Nioh thread

Nioh thread.

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What does this icon mean?

God knows, that's not even an attack.

>doesn't support arbitrary resolutions or aspect ratios
Please tell me how this is "perfect DSR" support.

>Also you prefer FPS widely changing between cinematics?
Just admit you are a lying autist, stop defending a less than stellar port. You got caught.

>Also post evidences of LOD issues or fuck off.
See image. Can't wait for your damage control.

>PC is now the best place to play Nioh and you're gonna have to deal with it, sonybro.
No shit you fucking console war loser but you said it was a great port when it isn't.


The attack in question (probably referring to uncharged iai there) beats hyper armour in PvP.

Different guy here, have you got any caps of LOD outside of that cutscene? I haven't particularly been paying attention, but I only noticed it on those corpses.

Is it normal that game only give you your weapon of choice at the start as loot/rewards? Does it do it since i specialize my character in that? I have yet to get any decent kusarigama or 2kats for example, all the while i am getting swamped with raikiris and some set katanas. On one hand it is good, a lot of usable stuff, but it doesn't really engage you into diversifying.


nice trolling, I dunno what this is about but I'm downasampling 1440p for 1080p screen and I could 4k too, any res work.
Did get this wierd thing either.
Sony fags lately..

It's probably because people mostly run these as secondary weapons (or not at all) early game

>I can do 3 resolutions so that means it's perfect

You got BTFO, faggot. The port isn't great, it's not even average.

>You got caught
Oh the irony
The cinematics are not realtime. deal with it
Works on my machine

Also, DSR works. Everyone use it. Works well in place of AA.

>3 resolutions

wow pc looks like shit

Mad as fuck
Have fun with a 720p game on PS4peasant

>The cinematics are not realtime. deal with it
Yes that are.
>Works on my machine
No it doesn't.
>Also, DSR works.
Not perfectly.

No mouse, crashing issues, no AA, etc. Below average quality isn't "great", shitposter.

I was debunking that post in particular.
>doesn't support arbitrary resolutions
>doesn't have niche aspect ratio support
>Ansel can't even downsample the images because the resolution handling is so botched
Shit DSR.

Still works better than PS4 or PS4pro.

The only thing affected by your chosen weapons at the beginning are two initial loot spots and the two stat points. 1kat has many more weapons that are part of sets, but that's not the issue you're running into, it's just how your luck is.

Imagine being so wrong you have to deflect this hard. Who the fuck is talking about the PS4 port? Oh right you, because you're a shitposter who can't handle being wrong.

heads up for everyone looking to use an unsupported resolution/aspect ratio:

Do the areas ever get better in terms of aesthetic? Like a cool snow place or something. In the mines with the poison gas right now.

buy/forge your shit or kill the revenants that drop your weapon of choice.

>tfw you've been playing this game since PS4 early beta and have every trophy in the main game and all the DLC'S
I just can't keep going. Level 689, floor 83 of the Abyss. I'm just burnt out, bros


So how the ancient text works?I understand that they won't drop 100% of the time but how many of them i need to get everything from everyone?
Armor-wise i need one text for each piece or one text for the full set?

Should I bother keeping shitty inferior weapons if they have a good transferable skill?

What are some of the best skills?

Does "unlimited ____" mean a it gives a whatever percent chance not to consume ammo?

How do I get natty as William?

Nice B8

I should mention that its meant to be used with borderless window

Stacking Unlimited "x" % higher means each use has a chance nor to consume it, so 100% chance is you never running out out of uses.

Keeping items with good transferable is fine, just put them in your store house

ah i forgot about the storehouse, thanks

also is it possible to actually stack unlimited ____ to 100%?

It's worth it if you're being some ninja star flinging cock suckered so you can just blow shit up without actually having to engage the enemy, but it's not worth it for onmyo or projectiles like bullets/arrows unless you have a dedicated late game ranged weapon build.

FYI even fully built post game onmyo builds are shit, don't even bother


Someone with better skills should take more pictures

Replaying it on PC and loving the Odachi.

Feet are gross. Knock that shit off

Most of the human bosses have two smithing texts that can potentially drop; one for their armour set and one for their weapon (Maybe two like in the case of Muneshige).

>PCfats will never ever know this feel

>console kids will never experience 4k 60fps with mods and nice visuals
>for free

Do you think William dresses in his native garb sometimes

Maybe in Nioh 2 when he goes back to Ireland to fight Cromwell.

>Feet are gross
fucking pleb


Is this the final mission?


Nope, got another region before the end of the core game. Then another three regions, which were the DLC packs in the original release.


