Was Loghain justified in his withdrawal at Ostagar?

Was Loghain justified in his withdrawal at Ostagar?

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No he even admits it was a mistake if you recruit him

The signal was too late. The king forces were already decimated by the time the fire was lit.

No he completely fucked everyone over, why did he think having a smaller army and killing all the Grey Wardens would help?

Doing an City Elf female play through who should I romance?
I feel like he'll cheat on me.

Do I get unique romance dialogue as a fellow elf?

Cailan's tactics were retarded enough to justify it

maybe, but then framing the Grey Wardens was kind of unnecessary dick move.

Killing Loghain was one of the most satisfying things in vidya.

Yes, when your king is a moron who believes in charging headfirst into battle against an army of monsters all for a shot at glory to boost his ego, then clearly there needs to be a change in leadership

The Wardens as well as Cailan were consulting with a foreign power, more specifically a foreign power that kept Ferelden under its heels and treated its people like garbage

No. The king was retarded but so was he. Withdrawing in the middle of the battle helped no one and later blaming the Grey Wardens for it was not even a shooting himself in the foot, but nuking his own fucking dick. Ferelden was unbelievably lucky that the MC existed, else it would've been taken over because of this retarded man's choices.

If it was a bad idea then why didn't Duncan stop it?

I replayed this a few months ago and recruited Loghain for the first time. Alistair hated me forever, it was pretty great.

>Dragon Age
Poor man's RPG, get some taste.

The Wardens had been in league with Orlaisians for awhile because THERE WERE NOT FUCKING FERELDEN WARDENS. Ferelden fucking kicked the Wardens out for generations, what did he expect? Orlais to just conjur up some Ferelden wardens out of the soil or wait for the other countries to deploy their own wardens?

Pretty much all partners stay loyal to you if you romance them.

Well, morrigan flirts with sten after trying to break up with you because she doesn't WANT to love you but...


The battle was not the mistake. Ostagar was the choke point to Ferelden that needed to be held. The reason the king was dumb was because he decided to go into the frontlines.

yes, the king was acting specially retarded as of late and about to sell his kingdom back to Orlais

His withdrawal was justified, but his actions afterwards is a whole different topic


Don't forget that he didn't consider just trapping the fuck out of Ostegar and letting the Darkspawn butcher themselves on fortifications. I mean they had a fucking fortified wall and everything.

I'm pretty sure Duncan kept trying to tell him "this is a pretty bad idea" and Cailan just dismissed him.

A lot.

How do you even do that?

For me he said I had to chose, if I picked Loghain he would attack.

I hardened Alistair and set him up for marrying Anora, if he's unhardened he runs away and becomes an alcoholic or executed iirc. Hardened Alistair will go for the throne otherwise.

>Doing an City Elf female play through who should I romance?
Alistair. You know, it all started with a human noble wanting to dick you, and it will finish with a human king dicking you. Except in wildly different circumstances.
It's like poetry. It rhymes.

You can debate whether or not Ostagar was the right decision all you want, but fact is, everything Loghain did RIGHT AFTER Ostagar can't be excused. He nearly destroyed the country he wanted to protect so badly - if he succeeded in his quest to frame and exterminate the Grey Wardens in Ferelden, Ferelden would be destroyed.

Is it dead? Good fucking riddance.

I think you should fucking kill yourself.

that's... an amazing suggestion.

this pretty much sums it up. This doesn't even go into the Darkspawn though if you ask me. The Political bullshit alone would have left Ferelden more vulnerable to Orlais than Cailan crawling into bed with the empress.

what? of course not you retard.

What's the ez mode build for this game?

Loghain? More like Rogaine. What a fucking cuck

The battle was already doomed by severely underestimating the darkspawn numbers and bringing a smaller force. Plus the signal was delayed until it was far too late.

Loghain was just doing the strategically sound move. There was no way to save Ostagar and preserving what was left of the army for the fight ahead was the priority. All the dickery afterwards was all on him though; not reigning in his subordinates, trying to soldier on appearance wise like a general with troops does not translate well into the political theater, alienating the non-humans with his indifference and trying to crush all potential non-Ferelden influence.

Even if he had justifiable reasons for those decisions due to Ferelden's history with Orlais, Non-humans and Grey Wardens, they weren't the correct answers in hindsight. Although potentially if everything had gone his way, he might have crushed the Blight but he had no answer for the Archdemon (although he didnt know that).

All in all, I give Loghain a pass. So he can redeem himself on the Archdemon.


>Tfw doing an "evil" play through


Mage/Battle Mage specialization and I think you can then add blood mage on top of it?

Also, get Mana Clash, it basically causes an enemy's own magic pool to be drained and deals damage based on their magic pool size. Given how the strongest enemies are casters themselves, this basically cripples and them, if not outright kills them.

