Let friend borrow game

>let friend borrow game
>stop being friends with that person
>never get game back ever again

Fuck you, Nick.

I'm not sure you know what a friend actually is.

>trade games with friend in class
>friend never comes back to school again

>tfw will never ever get my RDR back

>let friend borrow nes crystalis and a few GB games
>2 weeks later want it back
>i already gave it back bro
>years later on 13th birthday i have friend over
>he gives me my gb games as a gift
>5 years later
>friends mom asks me to dogsit when they leave
>friend is moving out soon, has shit in boxes
>dig through his shit
>find crystalis
>steal it

>steal it

That's not stealing.

fuck you thomas, you still have my dragon quest 9. But thanks for selling me that R4 card for 20 bucks, it was worth its money

i stole it back

Lend AssCreedBro to dude at work

Get moved to different host company by employer with 1 days notice

>take your tools home from site with you tonight, you're with a different company tomorrow.

This is after being with the host company for a full year, going to their xmas function and stuff.

Never accept a 'training agreement' in place of an 'employment agreement'

what the fuck is wrong with you that it didn't go like this:

>already gave it back bro

"every day you don't give it back I'm going to kick the shit out of you"

I have 7 gameboy cartridges from a friend that moved away before I could return them.

though he also moved away with some of mine.

Pink wojak doesnt belong here
Delete this shit thread faggot

I could go and beat up the person that did this, but beating someone up over 4 games that costed me 20 euros is just I don't know, it's not worth the trouble
Rather just not be friends with that person anymore and have no contact at all

>let friend borrow killzone on ps2
>ask for it back a month later
>"dude you said i could have it"
Everyone named Nick is a fucking dickhead apparently.

i was a fag back then

>borrowed two GameCube games from a friend
>we stop being friends
>demanded he gives me back the games he borrowed
>kept the ones he gave to me

Feels good

>let friend borrow tony hawk underground with memory card so he can play
>he moves

>Guy from school let me borrow Paper Mario 2, Melee and 2 crappy games
>Guy starts being an ass to me for no reason, probably cuz the girl he liked back then may had a thing for me.
>He never asks for the games back so I keep them

Girl at work lent me Jurassic park book as I've never read it. Book has been destroyed by family, I need to buy her a new one to give back but don't want to spend the money. Been so long now I think she hates me.

What game did I borrow?

Dude, his name was Nick for me too. I lent him MGS1 from the Essential Collection, I had to buy a standalone copy from a collection to fill the hole in the cardboard sleeve.

>play animal crossing a lot
>favorite game for 10 year old user
>meet someone at school who plays it
>decide that we will do the town meeting thing at his house
>kids room is weird as fuck
>has these weird awful posters all over the walls
>scratches and cuts in the paint
>carpet is fucking filthy
>empty mugs everywhere, on the tv, shelf, nightstand
>tv on floor with gamecube on top
>kids mom is nice but makes weird hacking/bird calling noise a lot
>play animal crossing for like 10 minutes before i want to leave
>tell him some shitty excuse and leave
>forget my memory card
>ask him for it at school
>says he doesnt have it

he probably forgot it in one of the mugs

all nicks confirmed as faggots

My name is Nick. What game did I steal, OP?

My brother's name is Nick. He has stolen/borrowed a couple of games in his younger days.

>borrow games with friends
>always give them back when we agreed
Guess it’s a white people thing

>friend says he'll give me Suikoden II if I suck his dick
>suck his dick
>he doesnt give me the game

Stop being a pussy and take your shit back nigga

>let friend borrow game
>friend moves and takes the game with him

As person named Nick I refute these claims.

>stop being friends
Is this some weird american thing? You like take some random hobo from the streets, trust all your stuff to him, and you are now best friends forever, day later he steals your stuff (surprise!) and you "stop beign friends". Outside that superficial country of yours, you don't just become "best friends ever" with everyone you see and "stop beign friends" next day. When I got friends, they stayed as friends and they are still friends.