>can hide helmet
>can change appearance of any armor
so far so goo-
>can't hide ranged weapons and the unequipped melee weapon

>3dpd feet
What are you, some kind of animal?

Jesus Christ. I'm not complaining, but that's longer than I expected.

How does transferables even work?
Soul Forging so far has only served to upgrade my exotic shit to a higher level

Then, if you want to max out your build you need to do it 4 more times and get to floor 999 in abyss. Only then have you truly completed the game.

The material used will transfer it's transferable skill to the main item either by adding a new line or replacing an existing transferable, but both(?) items need to be max familiarity before the skill can transfer.

So does it run alright on PC or?

yes. im on a 670 and i have no problems running this on 1080p. granted everythings on low but not really an issue for me

That aint bait, im on pc and got that too, its a texture LOD error

Do you think I'll be able to max everything at 1080p and get 60fps with a 1060?

Also do you need a controller to play?

Fuck, I haven't even played the second DLC yet. Too many fucking games.

You do need a controller really. There is no mouse support and playing with a keyboard looks fucking awful.

I genuinely don't get how some of you niggers can't run this.

I have a first gen i7, a gtx 770, and 16g of ram and i'm getting a constant 60 fps with everything turned up except shadows on medium and in 1080p. No crashes, no graphical hiccups, and my pc is pretty second rate.

are you guys literally trying to run this on a fucking potato?

they dont know medium shadows is barely a difference but gives you like 10 fps

what exactly does the rendering quality option do?

i just turn shadows off, getting 60 fps on a rx 480 i5.

also what do goes with just good ol fashion sword and what stat or stats should i just dump into?

think it has something to do with heavy armor.

>can't pick a weapon class and stick with it
is there a roll your build image for nioh or something?

means it's the best shit ingame

Are most weapons viable or do I just pick up the metal that gets folded a thousand times and nothing else?

katana is the only balanced one
everything else is op as fuck

Everything except Tonfas is good.

thanks fampai

How am I meant to knock his head down again? He keeps shoving his hands into walls I can't reach and his feet aren't taking normal damage anymore.

>that fucking brightness setting

stand somewhere else so you can hit his hands

anyone else getting a lot of crashes on the side mission after you fight muneshige?

t-thanks for holding it five feet in the air away from me

I'm edging to buy this game but I'm not fond of Japanese medieval era especially when the MC is an occidental. I'm playing Grim Dawn atm and I'm getting bored. I finished every soul games. How would I like it?

Every weapon is more than strong enough, let alone viable.

Also Im total shit at character action games like DMC of Ninja Gaiden.

as someone who likes diablo esque itemization and dark souls combat (but with more depth) I'm loving it. you don't need to be a weeaboo to enjoy it

You will find it very difficult then.

I figured it out, turn on living weapon, get punched in the face and then kill his hand. Problem solved.

I'm trash at those but I'm enjoying this.

I thought the combat felt morw Soulish than Ninja Gaiden- ish. How does the game play?

Tonfas are so fucking satisfying to use

Will try then. Thanks.


probably the stat which gives it the most damage as indicated by the parameters in the stats of the weapon (heart)

heads up for anyone getting crashes when you kill certain enemies: try disabling dynamic reflections, fixed it for me

I want Fuku to assault me sexually!

It's somewhere in between. You have to manage Ki (stamina) to attack, defend and evade, but you have far more options, each weapon class has three stances you can freely swap between all with unique movesets, properties and learnable skills, and the Ki Pulse mechanic (an active reload for Ki/recovery cancel) means that the more skillful you play the much more you're able to do and more offensive you can be. This is compounded by how enemies work on their own very similar Ki mechanics and you can see what their bar is at.

Who /faithful student/ here?

Dirty barefoot slut losing to superior spirit waifu

It's a fun set but eventually I gave in to the red demon revenant drops because that ki regen is too damn juicy + I had 2 fire weps

I did the england intro then chose me weapons then did tutorial and first mission
killed the first boss in the ship in like 5-6 six tried
first time playing a souls games having a blast
mostly like this from the atmosphere though
any tips going further down the road? I chose big sword as main and I like axe cause it does most damage but Ill try to use something else and see if I like it.

Not the same user but the game is extremely gray in certain areas. TN panels are shit so the detail is all gone and I can't even see bottemless pits sometimes

So what's the hardest boss in the game? Pls no iza

No one seems to know for sure but I'm almost certain that high = 100% resolution, medium = 75% and low = 50%

That was my set for a while but I've gone up to medium armor ever since I got a good set of Kingo armor. I can't wear the whole thing though since it takes me into slow movement.

i dont know about the dlcs, but nobunaga+yukionna in the base game

Spear master race.

>you can see her frigid cooter