Noteably, it's a spell that has not been in any subsequent DA games.

Yes. Literally everyone in the game afterwards keep harping on about how the battle was hopeless anyways.

Loghain did the right thing, doesn't really matter if he did it because he saw a chance to usurp power or if he accurately determined that the battle was lost and it's better to retreat and fight another day.

There is no arguing that he was a dumb fuck anyways.
Like,why not lie and tell everyone that the King ordered you to retreat if the battle hopeless? Who are the people going to believe, some random grey warden recruit that, for all they know, may be trying to shift blame from failing to light a fucking beacon in any reasonable amount of time, or the kings father-in-law?
Why declare the couple of remaining grey wardens criminals? Even if the wardens were colluding with a foreign power, it's pretty fucking unlikely they'll be able to do anything with two remaining members.

Reminder that Mage is the worst possible origin.

>game explicitly tells you none of that is correct
>"i choose to believe it anyway because i liek logane's voice actir"


No. Even if the king was a retard and the battle was lost, letting the Grey Wardens die was retarded as there is literally no way to win the war without them.

Withdrawing achieved nothing but satisfying his ego.

>I didnt play the game but I correct people on the interwebs

>Withdrawing achieved nothing but satisfying his ego
And, you know, keeping his men from being needlessly slaughtered.

Why didnt anyone go into the battle with +5 equipment

>Not Dalish Elf

Cool. Now instead they get to watch the darkspawn hordes destroy their country while not being able to do anything other than slow the process a bit.

And they wouldn't have been needlessly slaughtered because they could have at least pulled out Duncan, who is worth more than all of them combined.

>Not starting our evil or good
>Not slowly developing into a better person and becoming the hero Ferelden needs and an effective leader to your team or slowly being corrupted by the scummy bleakness of Thedas and using the Blight as a chance to build power for yourself.

>So he can redeem himself on the Archdemon.
I just knocked up morrigan anyway. My warden's logic was: "Well, I was already hoping to fuck you tonight and maybe knock you up. But now your telling me no one has to die either our child will basically be the ultimate overachiever with job security in Tevinter? Sweet!"

What's best origin?

I think posh dwarf was pretty tit bitching

because that would have meant the army needing to go through the Deep Roads to find enough +5 gear and possibly the Fade.

You didn't have the patience for that, you think Loghain, Duncan, or Cailan did?

The dwarves are seriously the strongest part of the whole game, I can't believe Hamburger Helper was in charge of them.

Best to worst

City Elf > Commoner Dwarf > Noble Dwarf > Mage > Human Noble > Dalish Elf

It was definitely more justifiable than a lot of the other shit he does to try and seize power.

Was I justified in filling morrigan's pusy with my demon semon?

Sometimes a broken clock is right twice a day. And sometimes that twice a day can last surprisingly long.

is it just me or is Dalish kind of annoying just because it feels like a kind of one-and-done origin compared to the others?

Are there any books that talk about the lore of dragon age? I haven't played Origins in years but after recently beating Dragon Age 2, I'm fairly certain Inquisition is right around the corner...

He has beautiful hair tho

I made my waifu barefoot the entire game

Noteably, it's a spell that has not been in any subsequent DA games.
along with spell combos that were actually worth casting
I fucking loved breaking out the nuclear option with storm of the century

mage is okay, it being sorta bland early on is made up for all the "fuck you I'm a mage" options later

How awfully rude of you, that's not healthy for her feet. Only do it in the camp.

actually: all the dwarf politics as well as the noble origin were written by someone else

she's responsible for the commoner origin and the deep roads

Most of them half at least some sort of mention when you returned, though the Dalsih shit returns in Dragon Age 2.

Also fuck this fag

If Loghain wanted to have stopped Cailan at Ostagar, he should've:

>Found someone who has the king's ear.

The Grey Wardens are a pretty good example. He even sees how chatty the king is and how excited he is to see the Grey Wardens back, maybe he'd take advice from them. Confide in the Grey Wardens, explain to them the nature of the circumstances, and then with their help arrange a withdrawal from Ostagar.

What he instead did:

>Betray his king, blame the grey wardens, then tries to start a civil war as his country is being eaten by the darkspawn.

Oh yeah and even before it all started he was wiping out one of the Teyrndoms just to do a favour for Tim Curry.

No Loghain was a massive prick, he did pretty much everything wrong even if he possibly had noble intentions

No because now your kid is going to end up even more autistic than normally would have been

Any tips for starting DA O? Prolly gonna play as an elf rogue

Someone give me the motivation to finish this game. I always quit around the deep roads

I think there's a mod that helps you skip the worst of the deep roads.