No, it’s a normal person thing where you stop talking to people who have become distant. The only people who have never “stopped being friends” with someone are people who never had friends in the first place.

>go to friend's birthday party with my binder of pokemon cards in my bookbag
>show them off, had a holographic venasaur
>friend wanted to trade me a voltorb for it
>we hang out and do kid shit in the park next door
>eventually fall asleep
>wake up and venasaur is missing
>confront kid that tried to swindel me
>I don't have it
>can't find it on him or the surrounding area
>lose respect for him for years
>sometime in highschool he admits to shoving it between his asscrack to try to hide it

>Lend friend a game
>he moves away
>hard to get contact because I think he's a drug addict at this point
>Manage to talk a little and ask if I can also get the game back thorugh mail
never got it, he probably sold it for a roll of crack
Also sis gave away two of my games to her friends children and didn't even ask me before. Now she's not in any conctact with them anymore so I can't even get them back. There went my limited edition lbp2 case.

I'm never buying a physical copy ever again, so that I don't lend even by accident a game, because apparently I can't trust those who don't get their own

>bought BCH at 2400
>sold at 1800

>bought BTC at 7300
>sold at 6800

Im getting fucking JUSTed over here.

>w-well if you're not going to be my friend then you can just take all these games back, you b-baka!
said absolutely nobody

>friend convinces me to trade my $100 charizard card I got as a birthday present for 5 literal whos
Obviously it was my fault, but still

Had some friends, that I sometimes don't see or even talk for half a year (because jobs, relationship, time, closer friends etc). Still that doesn't break the "trust" that was once set. We still eventually meet, and hell if I had forgotten my stuff to him, I could always ask it back. Silly americans.

>Be friends with pothead
>"Bro you got a 3DS? Let me borrow it for OOT and Star Fox"
>1 month later I ask for it back
>"Bro, I can't find it"
>Inexplicably had money for a lot of weed that month
>Think he sold/traded it
>He has done this before
>Went to his house and told his mom that I needed to get back something he borrowed
>Took UMVC 3, NV, Bioshock Infinite and 2 Controllers and kept them
>"Bro, I think somebody broke into my house"


I'm going give you a valuable life lesson, young one: never lend anything to anyone, no matter what. Even if they mean well, they'll keep forgeting to return your books, movies, games and/or will ask for more as soon as they return them because most of them are simple NPCs with no manners, no shame and prone to forget stuff. This is a lesson you WILL learn eventually, so do it now and save yourself a lot of pain and dissapointments.

>being a shrimp and not having your shit parked in alts during this bloodbath
This is what you get for playing with whales

Pokemon card shove-it-up your ass game

>this entire thread

fuck off you piece of fucking shit. nobody cares about any of your stupid fucking "muh Sup Forums" bullshit. people like you ruin this fucking site, retard.

>Save up money for two months to buy my friend a game he was asking for, for his birthday
>He never plays it

you sound like a pinky linky

nani the fuck moot!

>only lend out games i'll never play again
>or shit games i hate
Thanks for taking Dark Souls 2 off my hands, Ryan.

Hey me too, I don't even remember who I bored it out to.

No, I am but a simple deluded arkie ;^)

>freinds lones you game
>like it so much I buy it myself
>friend loses his copy
>insists that I stole it
>gets his dad to come to my house and threaten me until I give them it

And that's why I never played Kotor all the way through until 2016

>trade games with classmate
>goes crazy
>joins the army
>never hear of him again
Thanks I guess.

Go back to your horse porn thread you stinky Sup Forumsagina

This shit pisses me the fuck off

It's okay his dad's dead now, I got the last laugh.

