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>mid-tier PC
The verdict is that you should kill yourself
None of the games are solid 4k though, they all downscale when the fps gets shit.
So what does "incredible console hardware" mean in terms of PC hardware? Budget performance build? Mid-tier gaming PC?
just let sony win FOR FUCKING ONCE!
moba tier -> budget performance build
mid-high-tier gaming PC
The Scorpio performs pretty well, but a PC with a 1070/1060 will still outperform it.
>Inb4 1070 isn't mid-high-tier
>Playing Overwatch on consoles
Does anyone actually buy consoles based on their hardware? The only reason to ever touch a console is exclusive games which the boner doesn't have.
I somehow doubt a console is that powerful. They always say that about "incredible" new consoles then they end up struggling to compete with mid-tier budget builds.
>playing overshit at all
The video card is good but your leaving out the fact it's still a slow as fuck AMD jaguar CPU. Why bother with an expensive GPU when you have a massive CPU bottleneck.
Why would you play fps on a controller? Controllers are for action games and platformers. MKB is for rts and fps.
The CPU is as bad an i3, about half as powerful as mid-tier Ryzen.
The GPU has 12gb total VRAM with 9gb being usable by developers but speedwise it's about a GTX 1060.
So the large amount of VRAM means it's designed as a 4k machine but naturally they don't seem to care about FPS, the CPU is just terrible and the system is unbalanced in general.
a 1070 far over performs it btw trust me GTA V at 4K at Ultra with lots of mods at a locked 30 is beautiful (wish it were 60) and basically every game at ultra at 4K runs at a locked 30fps with great response times because you could actually get like 40 or 50 mostly but i hate variable framerates
It's all there, you just need to take a look at what they've released for the Scorpio so far (Forza 7 comes to mind first). It's fairly powerful, but as the other user said, the CPU isn't anything to write home about, not that it needs to be.
>The GPU has 12gb total VRAM with 9gb being usable by developers
Please, just stop.
Incoming WoW - Xbox Version
>this kills the PCbro
Because very few games will run at 60fps, because console.
>Youtube video
I look forward to the DF comparison where it runs on medium-high and sub-4k.
yeah but the xbox one x is bottlenecked by its cpu whereas my pc with a 1080 ti has a i7-7700k paired with it, so even if the xbox one x's gpu was as powerful as the 1080ti (its not) it would still prefrorm worse
>btw trust me
>locked 30 is beautiful
>gta V
kill yourself
is that crobcat
>4k locked at 30
It's time to take the FPSpill user, go get a 144hz monitor instead of this 4k meme.
Soystation fags and PC Bros are ass blasted about the new X1X
>two thousand seventeen
The absolute state of consoles, holy fuck
>new console comes out
>barely anything actually comes of it
>repeat for next console
Why do people keep falling for such obvious shilling? You really think they're being honest?
Yeah i mean I own it and do these things regularly but kkk son. I was gonna show you my screenshots but all of them are on my flashdrive that is apparently not in my flashdrive sack
My CPU bottlenecked me its a I7 2600 man, not that it doesnt pair pretty great.
Cant wait to see this ass in beautiful 4K
wants a console with a i7 for 300$
Hey man, GTA V can look pretty good at 4k.
Speaking of
I wish Blizzard implemented some kind of model viewer
It's in Actiblizz's best interest to hype up the new console, more dev interest means more people buying the console which means more people buying their game for that console.
Marketing and "official statements" are all about manipulation, it doesn't matter if you aren't being sincere.
but you can even with the igpu of a 3yo intel/apu
You mean $500?
over-categorization triggers me.
Actually I want to be able to play games without shitty weak hardware holding them back, but since MS is porting all their exclusives to PC I don't really have any complaints about the Xboner. I wish the other two consoles would port all their games over to a real platform too.
Funny that they decided to skimp on the cpu AGAIN, especially in the midst of processor taxing open world games being trendy.
>playing overwatch
Being this new
The game was made for console you retard. pcfags literally taking a console port seriously as an """esport""" LOL
but the new xbone is $500
Overwatch is the Steven Universe of video games
What exactly is even the purpose of this?
MS killed the Xbox by porting everything to PC and someone with enough money for a 4k monitor won't be retarded enough to play it at 30 fps with an underpowered console.
>>Playing Overwatch
Yea, I don't have the GPU grunt to push 4k60 in GTA V for the most part, but it's still pretty good-looking.
new i7 its 450$ so? the rest of the hw?
Please stop with the Xbox news. This is a Sony board.
A first gen i7 that still stomps the CPU in the XB1X is like $50.
looks like shit
>Overwatch on consoles
OW is a console game so that's kinda redundant.
>someone with enough money for a 4k monitor won't be retarded enough to play it at 30 fps with an underpowered console.
