How did we go from this
The state of modern RPGs
To this?
because video game companies are still companies. make it easier, fun and more chance for profit. words words words are fine for some people but sometimes you just wanna get it done and move on.
They just got buckley'ed up over time, cut the shit, get to the meat
It's easier to make, so retards can make games.
It's easier to play, so retards can play games.
Text is way easier to make than a fucking animated glowing trail that dynamically leads you across the environment to your destination.
Easier to play? Yes
Easier to make? Hecker no
You only need to make the glowing trail once and use the code on every quest, writing down detailed information for every single quest is a much longer and more expensive job.
Not really difficult. Just some particle effects and a fairly simple algorithm.
The meat was what has been cut off. What remains is the skeleton.
Modern, industrial-design-based renditions are to the gaming process what behavioral psychology is to poetry.
And some people like Buckley's walls of text, whats your point?
Does Witcher 3 has towers?
Since, as I heard, it is possible to turn off notifications and map markers, perhaps it could be possible to watch out for interesting places from atop a tower like in BotW?
Just come up with six different activities and copy and paste them across the generic ass map. You "open world rpg" now.
Honestly though, the streamlined gameplay, I can let slide. Every RPG doesn't need combat or systems that require a fucking manual to decipher (though apparently even basic stat systems are too complex to today's retards).
But I do expect there to be a bunch of different ways to play the game in return. If you're watering down gameplay mechanics you need to subsidize that shit with roleplaying depth. I guess companies forgot what the fuck roleplaying means these days.
Because 100 people enjoy the first method
Everybody else enjoys the second.
But it sells and that's all that matters nowadays. I can name only 2 (two) developers who still give a shit about games they make. Piranha Bytes and Nintendo.
Bumping my question
fuck me bros is gaming dead???
>its okay when witcher does it
>Complains about modern RPGs being casual
>when Gothic was casualized shit back in its day
Face it, video game rpgs are literally for people too casual to get into table top rpgs.
What's yours actually?
What are you talking about? Tabletop RPGs are quite possibly the most casual thing ever. Its literally just bantz with friends over beer while chucking dice
They always were, but back in the day they weren't casualised to a such an extreme degree. They used to be a middle ground between a tabletop RPG and a comic book, now they are coming closer and closer to a comic book
Assassin's Creed 1 happened in 2007 and plunged gaming into the dark age that it still suffers from today.
I play tabletop once every month or so, can confirm.
These UIs give aspergers.
Tabletop RPGs aren't really that hard unless you're part of a session that's all about the metagame and not about the RP.
literally this