Japanese versus Western games

Let's break down the pros and cons shall we?

Western Games
>loot boxes
>ugly women

Japanese Games
>No Microtransactions
>No lootboxes
>Sexy women
>Focus on gameplay

Why the FUCK are you still buying western games?!

Japanese games can be cinematic as well

so you like making the same shit over and over

Seriously a lot of self hatred or outright weebs on this board. Wouldn't be surprised if a lot of you are cucks.


Wow......this is the.....power...of....the...japanese

Why is the west so fucking bad at making brown women when they're the ones who're supposed to be experts at it since there's no brown women in Japan.


>implying that any developer is safe from the parasitic scourge that is publishers forcing predatory and exploitative price gouging on the consumer

Whether they be EA or Namco, every publisher deserves to be sent to the guillotine. Only then can video games be good.

Japan designs white women and colors them brown to appeal to your fetishes.

>listing microtransactions and lootboxes as separate things

Still, you're correct

Are you telling me you don't find BG&E's girl cute as hell?

>No Microtransactions
>No lootboxes

You retarded subhuman know NOTHING about Japanese games apparently because the Japanese fucking INVENTED lootboxes.

graphics don't matter when the games run like shit half the time on anything less than a 1000$+ computer

Have you ever seen what Video games looked like in Commie countries?

Western brown women look realistic

>focus on gameplay
Is this a joke? 99% of non Nintendo games are copy pasted generic gameplay which people only play for waifus

>he used battlefront as an example

Stop spamming these threads you fucking retard!

She's certainly less disgusting than the other western pig-women. I wouldn't call her cute though.



>not posting the superior version

>implying that Tetris is not the most powerful video game known to mankind

Who you callin' ugly, desu?

Japanese games are less relevant than ever and will probably be extinct in the near future. The entire AAA western scene could decline by 50% across every game and they'd still be more relevant.


>he actually believes this

When will this fucking shill stop butting into other people's threads?


Yet Odyssey is front page news...


She's not bad, but then again I'm a fuck that likes afro blaxploitation movie girls. Shame stuff like Uncharted and Wolfenstein go all out in the sjw train and go from sassy sister with a heart of gold to straight up angry bitch.

Most money Japanese devs make from games comes from mobile/micro transactions you stupid retard.

Nintendo is an outlier and doesn't even represent the entire industry of waifu garbage that Japan has turned into.

Wow Nintendo, the only relevant Japanese developers

>It's another "weeaboo strawmans to high hell to defend his precious anime games" thread

It's not self hatred to not blindly follow people in your own part of the world

Bottom right for western is the hottest of them all.


>using mobile games as examples
I don't play mobile games, so I don't fucking care.

>Statement applies to 99.9% of western games

You do realize the term gacha is short for gachapon, a Japanese thing

Is this the thread where we complain about blacks and claim all anime women as white?

No one plays Japanese games in general. That was my whole fucking point, retard.

Japanese games are cinematic
Shadow of the colossus
Last guardian

Let's see
Japanese games also basically popularized microtransactions with their mobile gacha games. And if appealing female characters makes a game good for you, you've got really low standards. They all look and act the same. Not to say that western characters are any different.

Japan pretty much invited the lootbox shit with their Gacha games

Final Fantasy. Nier. Dark Souls, Pokemon, etc.

>2.33 MB
what are you doing

only with communism we can get more games like mass effect andromeda

See the thing here is that three of those western games have an excuse to be lazily stereotypical, if only because those games are set in a specific era. As for the purchase of westerns games, its Mah money, I wants to play that shitty game, I will writhe on that shiftiness'

You'd have a point if there wasn't mods to make the Scot white


>No one plays Japanese games
this is the dark souls of posts!

You need to look at Sqaure's financials. Most of the money they made didn't come from FF or Nier. Souls has been irrelevant for years now and Pokemon is Nintendo. Nintendo are the only ones who know how to stay relevant across the world.

