Are video games at all why you’re not in shape? If you were fat but lost the weight how did you do it

Are video games at all why you’re not in shape? If you were fat but lost the weight how did you do it

started going to the gym, stopped eating like total shit

>If you were fat but lost the weight how did you do it
I cut down and my diet and started exercising. If you absolutely insist on gaming 24/7 you can still use a fucking electric bike and game.

How is this a mystery

Is it mostly genetics?

You chose to be fat, videogames didn't make you do anything, only insecure cowards blame other things that are their own doing. Even if your excuse is ignorance, that doesn't mean you can't or shouldn't change. I lost 50 pounds this year and I did so through training and discipline, as well as help from other people.

What did you do at the gym? I have a treadmill, weights, pull-up bars etc. define stopped eating shit
I want success stories so that I can emulate what they did?

Indirectly genetic. Low IQ increases likelihood of obesity. See: blacks and Hispanics

If not for games I would probably be fatter because I would just lie on my bed all day reading instead of playing. Sitting burns more calories than lying down. And I only have a beer belly, not really a fatso.

This is a veiled /fit/ thread

>he doesn't exercise and play vidya at the same time


>What did you do at the gym?
a 5-day strength building routine to build muscle, and then switched to a high-rep low-weight rotation to tone out and burn fat
chest, back, arms, shoulders, legs, core if i feel like i wanna die, and scattered cardio

Stop eating like a fucking whale, start jogging and avoid unhealthy, nutrient-poor foods & drinks

>exercise regularly
>drastically reduce processed food intake (eradicate entirely if possible)

It's as easy as that

>lost 120lbs last year
>just been playing video games/watching anime non-stop the past 11 months
>haven't gained a pound because i eat within a calorie range
Why is it so hard for people to understand. Don't eat like a slob, never drink soda or other calorie heavy drinks. That is literally all you have to do.

>teh boogie
Last time I heard this fat ass had gastric bypass.
Did he survive the surgery?
It'd be a shame if he did

You don't even need the exercise to not get fat, just don't eat like a fucking hippo. "Gamers" end up getting fat because they spend all the time gaming also consuming really shitty high-calorie foods with little to no fibre to actually make them feel full afterwards.

Stop eating fast food.

to clarify, i targeted those specific muscle groups once per day, not everything in one day.

Stop eating carbs, eat protein or just say fuck it and do water fasting.

You Don't need the gym to lose weight, just fix your diet.

This is not even remotely video games

What is water fasting?

No food, just water. For months.

>You Don't need the gym to lose weight, just fix your diet.
you don't need the gym to lose weight, you do however need the gym if you don't want to look like a stick or have a shit tonne of loose skin after losing all of that weight

This. I was 35lbs overweight, had a sizable belly and double chin, but not obese tier. Still not a good look. I've just been watching what I eat and working out some. Shit like no big meals late at night (I go for a protein shake or something like that if I'm hungry but laying down in an hour or two), watching my empty carbs (bread, chips, fries), watching my sugar intake, that sorta thing. You don't have to quit empty carbs or sugar, just make sure you're getting enough to be satisfactory and not enough to balloon up. I still have some fries or chips or shit like that, just not a bunch.

Working out isn't even that bad. I work out every other day for like 20-30 minutes to burn calories and build muscle. I'm slowly but surely gaining mass and getting toned.

You don't need to go overkill on things to lose weight and get fit. Just use common sense and put forth a bit of effort and you'll get there in time. That's how I've dropped 40lbs in 5 months while still bulking up

why do the all the fat fucks are american? I've never exceeded the 70kg (150lbs) and i eat a shitload and never touched a gym.

A meme. Same group of people as the mewing faggots.

Fast metabolism