Reminder that the Horde are just playable bad guys and you literally CANNOT prove me wrong
Reminder that the Horde are just playable bad guys and you literally CANNOT prove me wrong
>4 of the people in the picture view peace as a more viable solution to problems over violence
>1 has been violently tortured for years and was tricked by old god goo into thinking she's going to super hell
Gallywix is an asshole I'll give you that.
Orcs can honestly fuck off too though. Azeroth isn't even their native planet.
Wouldn't that mean that Humans, Gnomes, Dwarves, Draenei, and maybe Goblins also leave?
Humans Gnomes Dwarves and Goblins are native to Azeroth my dude
that's why people like them
>Old Gallydicks model
From my point of view, titans were the invaders.
>muh horde
Azeroth is a Titan, you mong. All races need to leave, titans are not for living on.
I tried playing alliance but seeing a bunch of gay elves stand around their faggy capital was too much
I don't know why some people consider that bad thing. There's nothing wrong with playing as the bad guy in a video game.
>two elf horde leaders
>The Horde will have 2 different kinds of elf races in the next expansion
Horde is basically a knock off Alliance at this point
>muh morals
Its different for everyone eedioot
Your centrist view upon this ordeal has opened my eyes.
How is Horde any different?
>Human slut that will gladly defect the first time she feels an Orc inside her
reminder that blood elf players make up 50% of the horde now
Taurens are the best race ever. They don't afraid of fighting the humans and they like to make potions out of peacebloom. A Tauren will be a friend of people that are good and not rude but if they are mean to a Tauren a Tauren won't afraid of fighting back! I wish Caine Bloodboof was was the real chieftain still so he could run the horse like a well oiled tribe.
The Horde is arguably the bad guy, and there is nothing wrong with it.
The problem is when the delusion hits and retards go around with MUH GREY MORALS such as who probably plays an undead rogue, ganks lowbies and still thinks he's the good guy.
Speaking if which, what the fuck will happen once Azeroth hatches?
Is everything going to be destroyed in one last cataclysm before everything and everyone vanishes in space vacuum?
Or will the titan absorb all life form to fuel himself or something?
Human Jesus and orc Jesus will save everyone with a deus ex machina
nah, it's supposed to be some retard titan dwelling inside of it as the world's custodian/Gaia bullshit. By this point it's already infected by the Old Gods and shit's gonna hit somewhere around mid-to-late BfA
I have no idea what the WoW lore is now, but back in Vanilla the horde weren't the bad guys. The whole horde is evil meme is just Alliance war propaganda.
The Tauren are cool though. They don't have a problem with anyone aside from the Centaurs. They're only in the Horde because they owe the Orcs for saving them from the Centaurs.
Just surrender, I've got the high ground
>Green niggers coming from another world to rape and plunder
>they get defeated
>suddenly no longer the bad guys
>still rape and plunder
>OC by some cuck who inserts his nig fetish into WoW
Feral fel orcs aren't the same as horde orcs. It's like saying all humans are evil because of that one deadmines crew.
>Vanilla - LK
>Make them rational foils
>Brainlets can't understand
>Regress to War2 good vs bad
>Blizzcon now needs its own country to accomodate all the blizzcuck cattle for 2018
Smart business decisions
*Huh's you to death and steals your copper*
>Grom, Orgrim, Drek'thar, the rest of the gang
>not the same
They're just not on roids like back then, and most of em are dead or senile, but it's still the horde. They've never been a peaceful race. The very fact that they're a militocracy speaks for itself.
>pretty much every vanilla horde race was historically evil or assholes in previous games
>almost every horde race added in expansions are historically assholes
seems to me, like they are supposed to be the bad guys whether or not the current plot actually has them doing any bad guy stuff or antagonising doesn't change that
He lost
The Defias weren't inherently evil. They were rightfully pissed off after being played like a fiddle by Onyxia. Their whole leitmotiv was to bring down the nobles of Stormwind, not the kingdom or its people.
>blood elves
>bad guys
orcs and forsaken sure, goblins maybe. the others are just along for the ride.