I don't find white women cute user

>All these westacucks in this thread
Sup Forums is really going downhill.

>Japanese games


The rare dudebro who only plays western games = Meat eaters
Western weebs = VERY opinionated vegans
Westerners who play the normal Jap games and western games without caring where they come from = Manly, normal omnivores

A food analogy

I'm pretty sure it was Japanese devs who went so far with lootboxes it forced government to regulate it with law.

>the only game they produced flees to the West
Not even vidya is safe from the Reds.

Jap games have expensive ass DLC nonetheless

fapbait is to be shunned

These cancerous bait threads are what's ruining Sup Forums.

>Gacha games don't exist
I fucking wish.


Fuck off.

Compared to the F2P shit the west produces and MOBA shit, he's right.

>ITT Jap deniers trying too hard
At least you cucks got wolfenstien 2 to play while you lose to the east.

If Jap games have superior game play why do you fags only talk about fap material and not the game? "Uuu~ they showed some stripped panties 10/10 senapi"

>being this new
WJK provided original content multiple times a week, it was a joke ban you enormous newfag. What next, are you going to call 3 Angled Blue a redditor?

Lose in what way, because it's definitely not financially.

That game was made by a western studio, not a Japanese one. Funnily enough it was the worst received in the entire series.

>implying women don't need men because they're basically retarded children


>Mobile = Console
I think you may need to pass kindergarten before you post here friend.

Demoman came in a age where SJW hadn't won yet so pretty much most of black characters in vidya were characters who happened to be black rather than being black first and only

>meat eaters
well that explains the cum on their chins

>competent developer

You realise valve is the sole reason we have the micro transaction and lootbox issue in western gaming today right? They haven't made a game in years because they're too busy fucking their users in the ass.

Actually it was made to appeal to western audiences those Japanese were proud of it

How can westacucks even defend themselves when EA, Warner Bros, 2k, Activision, Bethesda and every other western company and game is make shit games that actively fuck them up the rear?

>Nintendo are the only ones who have the Grandfather Clause to keep them from being held back by the journalistic and corporate embargo that was placed during the 6th generation that pit a stop to the golden age when the same Jap games were marketed and did sell worldwide

You say that but socialism made witcher 3


Because those guys actually play games instead of just finding fap material

You just answered your own question. The Japanese have never met a black woman, that's why they have no idea how ugly and annoying they are.

I couldn't really tell if all the games on the left were different titles or just one game.

This is what someone who gets most of their understanding of politics and the current socioeconomic climate from the internet and TV sounds like.

Konami, Sqaure, Capcom, Namco, Sony, and Nintendo do the same.

>Adding in characters that aren't white means you are trying to solely add diversity
>It can't be because you made the character not white because you made them not white

>he actually believes this
Keep sucking that western corporate dick

>Tfw this is why they make the white people in anime idiots and savages


>a-anime is cancer meme
That and most SJWs hate japan, so make of westscucks what you will. I mean, we've all seen how crap those two things go together ANDROMEDA.

Sup Forums makes me believe it. The only praise Nier got was because it shows ass and nothing else

>still replying to ACfag posts
Oh shit, nigger, what are you doing?
Report and hide the fucker and move on.

Not really. Give me five examples of them doing the same thing
The slimiest thing I see them doing recently is making FF7 a 3 episode game. As far as I'm concerned though that's damn saintly compared to that shitshow that is the west.
What the hell have they even been doing recently?

>user complains about filesize
>other user compresses it
>compresses it again
>still responding to the reposts
Why is Sup Forums so dense?

>""""competent developer""""

Can't even remember name of blueface game by ninja theory. DQ in the west when?

Are you dumb? Any time anybody here says anything about Nier positively here that isn't just posting 2B's ass a legion of retards like you call us pretentious so we just post ass now. There was actual discussion but because it became popular retard contrarians have to come in here and tell us how bad it is having never played it.