How would you fix CDPR, Sup Forums?

Frankly they are the best game developer here with just speks how autistically behind we are

Not anymore.
They said they want into multiplayer and Gwent is your another shitty CCG with lootboxes (card packs).

A COLLECTABLE card game. can't possibly exist if you don't collect cards idiot.

They should IMO simply fire the current managers from their position since they are clearly there only because they were long at the company and not because they are competent.
They should also divide into teams and instead of making shitty multiplayer game should make some AA spin-offs or other games. People would easily buy that shit.

kys, gwent became so much better after recent updates, they finally figured it out how to balance shit and now you sperg? fucking idiot

>company is more successful now than it has ever been
>trying to arm chair CEO them and tell them how to run things

Excuse me?

>it's natural that it has shitty looboxes so it's fine
you are retarded
Why OW lootboxes are hated when they are cosmetics when Card Packs are LITERALLY a P2W element in a CCG.
Just because it's normal doesn't mean that it's fine. It's the same lootbox scam as anything else.
Not to mention that the game is shit because CDPR hires "pro gamers" (aka people with zero experience who just happened to climb high in Gwent and sucked the devs' dicks).

CDPR shills in full damage control.
At least we know where all the money went.
Explain why the game is fucking dying then?

Fix them?
I am enjoying watching them burn.

More vodka and slav magic.

polish slavshits cant recover from this

they are gonna go bankrupt

Only PC exclusive games

>go to CDPR's job listings
>8 pages of job postings
>half are senior developer and management positions
we're not getting cyberpunk anytime soon are we?

I'm enjoying watching this company crash and burn.

It's what they deserve after they stole the GOTY awards from greats like Splatoon.

they are my last hope atm to be honest.
I dont care how they take care of business, they just should deliver a good game

Have you watched the video?
The story is that after they showed Cyberpunk trailer for the first time, they got tons of people joining them because they wanted to work on it.
But instead they were all delegated to work on Witcher 3 and almost worked themselves to death so they left after W3 got released.
Meaning most of the people who were supposed to work on the game left because company management is shit.

Yeah now go to your EA masters, suck their dicks and bend over to be regurally fucked in ass.

Literally is releasing in 2019 boyo.

Also, the ads are also for the third game they are working on.

Where is here? Europe? They can write good fanfiction of an already established world and model pretty women but the actual gameplay from their games leave much to be desired and after 4 years there is still no word of 2077. They really should not have made that trailer if they werent going to be immediately working on it, they missed the Bladerunner 2049 relevancy train, which itself is already a much better experience in 3 hours than anything CDPR could ever dream to give players.

Good. Fuck CDPR and their disgusting shilling.

CDP is a publishing company first. Almost all their managers have no fucking idea how to make games, which is why they hire fucking amateurs from Poland instead of competent people.
Company already has fucking 300-400 people working on Cyberpunk 2077 and over 100 on Gwent.
Most of those are cheap workers who have no idea how to make games managed by idiots that also have no idea how to make games.

how does that contradict what I said? that many job postings for a game teased 5 years ago is a really bad sign. the majority of the work should be done and they should be ramping up marketing by now. they are basically hiring a brand new team to pick up a dead project, not to mention their recent security breach. it's a total clusterfuck
where is the official statement?

I just want cyberpunk 2077, it can basically be a witcher 3 reskin and i would be happy with it

Fuck off Yong.

Then how come these "amateurs" made the undisputed GOTY 2015?

It doesn't. You just said something that was already there but without the details, which is why i asked if you watched the video.

you are a fucking moron, card packs have existed since the 80s

Look up.
>Talented people who wanted to work on Cyberpunk got delegated to work on Witcher 3.
>People who made Witcher 1 and 2 were still during the first phases of development, which is why beginning of the game is so good, while second half sucks.
>Gameplay of W3 was shit and they had established lore and characters from books, so most of the work was done.
And Witcher 3 had a lot of budget, it's in Top 20 most expensive games in history.