Yeah, everybody who buys a 4K TV this Black Friday/Christmas is going to drop $800 on PC components to match the performance of a $500 Xbone X
Show me a better-looking open-world game that runs anywhere near as well.
Nah, it's unified RAM, they have to spend 3-4GB's for everything else
So it leaves 5-6GB's for VRAM
But user, a $600 PC can match the performance of an Xbone X.
Even with the PC parts market being as fucked up as it is right now.
Go back to PC or PS whateverthefuckitis.tiff
Yeah it will be medium/high with Dynamic res, can't really tell on a compressed YT vid though
Yes, if you want 4k then you shouldn't settle with less.
If you are a poorfag then you shouldn't be buying a 4k monitor, get a 1080p monitor and use the extra bucks for a better build instead.
i don't think pcbro's want to spend money to buy darth vader, but you console gamers go wild
you dont need the new i7, literally any i7 is better than the xbones cpu, heres a cheaper example i found in 2 minutes
Post a list then, new parts not used.
>you shouldnt settle with less
But the Xbone X plays at Native 4K? How is it less? The only reason they're not changing it from 30fps to 60 is because it'd be unbalanced for those playing on the original Bone or S, making it pay2win.
Imagine being so butthurt about the release of a piece of computing machinery
>Caring about overwatch at all
It has 12GB of ram total. 3GB for OS and multitasking. 9GB fo games.
>How is it less?
30 fps is less, a lot less. FPS is far more important than resolution and it's safe to assume it will feature dynamic resolution too.
It's literally just a typical console but with retarded amounts of VRAM for 4k.
Sombra a cute
>used parts
It's almost like you don't already own a 4K capable PC?
>30 fps is less, a lot less.
But its not a hardware situation, its a balance situation.
no its literally a hardware issue, the cpu is a bottleneck, you obviously know nothing about computer parts
You can get a far better experience for the same price instead of this forced 4k shit.
Even threw in a blu-ray drive.
>But the Xbone X plays at Native 4K?
Dynamic resolution != 4k, and most games aren't native 4k.
It has a grand total of 3 or 4 games that are true native 4k with no dynamic resolution.
OW really isn't that bad. Tell me a recent shooter that's better. I'll accept arena shooters, I won't accept anything that uses ADS or requires standing still to shoot.
Explain why Halo 5 can run at 4k 60FPS then.
>Above $500
> Mid-tier PC
> $600 without having to search, bargain, and build
> Not incredible
Building anything close to the One X for it's price point is not possible unless you roll up your Craigslist sleeves and get to work.
>playing overshit ever
some games are less demanding than others due to a large variety of factors such as size of maps, quality of textures, how well optimised the game is, etc
for example i can play on my pc both super mario sunshine and super mario galaxy at 4k 60fps, yet galaxy is more demanding and looks better
>4k upgrade unlockable through lootboxes only
>an upgrade for each hero!
Witcher 3
You know high tier means like 2k pc right? we talking newest video card, etc
>Overwatch is more graphically demanding and has larger maps with more going on than Halo 5
Yeah no.
>playing on pc with the streamers and esportfags
No, it's not incredible. Mass-produced prebuilt systems are always naturally cheaper, but at the cost of build quality and in this case balanced specs, you are literally just paying extra for a higher resolution and absolutely nothing else, not even exclusive games.
Yes user, that will match the XboneX's 4k30 (with better performance in games that aren't CPU demanding) easily.
The XboneX uses the same shitty Jaguar as the base XB1.
they don't, nobody takes ow seriously as an esport and it's driving blizzard nuts because they keep pushing it but nobody is paying any attention to it
>I'm too lazy, so I'll get an inferior device that will be outdated in a few months
Titanfall 2
ADS kills you most times, and choosing when to do it (which is rarely) separates the good players from the bad. To say it is required is a stretch. Standing still is a death sentence, and while hip firing isn't incredibly responsive, you'll come out net positive more often than not if you rely on hip fire/mobility over pure accuracy.
Witcher 3 doesn't run anywhere near as well.
No, high tier is very good, so about under 1k. 2k is full retard enthusiast tier.
medium tier is 1060 and below. There are so many terrible GPUs out there for people that don't like spending money that you don't even realize it. Your view is just skewed because you look at only the best hardware and think a 1060 is shit.
You know what I'll accept this. It has great movement. Great movement makes for a solid shooter.
who fucking cares
>due to a large variety of factors such as size of maps, quality of textures, how well optimised the game is, etc
>due to a large variety of factors
>how well optimised the game is
almost as if theres more reasons that im not going to spoonfeed you on
Exclusives are nothing more than a bonus, and should not be legitimately considered when purchasing a console, unless it's Nintendo which tends to have high-bar exclusive titles (but y'know.. Cemu is fine) Consoles should be for low-effort casual gaming, and a general purpose entertainment box. Trying to utilize them for anything else is absolutely retarded. So a low-effort purchase fits right in with it's price point, purpose, and functionality.