Ok, EA...........
Ok, EA
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At least he isn't black
Here comes the Sup Forums OP, there is literally nothing wrong with being gay in 2017
>le nothing wrong with being gay or amerimutt
What am I looking at
Fucking faggot, get over there and tongue aliens asshole
Only a faggot would say this
Can I get a quick rundown?
What's the alien thinking? Is he aroused or angry?
That Duros doesn't look right to me.
Same, I don't keep up with flavor of the month EA dlc generators
What's wrong with you? Paranoid schizophrenia?
Hold the fucking phone. Did the brown girl join the rebels?
Did EA just ruin the only interesting thing from the campaign?
I don't get this meme. Considering that Europe and Canada will have less white people, at a much faster rate, than America at this point thanks to the migrant crisis. Is this just pathetic self projection?
>there's nothing wrong with being a pedo.
Its a sexual deviance cause by some anomaly in the brain that causes you to have abnormal attraction. Stop pretending this is OK you fucking faggot, being gay is not OK, its a mental illness as much as being attracted to children.
Star Wars likes characters getting bleached, even in the new canon. This is nothing new
The most important part of this scene is that it confirms what the Force really is. Turns out that it was AIDs all along.
but it doesnt.
the meme us because muricans keep clinging on "muhh european genetics", "I'm 1/7th irish", "muh germanic roots", while completely ignoring the shitskin part
Forums are posts come and go, of course shit gets deleted, it doesn't prove anything, soyboy.
Medical statistics show gay men are 70% more likely to get aids for a reason.
>destroy imperial destroyers
>they crashed into the dune
>the end cinematic begin
>rebels cheering
>there is a scene showing white men kissing
Reminder that they misled us all to think the story was about the Empire. Just watch the reveal trailer and compare it to what we got.
there is no truly objective measure of what is an 'anomaly in the brain'. Defining medical mental illness as such makes sense as the condition tends to be harmful to the individual or those around them. This isn't the case for homosexuality, whereas in the case of pedophilia the child tends to have some developmental issues as a result of significant interaction with a pedophile
Yeah, dumb people. Real Americans know that Europe is a shit hole and that's why our founding fathers and ancestors got the fuck out of there. I hate retards in my country that still cling to some traitorous sense of "muh yuurpoor jeans". Fucking loyalist shit heads.
90% of Sup Forums and Sup Forums are quite literally brown skinned brown eyed brown haired pond scum and they're pushing this meme because they desperately want to be white
I hope some fag get this guy pozzed.
Where my Empire bros at?
>comparing gays to lepers
well, he got that one right
>what is web archive
>the meme us because muricans keep clinging on "muhh european genetics", "I'm 1/7th irish", "muh germanic roots", while completely ignoring the shitskin part
I see no one clinging to such things
Classic liberal not able to handle facts and needing to spin a narrative
Meanwhile declares post-truth (which asks for facts) and blames Republicans while the leftist media lies openly and omits stories and facts they don't like - making the leftard believe he is informed
> figuratively the first mission after the Early Access bullshit is playing Luke Skywalker to make the Inferno guy light side
> mission after that they defect completely
> making two missions that are retconing the battle from a shitty comic book to be bigger than one page
> Han Solo wasting his time in the castle of negress Yoda from TFA
It's exactly the opposite I expected and wanted from this game. I really hoped for a couple of months that this would be the modern analogue to SW: TIE Fighter, how retarded of me.
There are literally millions of americans whose ancestors didn't make the mistake of breeding with mudskins, just because your great grandpa was a nigger lover don't try to pretend ours didn't come directly from germany ;)
Race mixing isn't anything new in Star Wars
Anakin got with a Jew
Isn't Iden in that flightsuit?
except faggots want to adopt children as raise them with the moral idea that being gay is acceptable and normal. And soon, the birthrates are in decline.
Not only that, its also depraved and disgusting.
