Just downloaded New Vegas.
Any advice about mods and patches?
Just downloaded New Vegas
Other urls found in this thread:
4gb patcher
stutter remover
new vegas anti crash
jsawyer ultimate
all you need to enjoy the game properly. i might be forgetting a fix or two
Bouncing Natural breasts
how do I enjoy the game with jsawyer's masochist carry limit?
This is ESSENTIAL if you want to enjoy the game
There's so many mods that it really depends on just what you are looking for. So go to nexus and find a house mod you like, and ENB you like, maybe an overhaul etc.
Also if you've ever played Fallout 4 make sure you get the quest mod Autumn Leves.
That's because jsawyer is a masochist mod. It is only ESSENTIAL if you want to make everything harder on you.
>Also if you've ever played Fallout 4 make sure you get the quest mod Autumn Leves.
What does it have to do with fallout 4?
I'm searching for what killap did for fallout 2 basically.
A complete cleanup.
if you want to go overkill:
Otherwise do what this user said, with emphasis on jsawyer mod.
tale of two wastelands and mothership zeta crew
The Far Harbor DLC for F4 has a quest called Brain Dead. It and this mod Autumn Leaves might be familiar.
More like non-baby mode. Get it if you want the game to be even remotely challenging or rewarding.
4gb Loader, New Vegas Anti Crash (NVAC), New Vegas Stutter Remover, Yukichigai Unofficial Patch (YUP), Lonesome Road True Faction Allegiance, Melee Reach Fix Ultimate, Ultimate Invisible Wall Remover, Collision Meshes, Tutorial Killer, Passive Startup Messages, Vanilla UI Plus
JSawyer Ultimate, Uncut Wasteland
dumb frogposter
Being challenging is one thing, but 'balance' mods are usually just there to make everything more restrictive and 'difficult' with no trade-off. Everyone just sucks it off so hard because JSawyer made it.
wait what’s jsawyer ultimate? currently playing through on jsawyer for the first time
And it's perfectly fine if you're not a whiny little bitch boy. You don't even have to play on Hardcore mode and whine even louder about ammo taking up weight.
Now the perk that gives +50 pounds of carry limit is actually worth something.
its actually only 25 with jsawyer but I agree
Which mod is it that puts in most of the cut content? JSawyer?
Play vanilla. It's the one Fallout game (3D) that doesn't need mods to be experienced in a grand way. It's best in it's purest form
Uncut Wasteland for things that were cut out with patches
Outside Bets for things that were cut out with patches and some things that were cut in development
Some people still want to play a video game without having to worry about not being able to carry more than 2 guns and wear the lightest armor if they want to be able to actually pick up any loot. Not every little action needs to be some kind of struggle. But I guess if you want to feel like a badass for playing the game that way then it's your choice. I bet you liked when games removed cheat codes in favor of achievements too.
That's not even an argument, you're just being a bitch for the sake of being one.
No (You) for you, fagbait.
>playing without YUP
user no
Man, I love Autumn Leaves so much. I felt those robo husks had a greater claim to being human than any synth in 4 did.
Just some? I could've sworn I saw a video on some mod that adds a lot of cut developer shit, so I expected JSawyer. Oh well, thanks for those mods though user I've never heard of them until now
i use a config file that limits the fps to 60 so i can play properly with my 144hz monitor, and thats it
>Settlement system
Do people actually enjoy playing RPGs like a survival game?
literally dont, you wont ever end up actually playing.
If a game needs mods to be good, its not a good game
i have the same question
jsawyer mod is nothing more than a challenge run and shouldnt be treated as the main game or an enhancement in any way
Project Nevada and WMX
go north when you leave the starting point
agreed 100%
>limits the fps to 60 so i can play properly with my 144hz monitor
uh what
if the FPS in game goes above 60 the physics are accelerated and cause all sorts of issues
Is there a pack with all this in somewhere or am I going hunting for a day for each individual thing?
New Vegas had a lot of cut content. Outside Bets adds what little was cut but still salvageable in a meaningful way
how are any of you able to play that game? It won't even run on my computer.
Cmon lads this is a given
A lot of that is crap and not something I'd suggest to someone who just got the game
oh that sucks, I haven't played the game yet but I have a 144hz monitor so I guess I'll have to do that if there isn't a patch for it.
New Vegas's MZC is absolute trash, 3's is better.
I'd recommend it just for the base stability mods and ini tweaks
yeah just get New Vegas stutter remover and set an FPS limit in the config