>Let friend borrow my copy of FFIX
>Get it back 3 months later
>It's... in much better shape
>"yeah i stopped on it after a week and had to save up to buy new copy"
>mfw finding out he had gone up 90 minutes earlier every day for a month to help out his dad and earn the money to buy a new copy

>kid at school asks if I have any old PS1 games I don't want
>list 3 games to him, I remember 2 of them but not the third
>they were all b-tier shit anyway
>says he'll buy them all for 30bux
>agree; bring games to school the next day
>says he doesn't have all the money but he'll pay me 5bux now and the rest over the next few days
>eventually agree like a retard
>next day ask him if he has my money
>"I'll have it tomorrow bro"
>ask the next day
>"I'll have it tomorrow bro"
>i forgot after a week
Played like a fiddle.

Your dad, everyone you know, and you yourself will die.

What a bro

>tfw I did this to a friend of mine
>Thought I might have broke one of his games he let me borrow that I tricked him into thinking I had given them back
>Still have them
Sorry, Zech. I was an ass

As a person named Nick i confirm these claims

>send a faggot roach (legit faggot, he likes older, hairy men) Eternal Sonata for PS3 because part of nice, small online community
>never got it back
He once posted that he took the disk and scratched it on the floor when he had his period but I think it was a joke

I lend some games for online pals before. One time I send one good friend my copy of Demon's Souls when I heard that his gf has a PS3.
He's now a happylife Chad He made it

well, he teached you a valuable lesson early in your life
you should thank him

So? Just force a blowjob on him.

It's not stealing if it was yours.

>get to class
>some kid had brought a huge binder of games and forgot them under his desk
>four or five us rapidly stole every disc and tossed the binder in the trash
>hid them very well
>10 minutes into class, kid comes in with a note, looks around our desk and talks to the teacher
>teacher comes over and demands we all open our backpacks
>everyone acts confused
>no games are found
>kid finds the empty binder in the trash
>one of us suggest a kid from his class period did it
>kid struggling not to cry in the middle of our class when teacher says there's nothing he can do
Heh, thanks for the free games faggot.

>let my friend borrow a game
>he actually returns
Feels good
Black guy with black friend is better than whiteout with white friends
Get fucked

This. Explain OP

I stole megaman zero from a faggot in church

>host a smash bro’s tournament
>after packing up took game for it that wasn’t mine
>never return it because I’m not really the talking or communicate with others type

Thanks for The Witcher 1 & 2, David.

>10 when the N64 comes out
>Get one for christmas
>Friend and I put so many miles on that bitch
>One day, take 64 over to friend's house for sleep over
>He has another friend there, Bill
>We play vidya all night and have fun
>Wake up next day
>Bill's mom came to pick him up before we woke up and started milling about
>Missing a controller, my bad ass yellow one
>Innocent and trusting, figure it just got lost and will turn up
>It never does
>A few weeks later, the first friend get his own 64
>I come over to play
>So does Bill
>Bill brings my controller
>"Oh! There's my controller! I thought we lost it!"
>Bill gets all pissed and claims it's his
>"No.. look, I drew an explosion on the back with a sharpie."
>Bill claims he put it on there so he knew it was his
>"No, look, if I put my rumble pack in it, it lines up and makes an explosion!"
>Put rumble pack in it
>Lines up and everything
>Bill still claims it was his and gets all pissy
>Little, innocent, trusting, just have no clue how to handle it. Knew it was mine but why wouldn't Bill give it back?
>Never even tell or anything because just utterly confused and didn't know what to do
>tfw it fucked me up for a long time

It was probably the first time my trust had ever been violated. I never lied because MOM AND DAD ALWAYS KNEW. Any time I had shared or lent something to someone I always got it back. Any time someone shared with me or let me borrow something I'd give it right back.

It just broke my brain for a while, I didn't understand. It's not how things worked.

>all those shitty threads
>caring this much about maybe 40 bucks

Average Sup Forums fag really is 16, huh?