Moreover, STDs are mostly contracted through gayness. Do you want to live in a society where 50% carries HIV, do you want to increase your chances of contracting an STD increased? It does cause damage to those around them eventually.
Right the fuck here. Where do I sign up to partake in the galactic imperial purge of filth & degeneracy?
>"Uhh using incredibly expensive HIV medicine every day for the rest of your life isn't really a big deal, nothing wrong with spreading the disease at all! Heck, Aids isn't that much worse than gonorrhea!"
- every single fag trying to downplay how even in 2017 aids is spreading at an astronomical rate in gay communities
>"Why can't gay men give blood? This seems really homophobic to me!"
muh STD
>Hey I'm healthy because I take a pill and injections every morning
Best Char in the game
this is you
... and?
>you're the Empire
Good, I get clean uniforms and all the cool not gay as fuck ships.
Name a single cool Rebel ship.
>while completely ignoring the shitskin part
not everyone has nigger dna in them like yourself
Fuck off with this meme, mixed children are proven to be genetically superior and more attractive than "pure" children
I feel sorry for your "purebreed aryans" and your skin cancer
>Sup Forums is triggered by a sentence nobody else would deny
Not surprising.
>not gay as fuck
Oh sweetie.....
You can pay $5 to have the gay removed
>tfw Chad always wins
>nobody else would deny
Sweden and California aren't the whole world
>mixed children are proven to be genetically superior and more attractive than "pure" children
Why is people saying there's men kissing when it's clearly that protagonist girl and another guy?
I start my turn by playing Pot of Heritage!
Isn't it that Swedecuck developer? Why does this surprise you?
>>"Why can't gay men give blood? This seems really homophobic to me!"
as if blood wasn't tested before transfusion you fucking retard lmao
starwars was a mistake
well said fellow ameribro!
we gotta keep mating with the minorities
it's for our own good
US is already 56%
Most of Europe is 90%+ and the 1 million refugess aren't gonna have 200 million negro kids overnght.
>mixed children are proven to be genetically superior and more attractive
Attractive according to who? Some bugman with apple pins on his faggy messenger bag?
>implying Sup Forumsluters actually play video games to know it's a heterosexual couple
Conservicucks are delusional like usual.
>Arabs and Jihads are taking over Europe
>Instead of fighting back whites just blame the blacks in Somalia and Detroit
This makes me sick.
>Arabs and Jihads are taking over Europe
>Instead of fighting back whites just blame the blacks in Somalia and Detroit
Barrack Obama is the most attractive president of all times, even my girlfriend agrees
Not him but it's true. like dogs cross breeding creates healthier, smarter offspring even if they look less appealing sometimes
I heard that Disney is making three other films after the 9th.
I guess it's good news for EA, they'd milk the game for the next ten years.
Boomers are the most disgusting vidya characters
yes, it's called bugchasing.
Just use that term instead of posting a giant wot that noone will read.
God you're retarded.
Hybrid vigor is exclusively for inbred populations
>hurr all whites are inbred
I didn't realize that Germans and Scots shared identical genes
Do people really believe HIV is magically not a thing anymore?
Even gay stuff is cute and pure in Japan.
We're on to you soygoy.
>HE can't do it alone
isn't it canon that most of the imperials assumed Vader was literally a droid around the time of ANH? the fact that imperial officers laughed in his face and insulted the jedi religion hints at this in an overhanded way
whiter than you, mohammad
>Because all fags want aids or are pedos
Sup Forumsddit everyone
>I find it disgusting so it's wrong
Appeal to emotion is not an argument.
She's even hero on the villain side. I’m tired of cliche nonsense
Polpolpolpolpolpolpolpolpolpolpol always crying
I find your lack of faith disturbing.
I miss when anons would laugh at info wars and not actually believe it
Doesn't Sup Forums say all blacks no matter their origin share the same genes
If most of humanity finds something disgusting then it is wrong
>We'll never get another game where we get to play a member of the Empire who doesn't become a turncoat
>you mean (((chad))) cuz dat big nose