Herself*. Magni refers to her as a she repeatedly, and the Pillars of Creation strongly imply that Azeroth's world soul is what the Night Elves call Elune.
Just the undead and goblins. The others are fine.
actually chill guys
>blood elves
Minor offenders, and at least are natives to Azeroth.
>Horde leaders are a pale Bloodelf and her pale human lacky
>orgrimmar is going to be full of Blelf, Nightborne and maybe some UD
Horde died the second Blizzard pulled the stunt and added Forsaken to them. Absolutely destroyed the Horde feeling, you retarded fucking nuHorde fanboy.
>by Onyxia
Really? All by herself?
It's not like they built the city for her to live in.
Did Stormwind pay denbts after she was dealt with?
Alliance just can't admit their fuck ups can they?
I still prefer my "Elune is actually the as of yet unnamed Old God" theory.
>Azeroth's world soul is what the Night Elves call Elune.
>being this much of a lorelet
Elune is represented as the (biggest) moon and pretty much recognized as one of the Wild Gods. Nothing to do with the titan Azeroth.
on this topic still, whats the best class for a tauren lore-wise? like druids? shamans? they're kinda portrayed as shamans I think?
>buy drug addicts's loyalty with more drugs
>blackmail cattle because muh blood pact
>actual cannibals lmao
didn't the belves kick their habit at the end of tbc?
I want to play as the bad guys, not of this limpwristed shades of gray shit
No, they just got the Sunwell back, which is a consequences-free drug.
Isn't elune the moon? I guess the earth mother from Taurens always made the most sense if azeroth is really a female titan
Yes when velen purified the sunwell it purified their crack addiction. The only BE still addicted to fel crack are demon hunters.
which one lets me get fucked by draenei's
>Really? All by herself?
Mostly yes, with help of Nefarian. She's the one that set the house of nobles against paying for the rebuilding and canonically used dragon magic bullshit to pull it off. Also set the stage for the riots and kicking them off SW.
>It's not like they built the city for her to live in.
>Did Stormwind pay denbts after she was dealt with?
No, cause the Defias were already ganged up as a mafia. She was canonically killed just before the events of WotLK, so many years passed.
It's incredibly unlikely. Chronicle retcons the unnamed Old God's existence, and Elune's tangible responses to the Night Elves demonstrate her to be a benevolent entity, rather than a chaotic meddler.
>says Elune has nothing to do with the titan Azeroth
>has the nerve to call me a lorelet
Pillars of Creation. I would have completely agreed with you had the Tears of Elune not demonstrated clearly that the world soul is intrinsically connected to Elune.
Elune is considered to be the moon in both Night Elf and Tauren mythology, but after the retcons in chronicle about how Titans and magic work, and the inclusion of the Pillars of Creation to Legion's plotline, it's heavily implied that Elune is either the world soul itself, or a manifestation of it.
see What Velen actually did was dispell the corrupted sunwell of demonic shenanigans. Remember they used it as a fucking portal for KJ.
Belves as a society and race are magic-dependant.
I like how Taurens look like they would be better off in the Alliance but nope, they're with the Horde. Their design made me think so.
Why doesn't blizzard just seap the eye particle effect on blood elves from green to blue rename them high elves and make more money than god?
Don't do this Sargeras !
This. Tauren are literally the only race that has the least amount of blood on their hands, if any at all.
>That quest in Stormheim about the goblins that kill the Highmountain Tauren
Why does Blizzard hate them so much?
This game already has too many fucking elves NO more.
>whats the best class for a tauren lore-wise?
personally i'd say shaman, warrior, or hunter. basically anything that evokes traditional societal roles from a tribal human society. can't go wrong with those 3.
druid is also a decent choice, but druids always felt more specific to night elves to me, since canonically tauren learned druidism from them way back when.
For the same reason they don't put brown skin on orcs and give us mag'har, they're fucking lazy.
Priest and Paladin
>and was tricked by old god goo into thinking she's going to super hell
I thought that was legit? Is there any evidence she was manipulated?
Reminder that female trolls are literally property among Troll tribes (including Darkspear) and are brought or traded just like any other good.