Feels like AAA publishers' main way to damage control their latest shitfests is to try and smear dirt on Valve/CDPR.
Like I fucking care how gamedev peons feel about their careers, like they fucking care about me. I like CDPR games so far, so they do right by me.

>so far
Well Gwent is shit and CP will be a disaster so not for long.

Spotted the manchild.

Gwent will apparently have a big campaign for 20 hours with isometric view etc. but it's still not coming because the main game is fucking shit and waste of resources.
At this point you gotta wonder why won't they simply release the campaign as a separate game/spin-off etc. People would easily buy this shit.

>Gwent will apparently have a big campaign for 20 hours with isometric view etc. but it's still not coming because the main game is fucking shit and waste of resources.

What are you trying to say?

Not really into CDProjekt/Bioware style games and CDRejekts are brainwashed assholes.

So worthless games disappear and I get to enjoy the misery of a toxic fanbase.

Let it burn user.

How the absolute hell does this surprise anyway? CDPR is a well known shit company. Are Witcherfags just that deluded?

>overwatch loot boxes are bad
You get 1 lootbox for every 1 hour of gameplay for leveling up. You also get a bonus 3 a week for playing in the arcade, while ALSO leveling up and getting even more lootboxes. Throughout opening these lootboxes, you get all kinds of cosmetics, skins, voice lines, sprays, emotes. Then, after opening 30-40 lootboxes, chances are you've earned enough coins for a 1000 cost (legendary) skin you want, and probably 1-2 OTHER legendaries from the lootboxes themselves. 30-40 hours of gameplay for 3 legendaries and even more pinks and blues? What the fuck else do you want? If it was easier than that youd have everything you want in a few hours and it wouldn't be fun. Even people who have 1000 hours in the game already have more than they want. Fuck off retard, overwatch loot boxes are as pure as they come and have ABSOLUTELY ZERO impact on the gameplay and you earn enough in game to stop the impulse to buy them. Kill yourself you entitled cuckbutt

Do you remember when they were selling the plucky underdog narrative?

Many fell for it.
You have to hand it to them the marketing dept is top notch.

They are.
CDPR literally dindu nuffin for them because "NO DRM" and "FREE DLC" (aka cut content).
While i agree that they are very pro-consumer, that doesn't mean they shouldn't get their shit together.
Their shares already went down very fast (by 10%) after recent rumors.

Didn't know Hideo Kojima was so fluent in English. Why does he care about a Polish Studio?

What bothers me though is that the studio apparently has too many leads.
So instead of one Art Lead you have a guy responsible for Cutscenes, Environment, Character, Animation lead etc.
You can clearly see this in the game because the style is not very consistent.

Why are you still shilling your shitty youtube account?

oh look the weekly anti-CDPR shill thread

Don't you have anything better to do? People don't give a shit as long as the games are decent.

I don't see anything that needs fixing.

more like hourly these days

The sharks smell blood.

damn you really should work on that reading comprehension

>People don't give a shit as long as the games are decent.
Witcher 3 sucked.

Sure. Whatever you say.

hiring better designers

It's Pole Ass Creed.


I don't give a fuck if they release shitty lootbox multiplayer games as long as they keep up the quality in their single player releases. We will see their true colors when (or if) Cyberpunk comes out

>Be western code monkey
>Come to Poland to gain quick recognition and status
>Be used to not work, have to actually work now
>Complain for low wages
>Mfw they earn the same amout of money as someone who has been in Special Police force for 20 years

This fucking scene mang.
Cracks me up boi.

>think of the devs!!!

Who gives a shit if the end product is good. I bet the guy in OP’s vid is wearing shit made in china made with child slave labor.

I was super skeptical at the start of this video but this actually sounds fucking terrible

that was fucking hilarious though

Doesn't look like the game are going to be good for long if what these sources are saying is true. I personally don't give a shit as long as the games are good but this video effectively argues that the studio is experiencing a brain drain.

>People were buying a game because dev is a poor underdog
Oh Sup Forums

Yeah, I don't give a shit about the people making my products, I own a smartphone and buy clothes made in china and I bet all the bitches whining about CDPR do as well.

