Post your physical Switch collection user.
I regret buying Bomberman R, Fifa 18 and Pokken.
Post your physical Switch collection user.
I regret buying Bomberman R, Fifa 18 and Pokken.
Other urls found in this thread:
>there are people drone enough to buy every single release for a new console
>cart is tiny
>games dont have manuals anymore
>still in a huge fuckin case
Kinda regret buying ARMS
>most of these are in the green
And i'm not poor. I can waste money and there's nothing you can do.
Those cases are tiny compared to even PS4 game cases son.
Some games from Nicalis come with nice Manuals and extra's. Based Nicalis.
imagine if sony did this with blu rays
you could probably use the game case as a door
Arms is great
Pic related my collection
It gets boring really quickly and it's not even that fun to play locally once the gimmick wears off
The game cases need to be distinct from the 3DS cases, big enough to stand out in stores and also to not be easily pocketable. If you want smaller cases, buy a 3rd party box with individual rooms.
I enjoy it occasionally
Those yellow joycons are sexy though
the ps4 cases are literally the same cases that they use for blu ray movies yet no one gets confused with that
>Bomberman is the only game with a different font
Konami just has to ruin everything don't they?
Why so many cheap titles? To build collection?
You sure stacked a lot of shit on your shelf
>Sonic Forces
Not even opened it yet. I'll beat it tho.
Flip some of your covers around you monster.
>The splatoon salmon run cover
I love it.
So only 6 games on there, rest are ports/multiplats/remakes.
I have a physical copy of BotW, Mario Odyssey, and Splatoon 2.
Splatoon is kinda lame. Switch has no gaems.
It's so they stand out on the store shelf.
How is this possible? I thought Sup Forums said that the Switch had no games!
It looks nice on a shelf
Why is Sup Forums the only place that hates the Switch? As retarded as this sounds, it feels like retards on Sup Forums buy the Switch knowing they won't like it, and then shit on it just for the sake of console war shitposting.
>The title on those switch games that are centered
I fucking wish NA had this.
Opinion discarded. Why do Europeans always have terrible vidya opinions?
It's almost as if everyone on Sup Forums just talks about games instead of playing them
Pretty much. For the past four years or so Sup Forums has pushed an anti-Nintendo agenda.
Also believe it or not people here have in fact bought systems solely to shitpost.
>Four years
>"drone" started to be used for shitposting in 2012
Sounds about right. I remember around that time, ACfag straight up admitted he likes to fuck with people for the lulz.
Regret buying Splatoon 2. Is Fire Emblem Warriors any good? I dont know much about the characters but i thought Hyrule Warriors was pretty ok.
>he doesn't go all digital
Sup Forums is not a hivemind.
you don't regret that star fox zero purchase though?
Yes it is.
The most kino Switch trifecta right now, let me tell you.
>regrets splatoon 2
>got star fox and binding of isaac
here's mine
>And i'm not poor.
That's an interesting way of saying "I live with parents and don't pay rent."
Guess i dont have the same tastes as you.
>cave story
>sine mora
>binding of isaac
>games that have been in $1 bundles or just fucking free
Fools and their money.
Post your games, faget.
hey user you and I have the exact same collection
I have BotW and Odyssey. The only games worth buying on the system. I'm not going to buy last gen rehashes like an idiot.
Kinda regret Puyo Puyo Tetris since I'm barely touching it, but at least I have all the games worth owning. Also waiting for Xenoblade 2 hoping it won't be garbage
>Maio Odyssey
>Sonic Mania
>Golf Story
>Cave Story +
No pic bc all digital purchases.
Only Spla2n so far since Mario was digital with my switch.
Tempted to get Pokken, but I'm absolute ass at fighters.
>caring about people who you will never meet and how they spend thier money
Go back
Post pictures of your games.
Opinion discarded.
Aren't most neets rather poor or did I miss some memes lately?
Only have Odyssey right now. Will probably get Splatoon and BOTW. I really want an Animal Crossing game.
