyra on the right, with Rex being a Driver (one of the party members you control directly) and Pyra a Blade (a magical being who supports the Driver in battle) who grants Rex a fire sword to use in combat. Each Driver can have three Blades equipped at any time and switch between them in battle so they can have different weapon and attacks at their disposal. So far we know of around 30 different Blades, but there should be over double that amount.

We know about 20 Rare, non-story Blades.
We guesstimate about 60-80 if there's one for every weapon x element combo.

intradesting, thanks frens

>gachashit as an ingame mechanic
Why is this okay?

I don't think you know what that word means

Japanese equivalent of lootboxes. Am I wrong?

No, but lootboxes carry the possibility of being bought with real money, while the crystal-hatching mechanic in Xenoblade is done with items you find in-game, just with rarity percentages attached to them for their rewards. It's no different from the usual rpg mechanic of enemy drops.

They could easily add an option to buy crystals with real money, you know

This, if you advertise a game for overweight neckbeards no normalfags will buy them anyway, it would be a stupid idea.

They haven't balanced the game around that though, so it won't happen. Nintendo keeps gacha to mobile games.

But they could.

>mfw this trailer slyly made me consider finding a switch on black friday for this game

Why do you fags care so much what normalfags think of the game? Japan is the main audience for this and their opinions are the only ones that will have a affect on future titles

>Core crystals come in three different tiers: common, rare, or legendary. Nintendo says Xenoblade Chronicles 2 has no microtransactions, so you won't be buying these crystals with real money.
Come again?

It's just changing a loot system to a open item system it's not that different at all, just more fancy and time consuming.

I bet Chris Rock would be appalled at this

All black people are closet weebs. Nintendo's marketing is ahead of the curve.

>the city of blunderfag

>nip commercial lets the game sell itself by showing off the actual fucking game.
>westcucks have to put some nignog playing the game like "hey if a monkey can play it, so can you."

Fucking christ. I wish the marketing stooges who work for NoA would stop doing this McDonalds tier adverts.

the way he docked that shit made me cringe. I could see the marks on my zelda edition 3ds.

To be fair, niggers eat up weeb shit.

game looks like garbage boss and i'm a fan of the last 2.

What the hell is Legendary supposed to put out?

swords that put out


Game rated T for Tits

It's always like this.

You can interact with the blades.

At least 6 if you include Zeke, Vandham and Morag to Rex, Nia and Tora.

The original Xenoblade had 7 so maybe one of the villains will join the main party midway through.

We shall see.

Only for the rare blades.

The common ones will more likely be the more robotic creatures we've seen in most demos of the game up til now.

This, but it works. The second most liked comment that is saying it is perfect for north america has a black fanmade naruto character as profile pic.

I can't imagine there being very much of it per blade though, considering just how many of them there are.

Not me. I've already seen all the waifu trash. Not interested in that mess.

I love how well they tried avoiding shots of Pyra's ass. They hardly had any close shots.

>And that's black people. Black people fucking love anime
Black people love rape and murder too but I didn't see that in the commercial you fucking bigot

They each have multiple sidequests

> P5 exploded compared to previous games
Because no gaems, duh.

Is this confirmed? Pretty crazy if true.

>Hand in shot
Meme magic.

I think by side quests he means the skill trees, skill trees in this game can be unlocked by doing specific tasks. I think each has 1 quest/questline similar to affinity missions in X

It's a great commercial. It deemphasizes the anime aspect and focus on the exploration/fighting. That's exactly how Xenoblade should be marketed to a western audience.

We know at least some do, we imagine they're the ones that got cutscenes in the Japanese Direct and it's possible that every Rare Blade has one.
Who knows but it's normal hype to be over-estimate these things.

we know at least SOME Blades, Gacha Rare Blades at that, get cutscenes and quests: a lot of the ones in cutscenes have intro scenes on the Japanese Twitter shown, and those only pop up when you open a Gatcha Crystal to our knowledge

this, I just wish they showed a bit more of the game