Why is Sonic being so bullied?

Why is Sonic being so bullied?

>make shit game
>get called out for it
simple as that

>have a retarded fanbase that enjoys a simple game about holding forward and run in a straight line
>it´s shit
omg what could´ve gone wrong?

>act like the bad games you make are good
>'bullied' by people who say theyre bad

sonic was never good

But the score is now higher than mighty no 9
The game doesn’t brick consoles
And last one I checked where are the 3DS and vita versions

I'd say it's a solid 69%

Sonic forces isn't listed in the best switch sales (it ranks by weekly sales/preorders number) in the official page, it must be doing pretty bad.

Sonic is the guy who thinks he's the coolest around, but nobody actually likes and can't wait for him to leave whenever he's around

Good, hope that shit fucking flops
Pretty much

Hah, nice thread you have here

I remember Mania was on top of the Switch digital best sellers for weeks
Life comes at you fast, Sonic


>Reminder that Shadow is more popular than Tails
>Reminder that Shadow is more popular than Eggman
>Reminder that Shadow is more popular than Knuckles
>Reminder that Shadow is more popular than Amy

I'd appreciate him more if he were like TFS' Vegeta

Are you actually showing off that score?

>even the sonic fanbase, the worst battered housewives in all of vidyadom, hate forces and give it a 7

Hey its better then nothing.

Sonic did nothing wrong and Mania is proof of that, it's Sonic Team that deserves to be bullied.

Mania was a mistake, fueled the nostalgiababbies so they think their 3/5 is a 5/5 and forces which is also a 3/5 is a 1/5.

>>Reminder that Shadow is more popular than Eggman

Sonic mania is still on the list.

>Reminder that Silver isn't popular because people are still salty about his boss battle in 2006

Why did they even tweeted that? That's some A-grade passive agressive shit.

the only mistake of mania is that it raised the expectations for sonic games again.

Forces originally just needed to be as good as generations, but after mania being as good as generations just doesnt cut it anymore

I haven't actually played forces,
but from what I've seen its doesn't seem to even meet the Generations bar of expectation

But it's not shit. It's a solid "meh, it's okay, I guess". Better than Unleashed and Lost World, about the same level as Colors.

holy shit these standards

>Reminder that Sonic 06 isn't canon so Silver's first canon appearance is Sonic fucking Rivals.

>Better than Unleashed
>Same level as Colors

Fuck you.

I’m sonic generations says other wise

>Sonic 06 isn't canon
>Time Eater is literally Solaris' leftovers
>Silver boss battle
>Crysis city destroyed by Iblis

What's so bad about forces anyway? I saw some footage of it, and it looked just like every other Sonic game these days. As mediocre as they are, that can't be as bad as mighty number 9.

much like your existance

Somebody post those webms of classic Sonic

Its just another Sonic game, usual rush job to get to the deadline as fast as possible. Only reason why Sup Forums's sperging about it is the character customization feature and that review scores suck.

If you really wanna buy it, wait till it goes into a value bin or goes on sale.

Modern Gameplay is 06 tier boost long corridor only with bugs.
Classic Sonic is Sonic 4 tier.
OC is Deviantart + Furaffinity cringe tier.
Infinite is irrelevant, worst than Mephiles.
All bosses are like Sonic Colors final boss.
Super Sonic is a patch/dlc.
Soundtrack is almost ridiculous.

>generations rehash with lost world's shitty engine featuring an OC creator
>people defend this

Lol people still take reviews seriously except when they dont like them

Fun parts in Unleashed last for about 1 hour, out of 10 it took me to complete. If I have to tolerate 90% of boredom for 10% of fun parts, I'd rather have automated boostfest of Forces for 3 hours without such filler.
I find Unleashed the biggest pre-Lost World 3DS shit among 3D Sonics, even worse than 06 and Shadow. Unleashed Project is fine.

And I can accept if Colors is slightly better. It all depends if what you tolerate more: blocky platforming or automation.

This was made by some desperate 14 year old.

You'd have to be pretty autistic to defend what you like from a fucking meme.

>Being overrated is a good thing

The fanbase for this franchise are like battered housewives. Every time a new game comes out they get a huge slap in the face. I'm the guy who does the beating though.

No, Sega is.

Yeah no shit, everyone on Switch is busy playing Mario Odyssey. Management that decided to release Sonic week after Mario should be fired.

Silver isn't popular because he debuted in a bad game and acted like an idiot in it.

iirc Blaze represented 06, not Silver. She was standing in front of it on the level select. Don't remember where Silver came from though, he just appears at the end for reasons.