>not focusing on the betrayal and lies

I feel bad reading this, sorry user, wish you kicked his ass

>"Haha Muhammad mein freund! You have STABBED ME!"
>"Is okay, we Europeans forgive and forget eh? Now come, take that knife out of my back."
>"Come now Muhammad, stop putting it back in again! You joker you haha"
Stop being so obsessed.

is that you Jeff? give me back my megaman zero 2

>be 13
>Let friend borrow ff3
>he sucks me off later that night
>claims it was payment next day at school
>become mortal enemies
>he suicides when he turns 16
>his mom remembers me and gives game back when saw my name 9n cart.

Checkmate John

>Physical games


>replies to one idiot for weeks
>borrow some low value shit
>idiot disappear
i guess time really isnt that valuable for some

>Find highschool football ring on the ground in a parking lot
>Tell buddy about it
>Says he'll buy it for $70
>Gives me $30 and says he'll pay the rest next week when he gets his allowance
>Next week comes and he says he had to give back the ring and that he wants his money back
>Tell him to fuck off
>Keeps berating me about it
>An announcement goes over the school about the lost football ring
>Decide to tell the dude
>Next time I see him he's kinda fucked up
>Ask him what happened
>He tells me he had to give the ring back

>friend keeps my fire emblem pokemon emerald games that I let him borrow
>confront him about it and get the games back
>his parents end up hating me and word travels around the neighborhood that I'm a piece of shit who verbally abused their son
>"friend" has his buddies beat me up at school, try fighting back one time and they beat me to an absolute pulp, but stop afterwards
>people in high school generally end up disliking me since the kid was fairly popular and would gossip about me
it honestly wasn't worth it

you anons who let them keep your games? you made the right choice

>you anons who let them keep your games? you made the right choice

no, id rather get beat up or 'lose popularity' than have my stuff stolen

>have N64
>pretty much my childhood
>has gauntlet legends, banjo kazooie, donkey kong 64, OOT, all these great games
>get drunk one night a year ago
>nephews dad comes in
>"hey brooo uhhh can I borrow the N64 for jude? i promise i'll give it back"
>"haha ya bro okay haha"
>next day im fine with it anyways because eh Ill just ask for it when I need it
>decide I want it back
>cant get ahold of him
>the dude was a druggy anyways
>sister and him divorce because he's a drugged up slob half the time
>he didn't even leave it for his son he just took the n64 across the entire fucking country

I hate junkies so fucking much.

>i was a beta cuck and let people beat me up cause i tried to get my stolen goods back
>"umm... just let them keep your stolen goods... dont even say anything about it"


>"every day you don't give it back I'm going to kick the shit out of you"
Because militia would be on his ass, of course.

As another person names Nick this Nicka is right

This is kinda painful to read. Brings back memories I've repressed a while ago.

You better not be my oniichan, cuz i aint stolen shit

>borrow MySims Kingdom cause I thought it was fun while I played it
>friend doesn't ask for it back
>it starts collecting dust months later
>finally bring it up while he's over
>"Hey uh, you want this game back? You never asked for it."
>"Oh just keep it it's fine."

I learned to stop lending shit to people in high school
An old friend owes me £1 and moved to the states
A friend of a friend owes me £1 and never paid it back
Another cunt owes me 50p

Family members call me petty for still remembering these old minor debts and tell me to get over it due to the small sum, they simply don't understand the principle of paying what is owed.

I've lost a bunch of pens due to people not returning a pen they somehow forgot wasn't theirs. I once lent a girl one of my good pens and when I asked for it back she said "I lost it" with a fucking smile on her face.

I once lent a guy Terry Pratchett's Thud, he never returned it and yet claimed he did.
Fuck lending shit to people

I've gotten two games like that. Granted they were trash.

Dude, that's a combined 2.50. Even a NEET can piss away that much money.

You're one of "Those guys" aren't you?

I don't care about the monetary value.

What an asshole

>lending things to people
>not trading so you're both equally responsible for each other's things