Video says that the game got scaled down to a determined protag like Geralt, which fucking sucks.

How does some chink in America know about what's happening in Poland?

How do you know he actually talked to devs?

Stop believing anything some chucklefuck on the internet posts on a video.

My asshole also farted some words that formed ”half-life 3 will be released in 2018.”

No reason not to believe me, right?

No need to do anything as long as the games are good. Once that is no longer the case then we can talk about fixing.

They've already cancelled the project once and started again. "Ruiner" is made by some ex-CDPR devs and uses ideas from the first Cyberpunk attempt (mainly isometric camera).

They have no idea what they're doing. Witcher 3 didn't have an original bone in its body and now they cannot consult the "how to make a generic open-world RPG" handbook because there are none for futuristic games.

Also, everyone in Poland already knows working for CDPR is a shit-show that pays badly and overworks you to shit.

At least it's not like firefall with mark cern.
firefall shut down in July

I was responding to a post about GOTY awards.
People love a rags to riches story.
So CDProjekt made one up.

To be fair there are some who bought the game bought into that lie as well and refuse to let it go.

>How does some chink in America know about what's happening in Poland?
Well if you watched the video, it's very clearly explained. At this point almost 50% of the people working at CDPR aren't Polish, they're foreigners from places like Britain, America, Germany, etc. He was apparently able to get into contact with a couple of these people who worked at the company for some time and they apparently proved it by showing their resume, ID's and more.

I remember that they were basically at the brink of bankrupcy while developing Witcher 2. It was so dire they were forced to release it early (that's why the last act is so short).

So he says, should have put them on a camera so we know who they are.

Why do they hire foreigners from the west? Poles work for much cheaper than a westerner.

Should I buy CDP stock in the hope of selling it with profit after Cyberpunk release?

>A series of games staring Geralt
>Based on books telling the story of Geralt
>Upset that the third game stars Geralt instead of a create your own character

Really makes you wonder doesn't it

I'm sure that 99% of the people who bought it had no idea about CD project red one way or another, and wouldn't care even if they did. I bought it because it looked like a good game, and only heard about the whole controversy afterwards.

I don't know shit about most of the developers of my titles, and I'm more in tune than most.

The company apparently decided to expand too much and locals think the company is a shit place to work for so they decided to hire foreigners en-masse because they couldn't find much local talent. Which would explain why so many of the Glassdoor reviews are from people who are clearly from America or Western Europe.

There's a limited talent pool in Poland. They have no other choice than to hire poeple from abroad. Also their reputation is tarnished among poles working in developement. You're way better off working for a smaller company here or even for a moblie developer.

Cyberpunk is going to be a very painful production for CDPR. I dbout they'll be able to finish it.

Is their rep bad in Poland? I'm Czech and I've never heard a bad word about them until now.

Supposedly. According to one of the sources not too many Poles want to work at the place. Which isn't surprising. Even one of the higher ups in the company never denied any of the negative glassdoor reviews. They just said something a long the lines of "If you don't like it, then leave".

Their rep is very bad especially in the Warsaw game developement community. There's a lot of ex CDPR employees here scattered among smaller companies and you can't here a lot of horror stories even going back as far as Witcher and Witcher 2.

It didn't blow up before because they hired mostly people from Poland. The community here is very tight so if you spilled the beans you risked being black listed and having trouble finding another job in gamedev.

But employees from abroad apparently don't give a fuck and got the ball rolling.


Multiplayer is good.

cant fix things that arent broken

> Trusting YongJew with his patreon at the end

this youtubers is known to be a sensationalist youtubers, fuck off, he's a scam artist.

also is Cyberpunk 2077 the new Star Citizen? Kek

Several employees came back though so...

I wouldn't, they've made 1 shit game and 2 decent highly over rated game then a card game, I don't understand the obsession with them when they're so small time

gwent is awesome fuck off

>gwent is awesome

>Frankly they are the best game developer here
name one good game

fire all non-poles

witcha 1 2 and 3