>tfw unironically having fun with Forces
It felt like shit for a while, but one you get with the controls, it's actually kinda fun.

Doesn't redeem the game for being short and having a crap story. But trying to perfect run the levels isn't bad.

Is Denuvo still up?

Could you leak something about the next game?

Just like his fans

People listen to Metacritic?

>Not autism

Yes, when it suits their agenda.
However, Forces really is trash.

Isn't Silver a bossfight?

Forces is god-like. Fuck you nigger.


This post seems made by GeneHF, Webber's assistant, he thinks he is a smartass posting sarcastic posts and taunts like these without thinking about the consequences.

Bitch, you can't even spell "existence".

Oh, that's right, I forgot he was a boss. He was based on 06? I think it was, I just can't recall.

Am I the only one that liked Lost World?

>I'm From Reddit xD
Tripfags need to go back

Modern Sonic is and it's because he's giving us so many mediocre games for so long and nothing has changed.

Meanwhile Mania Sonic is being praised while recieving handjobs

Is this the worst game of 2017?


He deserves it for being a smug little faggot that can't back his shittalking up.

read Modern Sonic is only hated because like I said, you're the housewives, and the games he's in delivers the beating. Sonic Mania is a fucking rom hack but of course, it's being put on a pedestal by fat low T virgin NEETs like you. Like pottery mate, like fuckin' pottery.

>Good game put on pedestal
>Bad game getting mocked

he's not a tripfag because he doesn't have a tripcode, he's just a namefag, newfag

>Shitty low-effort rom hack with 90% of shit rehashed is a good game
There's something very deeply wrong with you and other people who think this way.. It's going on the uncanny valley to be honest..

>Sonic Mania is a fucking rom hack but of course
Sonic Forces is a fucking rom hack of Lost World, shithead. It's just Sonic Team don't even know how to romhack properly yet filthy Gaijins can.

Are you stupid?


That Sonic game unironically looks Yandere Simulator-tier.

Nice meme man nigger

>it literally runs on its own engine
How are you living with your autism day to day, user?

So you agree it was never good? Ok

Well, OP was factually incorrect so


Forget it, the frog image should've tipping you off that he's either retarded or desperate for attention.

Listen to me you fucking sentient piece of shit. I want you to fucking kill yourself in the most violent way you possibly can. It would make me and anyone else in your life very happy. No one has or ever will love you. Your sorry existence is a fucking mistake and no one would notice or care if you disappeared.

Are you a low IQ nigger?
>t. autistic low IQ brain dead nigger monkeys


gave me chuckle

I just wondered how he lives with his autism day to day, nothing else.

Generations is by far the best Sonic game imo.
Precisely because it isn't like the 2D shit.

Needless to say Unleashed, 2006 and Boom are below even the 2D ones, though.

lol, faggot can't maximize the image.

I don't care if I'm the only person in the world that thinks this way. You're all low IQ brain autistic evil niggers that feel better about themselves when you drag someone down to your level.

you know you fucked up when sonic says your game is bad

>Reminder that was lampshaded in Sonic Boom


You can't make this shit up!

I really hope you are not making this shit up


>Metacritic is right only when it's convenient
I don't care about Sonic nor how much it scores, i just want coherence.

because modern video game "journalists" aka bloggers are all disgusting, subhuman Nintendicksucker nu-male millenial manchildren who grew up with Bing Bing Wahooo Man and already hated Sanic when they were obnoxious, autistic sperg kids.
That's why Italian Pedo Plumber Jumper gets raving Nintendicksucker 10/10 scores and Sanic gets treated like the unwanted stepson.

Kid, this shit isn't going to work on Sup Forums. Go back to Tumblr or Reddit, it will work on those hugboxing fags that has "Depression" issues. Fact is, Forces is a Lost World romhack, and fans, like always, does what Segacan't.

Rom hacks are fun, user. Sonic Team should learn how fun works.

I want behind the scenes details on what happened with this game because the whole game screams rush job. Levels are a minute long with shit level design. Level and boss assets are recycled going all the way back to sonic colors.

What happened to the generations level designers? Why was the sonic generations director vanished to work on mario and sonic at the special olympics? How do shun nakamura and iizuka still have jobs?

>Forces is a Lost World romhack
Doesn't it run on the Generations engine or an updated version of it?

Sonic forces is not as bad as mighty number 9. Sonic forces isn't good but mn9 barely fucking functions.