Go city elf, female city elf

Dalish elf story sucks monkey balls and the city elf story is significantly better as a female


What? No, he admits he made a lot of mistakes during his time as regent, but he outright tells you that the withdrawal was still the right thing to do.

It's also default canon in Inquisition

Pretty much all involved were wrong.

Cailan shouldn't have been such a retarded glory seeker, Loghain shouldn't have been such a power hungry nob, and the neither should have allowed the main battle strategy to be carried by two random newbies.
That said anyone who memes "Loghain did nothing wrong" clearly never played the game.

Pump a fuckload of points into cunning and get the lethality skill.

Who do you save Hawke or Loghain?

effectively the only ones who knew what they were doing were the grey wardens

their idea was to keep their fortified position and wait for reinforcements to arrive while scouting the enemy position to gauge their strength

Which Cailan was actually considering doing but Loghain talked him out of it because the wardens that were coming were Orlesians.

That right there is his biggest fuckup early on, not the withdrawal but planting the seeds for Cailan's fuckup.

b-but i dont wanna be raped

top kek my sides, sten is so damn good

>Was Loghain justified in his withdrawal at Ostagar?
Yes or I would of not met my wife(as the Warden)

Hawke dying is the most heroic thing to ever happen to him.

Absolutely, he'd have put ferelden in a worse situation had he and his men died fighting (because they would have)
The forces that the Grey Wardens accumulate is still only about half of the forces at Ostagar, the other half is the Fereleden army that Loghain had under his command.

Following that thought his actions were like 70% exceedingly retarded.

only one who actually gets raped is your cousin
you get to perform a sword induced penisectomy on the first noble to try

also it's one of the few places where the blood splatter effect is not out of place. Walking out of that mansion in your completely blood dripping wedding dress after you finally stopped stabbing everyone in sight is amazing.

>in my 'personal' canon
Leave hawke because the events of DA2 left her a broken, psychopathic "mage killer" who even kills people tangentially related to magic (templars, anyone who has come in contact with lyrium, mages, anyone who has seen the Fade)

>What I did because my first Inqusition playthrough fucked up and didn't use my save file
I left stroud because I like Varric too much.

So weird to actually see someone write “poetry” instead of “pottery”

Play the deep roads second rather than last.
First Circle Tower, then DLC, then Deep Roads.

>tfw no option to tell Voghan to let Shianni go, because they can have you instead
What a wasted opportunity

Hawke, but I wound up with Stroud because Alistair is king and Loghain is a rotting corpse.

I saved the warden's father-in-law.

I saved Hawke, because I wanted Loghain to finally have a worthy end in battle since I kinda robbed him by filling Morrigan with Warden juice.

Don't think even Bioware could get away with letting their main character volunteer for rape
Only way it worked now is because they didn't have to show it happening, kinda hard to do that when it's your character getting Noble'd

that said could have been an option for your character to try only to get told to wait her turn, she's about to get all the attention she needs or something like that

Oh. That makes sense, because the deep roads suck and end with a shit character who is shackled to a good one.

>Loghain as head of the Wardens in Orlais

>Offering yourself in Shanni's place

Actually, that is a missed opportunity. Hell, bioware even could have written Voghan as just saying "nah! we're gonna fuck her anyway!" just to further cement him as a dick. (and also to then let the scene go on mostly as normal)

>play male city elf
>No chance to romance Shanni
Yes, she's your cousin, but damn is she loveable.

if we're going entirely by hindsight, you know Morrigan would have joined up with you anyway.

>Don't think even Bioware could get away with letting their main character volunteer for rape
That was DAO period Bioware, they gave no fucks

Why do elves have the same vaginas as humans?

Ancient elf gods customized all the non-elf races to have elf-compatible genitals

>implying they do
Why do you think humans in DA love to wrap elves so much?

It's an exotic feeling.

It’s been awhile but I got the impression that they would have had a fighting chance in that battle if he stayed. So it’s pretty scummy.

>no half elf/dwarf waifu to love

>he'd have put ferelden in a worse situation had he and his men died fighting
Not necessarily. His troops might have thinned down the hoard a decent amount and gained some precious time, and more importantly, the damn civil war that ensued because of his actions that lead to even more precious soldiers being lost and attention taken from the Darkspawn.

there's giving no fucks and there's having to deal with the shitstorm that is portraying actual rape
just having it fade to black wouldn't have worked properly, especially because then suddenly your character would have to be reclothed and stuff like that

Not enough data for a meaningful answer.

Same reason Dwarfs and Qunari do

This from the same devs who made grotesque monster rape a part of it's central plotline?

don't you know, dwarf love is pedophilia, even if the dwarf in question is a mature woman with well developed features

but flat, perpetually 12 elves are totally fine because they're taller