Shit I noticed only now Mario Odyssey is not ordered correctly
Fuck off
You can have a job and live with your parents, doofus.
Kill yourself, Euroshit.
Enjoy the transnigger revolution, Americuck
>Xenoblade 2 on pre-order
>still no Switch
>Shit I noticed only now Mario Odyssey is not ordered correctly
the only correct order is purchase order
>He thinks trans don't exist in Europe
It really depends. You hear some accounts of NEETs hoarding welfare/disability pensions and actually refusing to even pay basic board or utilities (Incredible, I know), and since they're pretty much always single and friendless, it means every paycheque is disposable income for games and toys.
>buying inferior ports on you fisher price tablet toy
Kill yourself drone
>Regret Pokken
Why is the online dead in your region? Or is it that you have to git gud? What was your main? Scizor here.
>Cave Story+
>Mario Kart 8
>Splatoon 2
I also have Puyo Puyo Tetris on digital
What's the point in buying games if you don't own them?
>Why? Is online dead in your region?
Fuck I can't type for my life today.
You are me from yesterday.
I got a Switch today and it feels so good. Can't wait for December.
>Being a console war faggot
Enjoy your ban.
I will still never understand switch owners.
but don't they exist in your SD card?
I liked it but I fell off of it quicker than I thought I would
Mustard pls go and stay go.
They don't in Italy, they either off themselves before they spread or stay away from normal people, spending their life as prostitutes
I was this but with Odyssey. Ended up buying one before launch.
Isn't this your finest projection.
Vocal minorities.
Yeah cause 32gb system memory real good reason to go digital.
>Hurr Durr SD cards
No shit. Not enough games for me to justify a card yet (and I buy physical when I can) so I'm waiting for storage to get cheaper and larger in the mean time.
Nintendo is the only company I refuse to support anymore. They can't even back up their shitty business practices with quality hardware or software. Also fuck the drones that support and defend them as well.
Enjoy your ban.
>playing doom at 20 fps at 480p on sub ultra low settings
Nintendo gamers are so cucked they'll literally buy anything with a logo on if it brings them back to a time they still had friends.
Nintendo can be incompetent at times but it's not like they're evil like other game companies. I don't really see what the problem is.
Epic upvoted friendo
I wouldn't even call Nintendo incompetent considering they're looking at sustainability and legitimate gameplay over anything else.
those alternate covers great
I got 20 games installed using only 10gb atm
fifa and pokken were stupid buys, dumbass
you don't have friends to enjoy bomberman, huh?
i can tell, because i always had friends to play bomberman, even back in the TG-16 days.
He also has no excuse for mulitiplayer considering Super R has an online mode.
Super Bomberman R was full price dumbass. If I paid the same amount as I did on BOTW on a game like that I'd be pissed too. Probably was a launch-window buyer and needed something to go with Zelda.
Hey guys can I have a list of physical games? I plan on buying alot of games for my Switch.
Same, except I got Odyssey instead. Unlike I don't have my Switch yet.
+ Sonic Mania and Picross S digitally
I imagine this is going to at least double in size by Christmas. Some of the Black Friday deals I've seen are really good.
>Not waiting for Amazon price drops or Black Friday deals
You have only yourself to blame, you stupid white boy.
When did GAF start shilling for Nintendo?
Regret splatoon 2
I think you posted on the wrong site.
I regret biting the bundle with Zelda and1-2-shit in it. Zelda is fine, but 1-2-switch is.. I also bought KoF 98' which is fantastic, but fighting games are just not for me because I suck but dont want to put the effort. Puyo puyo is okay, but the indie (????) I enjoyed the most with absolutely no regrets is VOEZ. The no buttons, only touchscreen seemed to be a shit experience at first, but holy hell. It's worth it (for me). They also just added more songs recently. I think it is the third update with more added songs. Super Mario Odyssey, I'm not into it that much.
"Drone" is a console war shitposting term.
>Flaming/flagrant "fanboyism"/etc. will not be tolerated.
>Threads should not devolve into flamewars. Instigating or encouraging such activity will not be tolerated.
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