>>says Elune has nothing to do with the titan Azeroth
They're two different entities, you dense bloke. The Pillars are just titan-tier powerful artifacts. The Wild Gods are at the same level of the Titans, Old Gods, etc.
Thats the cool part.
>Joining the Alliance
In your dreams.
Tauren were the first Druids.
Seriously thought the cows are with the humans cause idk which game made me thought of that but it does. But nope, let's go against the design philosophy! I like it.
>The Wild Gods are at the same level of the Titans, Old Gods, etc.
Maybe not game, but Disney? Lol. Maybe you had Goofy and his kinds in your head when that thought came.
That's cause they're total bros and still loyal to the orcs for helping them with the centaurs.
>The Wild Gods are at the same level of the Titans, Old Gods, etc.
if the alliance got high elves the horde population would plummet. the only reason people even pick blood elves is because they're the archetypal elf race, not because they're horde. if they could pick the same thing but be on the "good guys" side only a small percentage would still play blood elves.
They point is that Stormwind greatly benefited from that plot since the kingdom was broke, and it's incredibly convenient to dump it all on Onyxia and forget they ever owed anyone anything, and that the defias were completely right in rebelling against a government controlled by an evil dragon.
people here have been saying that saronite makes people hallucinate and go insane and whatever, so it happened to sylvanas. thats it. baseless speculation on Sup Forums posts that people are parroting as facts
>Tauren were the first Druids
*debunks your mythology* Heh, nothin' personnel kid.
They just got void elves which will be just as popular.
People are complaining now, but they WILL play them.
And it's even worse than high elves because canonically void elves are just a dozen fuckers that left Silvermoon with Alleria.
If players can still go to Argus just fine even after Sargeras ripped out its squealing world soul to use as a cocksleeve then everyone on Azeroth should be fine honestly.
Night Elves are literally the most entitled cunts in WoW tbqhfampai
The question is whether surface life would survive the process.
Are you retarded? They talk all about cenarius in that book.
How? They are rather humble and chose seclusion and abandonment of harmful practices, unlike their cousins. Even arcane magic was outlawed until now, not even talking about consorting with demons.
cause mag'har are from outland. It has as much sense as adding High Elves, broken or lost ones to the alliance. They're too many, too scattered, and too much minding their own businesses to give a flying fuck about horde or alliance
So where did trolls come from? I remember something implying the beast races like furbolgs, tauren etc. are the children of the ancients, but trolls just seemed to appear out of nowhere
This is canon, kids.
There's still moths, talbuk-like things, and other retarded wildlife on Argus that probably aren't there because of Eredar conservation efforts post-Sargeras world fisting.
So yeah there will be surface life. How much? Probably a lot less, but it'll still be there.
Everything thats wrong with the world is a result of shit night elves im glad the sylvanis is going to make them practicality extinct in BFA.
>Are you retarded?
Are you? It's canonical that Cenarius taught the Night Elves druidism first, and the Tauren's interpretation of events are wrong.
>>They are rather humble
Is this a joke? Also this
Woah, so my level 40 Undead alt is as powerful as an Old God, cool.
So your saying spirit healers are just as powerful as sargeras and the old gods?
That's the fault of the Kaldorei and not the Night Elves. They're pretty much different species at this point. Leave your epic shitposting out.
You still haven't said how or why. Do you know what "entitled" means?
Because WoW has to cater to the Horde as much as possible. So everything good about them is retconned, they're insulted in the lore and it's somehow important to make sure both their God and the foundation of their culture is debunked.
Just look at the stupid retcon "If the Horde hadn't invaded Azeroth and destroyed huge chunks of the human population it would have been a bad thing! They were doing you a favor!"
Or how it has still never, after all these years, been addressed how despite constantly talking about peace Thrall did nothing but turn a blind eye to all the bullshit wars and fighting being done in his name.
Just play a fucking blood elf jesus. Highelffags are such fucking fags.
I will never not be mad about how shitty the Goblin starting zone story is. It makes no fucking sense, and I am still curious how Blizzard signed off on something so dumb.