Visual novels

Is it possible to fall in love with a 2D character? because I'm getting dangerously close. VN thread

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Yes but it means you are degenerate. Lucky there is cure for degeneracy.

What's the sauce before the thread gets deleted?

why would it get deleted? it's a video game. It's a character in a video game. Unless we're going for the "VNs are not games" shit which is false


No one has told me yet if the MC is the top or bottom in this game

>this is literally on the steam page
They ain't even being subtle about it.

leopard cat is so fucking cute

>it's a video game
go pretend to be retarded somewhere else

>it's not a video game
go pretend to be retarded somewhere else

>mc is human

Shut the fuck up picture books ARE video games

inb4 this thread has been moved to

>he doesn't think anthro(male) on human(male) is the purest form of love


>bara daddy
>tough hunk
>young qt

This game really has something for everyone doesn't it

is this Null Ghost?

It doesn't seem to have girls.


i want to fuck the young qt

So, what sort of malware does it contain?

it secretly makes you gay


>no porn
whats the point

bitcoin miner
reddit already found it

He's so perfect holy shit same

holy shit really

Is "Leopard cat" a kid or just a twink compared to the other two?





twink. They're spirits, they don't actually have an age. You can see him better in this one and looks older


oh thank god
wait shit




how can
he be
so perfect bros

>no nipples


can you repeat the question?

It's under the fur smart guy

I want Guardian Tiger to carry me over the threshold

>TFW don't even want to fuck anthros, just want to cuddle with their soft fur

Same. Romance your spirit husband>>>>>>>>>lewd degeneracy

So how do their bodies work exactly ?
They say that they take the form you want to see but then how would they interact with anything if it's not their real body ?
I know, video game magic and all, but they put a lot of effort into the ingame trivia so I'm wondering.

There's still games with actual porn in them on Steam even with no patch.

yiff in hell
all of you


>hating furries
2007 called, they want their meme back